Episode 07
Episode 7 – Slide 001
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Scripture Reference : Genesis 9:21-25
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blost The Restoration of All Things And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant, which I made that when men should keep all my commandments, Zion should again come on the earth, the city of Enoch which I have caught up unto myself. Genesis 9:21-25 Joseph Smith Translation
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Scripture Reference : Genesis 9:21-25
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blost The Restoration of All Things And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may remember the everlasting covenant, which I made that when men should keep all my commandments, Zion should again come on the earth, the city of Enoch which I have caught up unto myself. Genesis 9:21-25 Joseph Smith Translation
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Episode 7 – Slide 002
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Alternative Accounts
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Alternative Accounts He called himself A Dangerous Man Thus Saith The Lord & Everlasting Covenant New! The Restoration of All Things
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Alternative Accounts
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Alternative Accounts He called himself A Dangerous Man Thus Saith The Lord & Everlasting Covenant New! The Restoration of All Things
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Episode 7 – Slide 003
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Table of Contents
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Topic |Slide No. | Loss and Restoration of the |Restored Church |4 | Loss and Restoration of Masonry |18 | Revelation as the Key to Restoration |28 | The New Jerusalem |37 | A New Translation of the Bible |50 | The Book of Moses |77 | Spalding and Masonry in the Book of Moses |96 | Rigdon and Walter Scott in the Book of Moses |103 | Spalding, Rigdon, and Pratt in the Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch |109 | Smith Empowered: Public Revelation of the Extract of Enoch |126 | Smith meets the Kirtland Saints |140 | The Restored Bible Dispatches Campbell to Hell |150 | Spreading the Gospel from East to West |164 | Zion, the City of Enoch… in Missouri! |175 | Keys to the Kingdom and Rigdon’s House |183 | Smith Empowered: Public Dictation of D&C 76 and Mob Persecution |188 | Completion and Publication of the New Translation |201 | Assembly of the Pearl of Great Price |209 | Attributions for the D&C (1835) and the Lectures on Faith |212 | Next Episode Preview |221 |
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Table of Contents
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Content :
Topic |Slide No. | Loss and Restoration of the |Restored Church |4 | Loss and Restoration of Masonry |18 | Revelation as the Key to Restoration |28 | The New Jerusalem |37 | A New Translation of the Bible |50 | The Book of Moses |77 | Spalding and Masonry in the Book of Moses |96 | Rigdon and Walter Scott in the Book of Moses |103 | Spalding, Rigdon, and Pratt in the Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch |109 | Smith Empowered: Public Revelation of the Extract of Enoch |126 | Smith meets the Kirtland Saints |140 | The Restored Bible Dispatches Campbell to Hell |150 | Spreading the Gospel from East to West |164 | Zion, the City of Enoch… in Missouri! |175 | Keys to the Kingdom and Rigdon’s House |183 | Smith Empowered: Public Dictation of D&C 76 and Mob Persecution |188 | Completion and Publication of the New Translation |201 | Assembly of the Pearl of Great Price |209 | Attributions for the D&C (1835) and the Lectures on Faith |212 | Next Episode Preview |221 |
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Episode 7 – Slide 004
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Loss and Restoration of the
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Loss and Restoration of the Restored Church
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Loss and Restoration of the
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Loss and Restoration of the Restored Church
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Episode 7 – Slide 005
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Eschatology /eskəˈtäləjē/ The part of
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Eschatology /esktlj/ The part of theology concerned with what are believed to be the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity.
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Eschatology /eskəˈtäləjē/ The part of
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Eschatology /esktlj/ The part of theology concerned with what are believed to be the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity.
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Episode 7 – Slide 006
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Joseph Smith gave a succinct
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Joseph Smith gave a succinct summary of Mormon eschatology in one of the Mormon Articles of Faith:We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory. 12th Article of Faith
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Joseph Smith gave a succinct
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Joseph Smith gave a succinct summary of Mormon eschatology in one of the Mormon Articles of Faith:We believe in the literal gathering of Israel and in the restoration of the Ten Tribes; that Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent; that Christ will reign personally upon the earth; and, that the earth will be renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory. 12th Article of Faith
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Episode 7 – Slide 007
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Many Christian denominations believe in
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Many Christian denominations believe in the literal gathering of Israel. Many also believe that Christ will reign personally upon the earth, but few believe in the restoration of the Ten Tribes and none believe that
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Many Christian denominations believe in
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Many Christian denominations believe in the literal gathering of Israel. Many also believe that Christ will reign personally upon the earth, but few believe in the restoration of the Ten Tribes and none believe that
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Episode 7 – Slide 008
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In Missouri!
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In Missouri! Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent. Tenth Article of Faith
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In Missouri!
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In Missouri! Zion (the New Jerusalem) will be built upon the American continent. Tenth Article of Faith
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Episode 7 – Slide 009
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Mormon eschatology is also unique
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Mormon eschatology is also unique in its emphasis on loss and restoration.
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Mormon eschatology is also unique
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Mormon eschatology is also unique in its emphasis on loss and restoration.
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Episode 7 – Slide 010
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Episode 7 – Slide 011
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As Parley Pratt observed: “We
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As Parley Pratt observed: We can never understand precisely what is meant by restoration, unless we understand what is lost or taken away. What lost things required a restoration of all things?
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As Parley Pratt observed: “We
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As Parley Pratt observed: We can never understand precisely what is meant by restoration, unless we understand what is lost or taken away. What lost things required a restoration of all things?
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Episode 7 – Slide 012
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“All things” included: lost scripture
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All things included: lost scripturelost gospellost language lost tribeslost utopias lost priesthoodlost faithlost life
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Parley P. Pratt, A Voice of Warning, 1837. p. 99. We can never understand precisely what is meant by restoration, unless we understand what is lost or taken away.
“All things” included: lost scripture
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All things included: lost scripturelost gospellost language lost tribeslost utopias lost priesthoodlost faithlost life
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Parley P. Pratt, A Voice of Warning, 1837. p. 99. We can never understand precisely what is meant by restoration, unless we understand what is lost or taken away.
Episode 7 – Slide 013
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It is easy to understand
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It is easy to understand why a theology that promises to restore all things would be appealing especially to the poor and dispossessed.
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It is easy to understand
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It is easy to understand why a theology that promises to restore all things would be appealing especially to the poor and dispossessed.
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Episode 7 – Slide 014
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But when a theology promises
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But when a theology promises to restore lost physical objects, such as scriptures, there are consequences. A scripture can only be restored if it once existed. If there is no evidence of its prior existence, then such evidence must be discovered, or created, to support the belief that it existed and was lost.
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But when a theology promises
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But when a theology promises to restore lost physical objects, such as scriptures, there are consequences. A scripture can only be restored if it once existed. If there is no evidence of its prior existence, then such evidence must be discovered, or created, to support the belief that it existed and was lost.
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Episode 7 – Slide 015
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We’ve seen how the Book
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Weve seen how the Book of Mormona purportedly ancient New World scripturecame to be. Mormonism also purports to restore Old World scriptures not found in Christian or Jewish scripture. Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible Book of Moses Old World Book of Mormon New World # Book of Abrah
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We’ve seen how the Book
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Weve seen how the Book of Mormona purportedly ancient New World scripturecame to be. Mormonism also purports to restore Old World scriptures not found in Christian or Jewish scripture. Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible Book of Moses Old World Book of Mormon New World # Book of Abrah
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Episode 7 – Slide 016
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These ancient scriptures purport to
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These ancient scriptures purport to document ancient gospel dispensations and forecast future dispensations
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These ancient scriptures purport to
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These ancient scriptures purport to document ancient gospel dispensations and forecast future dispensations
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Episode 7 – Slide 017
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…in both the New World
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in both the New World and the Old.
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…in both the New World
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in both the New World and the Old.
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Episode 7 – Slide 018
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Loss and Restoration of Masonry
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Loss and Restoration of Masonry
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Loss and Restoration of Masonry
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Loss and Restoration of Masonry
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Episode 7 – Slide 019
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So far, we have focused
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So far, we have focused only on New World scripture. But how did Mormonism acquire documents that purport to be ancient Old World scriptures? Who wrote them? What was their inspiration?One likely source is Freemasonry, a brotherhood of men drawn to mysticism expressed in a system of rituals and ceremonies.
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So far, we have focused
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So far, we have focused only on New World scripture. But how did Mormonism acquire documents that purport to be ancient Old World scriptures? Who wrote them? What was their inspiration?One likely source is Freemasonry, a brotherhood of men drawn to mysticism expressed in a system of rituals and ceremonies.
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Episode 7 – Slide 020
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Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay (1686–1743)
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1686, 1743, 1736
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Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay(16861743) In the early 18th century, Chevalier Ramsay, a Scottish Freemason, reported that the Masons had gained access to ancient wisdom partly biblical in origin, and connected with the Old Testament patriarchs. Masonic ritualists and philosophers used this ancient wisdom to create the rituals of Royal Arch Masonry. These rituals were built upon a foundation of earlier rituals known as Blue Lodge or Craft Masonry.
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Reference: http://www.mastermason.com/hempstead749/mpolitics.htm Peter Partner,The Murdered Magicians:From its beginnings, which only shortly antedated Ramsay's intervention in 1736, French Masonry had been patronized by the highest aristocracy; this may have owed something to the Jacobite Scottish peers who had been Grand Masters of some early French lodges. The craft was supposed to have grown from 'operative' stonemasons, but in addressing a noble audience Ramsay naturally looked for something more dignified than a lineage of humble British artisans. So he gave Freemasonry a fictitious crusading parentage, suggesting that some medieval Crusaders had been both stoneworkers and knightly warriors.""It was Ramsay, in a speech to French Freemasons ['Apology for the Free and Accepted Masons'], who suggested "that the Freemasons had access to ancient wisdom which was partly biblical in origin, and connected with the Old Testament patriarchs and the builders of the Temple, but which also reflected Egyptian and Greek mysteries, and other hidden secrets of the pagan world....He did not refer to the Masons of crusading times as a class of humble artisans but as 'religious and warlike princes who wished to enlighten, edify and build up the living Temples of the Most High'...The apparent literalness of his earlier reference to the 'Temple of Solomon' has been dropped in favor of a transparent metaphor for nobility of character and aims."
Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay (1686–1743)
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1686, 1743, 1736
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Chevalier Andrew Michael Ramsay(16861743) In the early 18th century, Chevalier Ramsay, a Scottish Freemason, reported that the Masons had gained access to ancient wisdom partly biblical in origin, and connected with the Old Testament patriarchs. Masonic ritualists and philosophers used this ancient wisdom to create the rituals of Royal Arch Masonry. These rituals were built upon a foundation of earlier rituals known as Blue Lodge or Craft Masonry.
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Reference: http://www.mastermason.com/hempstead749/mpolitics.htm Peter Partner,The Murdered Magicians:From its beginnings, which only shortly antedated Ramsay's intervention in 1736, French Masonry had been patronized by the highest aristocracy; this may have owed something to the Jacobite Scottish peers who had been Grand Masters of some early French lodges. The craft was supposed to have grown from 'operative' stonemasons, but in addressing a noble audience Ramsay naturally looked for something more dignified than a lineage of humble British artisans. So he gave Freemasonry a fictitious crusading parentage, suggesting that some medieval Crusaders had been both stoneworkers and knightly warriors.""It was Ramsay, in a speech to French Freemasons ['Apology for the Free and Accepted Masons'], who suggested "that the Freemasons had access to ancient wisdom which was partly biblical in origin, and connected with the Old Testament patriarchs and the builders of the Temple, but which also reflected Egyptian and Greek mysteries, and other hidden secrets of the pagan world....He did not refer to the Masons of crusading times as a class of humble artisans but as 'religious and warlike princes who wished to enlighten, edify and build up the living Temples of the Most High'...The apparent literalness of his earlier reference to the 'Temple of Solomon' has been dropped in favor of a transparent metaphor for nobility of character and aims."
Episode 7 – Slide 021
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Lodge Roomhttps: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Royal_Arch#/media/File:Royalarch1.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freemasonry#/media/File:Washington_Masonic_print.jpg 19th century Masonic tracing boards: https://taughtbydegree.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/royalarch1.jpg http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/ritual/tracingboards/index.html
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Lodge Roomhttps: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holy_Royal_Arch#/media/File:Royalarch1.jpg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freemasonry#/media/File:Washington_Masonic_print.jpg 19th century Masonic tracing boards: https://taughtbydegree.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/royalarch1.jpg http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/ritual/tracingboards/index.html
Episode 7 – Slide 022
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In Blue Lodge or Craft
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In Blue Lodge or Craft Masonry, the Word (i.e., the lost name of God) is given to Hiram Abif, a Master Mason. The Word is lost when Hiram refuses to disclose it to ruffians and is murdered. Loss is a key concept in Blue Lodge Masonry. In Royal Arch Masonry, the Word is recovered, and life restored. Loss of the name of God and its recovery symbolize life and death, the end of the present life (death) followed by resurrection and beginning of a new life (restoration). # Restoration is a key concept in Royal Arch Mason
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http://www.charlotteyorkrite.com/miscellania/the-necessity-of-the-royal-arch-to-the-master-mason/ The central idea of the entire system of Freemasonry became the loss and the recovery of the Word, symbolizing death and the resurrection, the ending of the present and the beginning of the future life. The student of Freemasonry must admit that The Word is the central point around which the entire system of the Masonic symbolism must revolve. Its possession is the consummation of all Masonic knowledge; when lost its recovery is the souls object of symbolic labor. Mackey says: No event it the history of Speculative Freemasonry had so important an influence upon its development as a system of symbolism as the invention of the Royal Arch Degree and its introduction into the Masonic Ritual It necessarily followed that when the legend of Hiram became a part of the ritual of this degree the loss of the Word followed, as the loss is a part of Hiramic legend. But the loss without a recovery would be an absurdity; to complete the symbolism of Freemasonry, the Word must be recovered, hence the necessity for a Fourth Degree, the Royal Arch..
In Blue Lodge or Craft
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In Blue Lodge or Craft Masonry, the Word (i.e., the lost name of God) is given to Hiram Abif, a Master Mason. The Word is lost when Hiram refuses to disclose it to ruffians and is murdered. Loss is a key concept in Blue Lodge Masonry. In Royal Arch Masonry, the Word is recovered, and life restored. Loss of the name of God and its recovery symbolize life and death, the end of the present life (death) followed by resurrection and beginning of a new life (restoration). # Restoration is a key concept in Royal Arch Mason
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http://www.charlotteyorkrite.com/miscellania/the-necessity-of-the-royal-arch-to-the-master-mason/ The central idea of the entire system of Freemasonry became the loss and the recovery of the Word, symbolizing death and the resurrection, the ending of the present and the beginning of the future life. The student of Freemasonry must admit that The Word is the central point around which the entire system of the Masonic symbolism must revolve. Its possession is the consummation of all Masonic knowledge; when lost its recovery is the souls object of symbolic labor. Mackey says: No event it the history of Speculative Freemasonry had so important an influence upon its development as a system of symbolism as the invention of the Royal Arch Degree and its introduction into the Masonic Ritual It necessarily followed that when the legend of Hiram became a part of the ritual of this degree the loss of the Word followed, as the loss is a part of Hiramic legend. But the loss without a recovery would be an absurdity; to complete the symbolism of Freemasonry, the Word must be recovered, hence the necessity for a Fourth Degree, the Royal Arch..
Episode 7 – Slide 023
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Recovery of the Word from
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Recovery of the Word from the Triangular Golden Plate of Enoch
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http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/manasseh.html http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bs5HAfmTTmY/SgiDif4DkLI/AAAAAAAAAFg/FDWCFr0uV98/s320/enochvault.jpg
Recovery of the Word from
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Recovery of the Word from the Triangular Golden Plate of Enoch
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http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.com/manasseh.html http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bs5HAfmTTmY/SgiDif4DkLI/AAAAAAAAAFg/FDWCFr0uV98/s320/enochvault.jpg
Episode 7 – Slide 024
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Masonic beliefs in loss and
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Masonic beliefs in loss and restoration pre-date Mormonism and clearly influenced the development of Mormon theology and modern Mormon temple worship.
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Masonic beliefs in loss and
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Masonic beliefs in loss and restoration pre-date Mormonism and clearly influenced the development of Mormon theology and modern Mormon temple worship.
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Episode 7 – Slide 025
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Salem Town, Masonic Preacher and
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1817, 1822
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Salem,Albany,New York
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Salem Town, Masonic Preacher and Grand Chaplain declared: As the church of God was established in the family of Abram, and descended through his line, till Moses, by divine direction, introduced the Jewish ritual; so Masonry was transmitted from Enoch, through Noah, Abram, Moses, and their successors, till Solomon, being inspired of God, established a regular form of administration. A System of Speculative Masonry, 1817 18th and 19th century Masonry claimed dispensation cycles like those of Mormonism
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A System of Speculative Masonry: in its origin, patronage, dissemination, principles, duties, and ultimate designs, laid open for the serious and candid: Being a course of Lectures, delivered before the Grand Chapter of the State of New York at their Annual Meetings held in Temple Chapter room, in the City of Albany by Salem Town, Second Edition. Salem, NY, 1822.
Salem Town, Masonic Preacher and
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1817, 1822
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Salem,Albany,New York
Scripture Reference :
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Salem Town, Masonic Preacher and Grand Chaplain declared: As the church of God was established in the family of Abram, and descended through his line, till Moses, by divine direction, introduced the Jewish ritual; so Masonry was transmitted from Enoch, through Noah, Abram, Moses, and their successors, till Solomon, being inspired of God, established a regular form of administration. A System of Speculative Masonry, 1817 18th and 19th century Masonry claimed dispensation cycles like those of Mormonism
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A System of Speculative Masonry: in its origin, patronage, dissemination, principles, duties, and ultimate designs, laid open for the serious and candid: Being a course of Lectures, delivered before the Grand Chapter of the State of New York at their Annual Meetings held in Temple Chapter room, in the City of Albany by Salem Town, Second Edition. Salem, NY, 1822.
Episode 7 – Slide 026
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All of the candidate authors
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1830, 1829, 1820, 1872, 1875, 1840, 1980, 1958, 1828
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New York,Cincinnati,Commerce,Friendship,Nauvoo,Ohio
Scripture Reference :
Content :
All of the candidate authors for the Book of Mormon were familiar with freemasonry. For scriptures produced after the Book of Mormon, we add W. W. Phelps, an ex-Mason, as a candidate author. When Mormonism appeared in 1830, Phelps was editor of an anti-Masonic New York newspaper. W.W. Phelps S. Spalding S. Rigdon O. Cowdery P. Pratt J. Smith After 1830
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Masonry Connections Rigdon:Royal Arch register for 1829 lists a John Rigdon in the Norwalk chapter and a Thomas Rigdon in the Columbus Chapter. In the 1820 and 1830, Thomas was living near Columbus in Knox County, but in 1830, John was living a hundred miles from Norwalk. See Proceedings of the Grand chapter of Royal Arch masons, of the state of Ohio [Columbus, 1872], 122. On their Campbellism and connection to Rigdon, see A. S. Hayden, Early History of the Western Reserve, Ohio[Cincinnati, 1875], 92. John L. Brooke Refiners FireRigdon was admitted to Masonry on the same day as Joseph Smith 1840, John Cook Bennett, a former active leader in Masonry had arrived in Commerce [Nauvoo] and rapidly exerted his persuasive leadership in all facets of the Church, including Mormon Masonry. ... Joseph and Sidney [Rigdon] were inducted into formal Masonry...on the same day..." ("Is There No Help for the Widow's Son?" by Dr. Reed C. Durham, Jr., as printed inJoseph Smith and Masonry: No Help for the Widow's Son, Martin Pub. Co., Nauvoo, Ill., 1980, p. 17.)Rigdon died as a Mason in good standing and received a Masonic burial. http://www.alleganyhistory.org/places/towns-and-villages/f-j/friendship/related-articles/2241-sidney-rigdon WW Phelps was a Master Mason who was knowledgeable regarding Royal Arch Masonry. Reference: David Bernard, 1829. Light on Masonry, A Collection of All the Most Important Documents on the Subject of Speculative Free Masonry: Embracing the Reports of the Western Committees in Relation to the Abduction of William Morgan ... with All the Degrees of the Order Conferred in a Master's Lodge 1829. p.415On page 120, W.W. Phelps is listed as a Master Mason. On page 421, W.W.Phelps is reported as a member of a committee of fifteen [seceding Masons] appointed to prepare the degrees of Free Masonry above that of Master for publication. He also served on a committee of seven appointed to draft a circular invitation to all Free Masons who are opposed to the institution of Masonry, and to secret combinations in generalSee also: Page 15 in the MS Thesis of Walter Dean Bowen, 1958. Thesis title: The Versatile W. W. Phelps - - Mrmon Writer, Educator, and Pioneer. Submitted to the Faculty of the Division of Religion, Brigham Young University. Available at this link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/5luadrmc6uxwrni/16045.pdf?dl=0 In February of this year (1828) a convention of seceding Masons met a Leroy, Genese County, New York. It denounced Masonry, upheld Morgans Illustrations of Masonry, and sent a memorial to congress. And then, in order to ensure a correct publication, the convention appointed a committee of fifteen to prepare the degrees of Masonry above that of master for publication. The following gentlemen composed said committee: Elder David Bernard, Elder John Stevens, Solomon Southwick, Rev. Reunben Sanbarn, David C. Miller, John Hascall, Herbert A. Read, Richard Hollister, Samuel D. Green, Oliver Forward, Edward Giddins, Judge Hirman, William Perry, and W. W. Phelps.
All of the candidate authors
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1830, 1829, 1820, 1872, 1875, 1840, 1980, 1958, 1828
City :
New York,Cincinnati,Commerce,Friendship,Nauvoo,Ohio
Scripture Reference :
Content :
All of the candidate authors for the Book of Mormon were familiar with freemasonry. For scriptures produced after the Book of Mormon, we add W. W. Phelps, an ex-Mason, as a candidate author. When Mormonism appeared in 1830, Phelps was editor of an anti-Masonic New York newspaper. W.W. Phelps S. Spalding S. Rigdon O. Cowdery P. Pratt J. Smith After 1830
Notes :
Masonry Connections Rigdon:Royal Arch register for 1829 lists a John Rigdon in the Norwalk chapter and a Thomas Rigdon in the Columbus Chapter. In the 1820 and 1830, Thomas was living near Columbus in Knox County, but in 1830, John was living a hundred miles from Norwalk. See Proceedings of the Grand chapter of Royal Arch masons, of the state of Ohio [Columbus, 1872], 122. On their Campbellism and connection to Rigdon, see A. S. Hayden, Early History of the Western Reserve, Ohio[Cincinnati, 1875], 92. John L. Brooke Refiners FireRigdon was admitted to Masonry on the same day as Joseph Smith 1840, John Cook Bennett, a former active leader in Masonry had arrived in Commerce [Nauvoo] and rapidly exerted his persuasive leadership in all facets of the Church, including Mormon Masonry. ... Joseph and Sidney [Rigdon] were inducted into formal Masonry...on the same day..." ("Is There No Help for the Widow's Son?" by Dr. Reed C. Durham, Jr., as printed inJoseph Smith and Masonry: No Help for the Widow's Son, Martin Pub. Co., Nauvoo, Ill., 1980, p. 17.)Rigdon died as a Mason in good standing and received a Masonic burial. http://www.alleganyhistory.org/places/towns-and-villages/f-j/friendship/related-articles/2241-sidney-rigdon WW Phelps was a Master Mason who was knowledgeable regarding Royal Arch Masonry. Reference: David Bernard, 1829. Light on Masonry, A Collection of All the Most Important Documents on the Subject of Speculative Free Masonry: Embracing the Reports of the Western Committees in Relation to the Abduction of William Morgan ... with All the Degrees of the Order Conferred in a Master's Lodge 1829. p.415On page 120, W.W. Phelps is listed as a Master Mason. On page 421, W.W.Phelps is reported as a member of a committee of fifteen [seceding Masons] appointed to prepare the degrees of Free Masonry above that of Master for publication. He also served on a committee of seven appointed to draft a circular invitation to all Free Masons who are opposed to the institution of Masonry, and to secret combinations in generalSee also: Page 15 in the MS Thesis of Walter Dean Bowen, 1958. Thesis title: The Versatile W. W. Phelps - - Mrmon Writer, Educator, and Pioneer. Submitted to the Faculty of the Division of Religion, Brigham Young University. Available at this link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/5luadrmc6uxwrni/16045.pdf?dl=0 In February of this year (1828) a convention of seceding Masons met a Leroy, Genese County, New York. It denounced Masonry, upheld Morgans Illustrations of Masonry, and sent a memorial to congress. And then, in order to ensure a correct publication, the convention appointed a committee of fifteen to prepare the degrees of Masonry above that of master for publication. The following gentlemen composed said committee: Elder David Bernard, Elder John Stevens, Solomon Southwick, Rev. Reunben Sanbarn, David C. Miller, John Hascall, Herbert A. Read, Richard Hollister, Samuel D. Green, Oliver Forward, Edward Giddins, Judge Hirman, William Perry, and W. W. Phelps.
Episode 7 – Slide 027
Title :
Other freemasons who played a
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Other freemasons who played a significant role in the development of Mormonism included Joseph Smith Sr. and Hyrum Smith, father and brother, respectively, of Joseph Smith Jr. Hyrum Smith was likely introduced to masonry through Dartmouth College.
Notes :
Other freemasons who played a
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Other freemasons who played a significant role in the development of Mormonism included Joseph Smith Sr. and Hyrum Smith, father and brother, respectively, of Joseph Smith Jr. Hyrum Smith was likely introduced to masonry through Dartmouth College.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 028
Title :
Revelation as the Key to
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Revelation as the Key to Restoration
Notes :
Revelation as the Key to
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Revelation as the Key to Restoration
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 029
Title :
A consequence of restoration theology
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : BC 2, D&C 3
Content :
A consequence of restoration theology is the need for modern day scripture proof that a restoration is underway or has occurred. In fact, it can be argued that the origin of modern Mormon scripture can be traced to the frantic efforts of the Gold Bible Company to restore the lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon (Episode 6). In that desperate moment, Rigdon, Smith, and Cowdery became revelators of modern scripture (BC 2, D&C 3), and the Gold Bible Company morphed from a publishing enterprise to a religious start-up aimed at the Restoration of All Things.
Notes :
A consequence of restoration theology
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : BC 2, D&C 3
Content :
A consequence of restoration theology is the need for modern day scripture proof that a restoration is underway or has occurred. In fact, it can be argued that the origin of modern Mormon scripture can be traced to the frantic efforts of the Gold Bible Company to restore the lost 116 pages of the Book of Mormon (Episode 6). In that desperate moment, Rigdon, Smith, and Cowdery became revelators of modern scripture (BC 2, D&C 3), and the Gold Bible Company morphed from a publishing enterprise to a religious start-up aimed at the Restoration of All Things.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 030
Title :
Most of the Book of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : BC2
Content :
Most of the Book of Commandments (BC) revelations are attributed to Rigdon, though Smith and Cowdery also contributed (Episode 6). Book of Commandments (1833) BC2
Notes :
Most of the Book of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : BC2
Content :
Most of the Book of Commandments (BC) revelations are attributed to Rigdon, though Smith and Cowdery also contributed (Episode 6). Book of Commandments (1833) BC2
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 031
Title :
Revelations published in the BC
Year :
1832, 1833, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference : BC1:5, BC 1:5
Content :
Revelations published in the BC were designed to lay the foundation of this church to bring it forth out of obscurity (BC1:5, attributed to Rigdon). Evening and Morning Star Independence, MOJune, 1832 July 1833 Phelps printed the BC along with ancient Old World scriptures devoted to the revelations of Godat sundry times since the creation of man, but more especially in these last days. Phelps, the Printer Rigdon, the Director
Notes :
Quote from Phelps is from the prospectus announcing the forthcoming publication of the Evening and Morning Star, Feb 23, 1832. Reference: William W. Phelps, The Evening and the Morning Star Prospectus, Evening and Morning Star, June 1832 (Jan. 1835), 12; Crawley, Descriptive Bibliography, 1:32. Image is the first edition of the Evening and Morning Star , June, 1832: http://josephsmithpapers.org/paperSummary/revelations-printed-in-the-evening-and-the-morning-star-june-1832-june-1833 The phrase lay the foundation of this church, and to bring it forth out of obscurity comes from BC 1:5. This chapter is attributed to Rigdon. Image for printing press:http://www.mormonwiki.com/Evening_and_Morning_Star
Revelations published in the BC
Year :
1832, 1833, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference : BC1:5, BC 1:5
Content :
Revelations published in the BC were designed to lay the foundation of this church to bring it forth out of obscurity (BC1:5, attributed to Rigdon). Evening and Morning Star Independence, MOJune, 1832 July 1833 Phelps printed the BC along with ancient Old World scriptures devoted to the revelations of Godat sundry times since the creation of man, but more especially in these last days. Phelps, the Printer Rigdon, the Director
Notes :
Quote from Phelps is from the prospectus announcing the forthcoming publication of the Evening and Morning Star, Feb 23, 1832. Reference: William W. Phelps, The Evening and the Morning Star Prospectus, Evening and Morning Star, June 1832 (Jan. 1835), 12; Crawley, Descriptive Bibliography, 1:32. Image is the first edition of the Evening and Morning Star , June, 1832: http://josephsmithpapers.org/paperSummary/revelations-printed-in-the-evening-and-the-morning-star-june-1832-june-1833 The phrase lay the foundation of this church, and to bring it forth out of obscurity comes from BC 1:5. This chapter is attributed to Rigdon. Image for printing press:http://www.mormonwiki.com/Evening_and_Morning_Star
Episode 7 – Slide 032
Title :
In 1833, a mob destroyed
Year :
1833, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In 1833, a mob destroyed Phelps press as he was printing the BC. Members gathered the scattered pages. Two years later, Phelps used these pages to compile then print the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants (D&C), a canonized scripture that contains much of the BC plus revelations from 18331835.
Notes :
In 1833, a mob destroyed
Year :
1833, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In 1833, a mob destroyed Phelps press as he was printing the BC. Members gathered the scattered pages. Two years later, Phelps used these pages to compile then print the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants (D&C), a canonized scripture that contains much of the BC plus revelations from 18331835.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 033
Title :
July 1828
Year :
1828, 1831, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
July 1828 Nov 1831 Aug 1835 Attributions for the 1835 D&C are shown in chronological sequence below. Some sections (white bars) are attributed to Phelps, indicating that he likely contributed to the D&C. He is absent in the Book of Mormon. Doctrine & Covenants (1835)
Notes :
July 1828
Year :
1828, 1831, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
July 1828 Nov 1831 Aug 1835 Attributions for the 1835 D&C are shown in chronological sequence below. Some sections (white bars) are attributed to Phelps, indicating that he likely contributed to the D&C. He is absent in the Book of Mormon. Doctrine & Covenants (1835)
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 034
Title :
Book of Commandments (1833)
Year :
1833, 1835, 1831, 1828
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Book of Commandments (1833) The image below is a chronological alignment of authorship attributions for the BC and the 1835 D&C. The 1st part of the D&C includes many BC revelations, so the authorship patterns are similar. Nov 1831 Last BC Revelation July 1828 Doctrine & Covenants (1835) Aug 1835 After Nov 1831, the D&C pattern changes: Phelps becomes the most likely author for five D&C sections.
Notes :
Book of Commandments (1833)
Year :
1833, 1835, 1831, 1828
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Book of Commandments (1833) The image below is a chronological alignment of authorship attributions for the BC and the 1835 D&C. The 1st part of the D&C includes many BC revelations, so the authorship patterns are similar. Nov 1831 Last BC Revelation July 1828 Doctrine & Covenants (1835) Aug 1835 After Nov 1831, the D&C pattern changes: Phelps becomes the most likely author for five D&C sections.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 035
Title :
In subsequent D&C revisions, even
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In subsequent D&C revisions, even more revelations were added, and some removed. To avoid confusion, from this point on, we refer to the D&C using the section & verse designations of the modern edition of the Latter-Day-Saint (LDS) D&C.
Notes :
In subsequent D&C revisions, even
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In subsequent D&C revisions, even more revelations were added, and some removed. To avoid confusion, from this point on, we refer to the D&C using the section & verse designations of the modern edition of the Latter-Day-Saint (LDS) D&C.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 036
Title :
Two other scriptures of the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 24
Content :
Two other scriptures of the Mormon Restoration are the Joseph Smith Translation (JST) of the Bible (used by the RLDS branch of Mormonismnow The Community of Christ), and the Pearl of Price (a scripture used by the LDS branch of Mormonism). The Pearl of Great Price contains 3 Old World scriptures: the Book of Moses, Joseph SmithMatt 24 (JST Matt 24), and the Book of Abraham.
Notes :
Two other scriptures of the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 24
Content :
Two other scriptures of the Mormon Restoration are the Joseph Smith Translation (JST) of the Bible (used by the RLDS branch of Mormonismnow The Community of Christ), and the Pearl of Price (a scripture used by the LDS branch of Mormonism). The Pearl of Great Price contains 3 Old World scriptures: the Book of Moses, Joseph SmithMatt 24 (JST Matt 24), and the Book of Abraham.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 037
Title :
The New Jerusalem
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The New Jerusalem
Notes :
The New Jerusalem
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The New Jerusalem
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 038
Title :
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
BUSINESS PLAN Authorship attribution points to Rigdon as behind-the-scenes Director of the Restoration.Through modern-day revelations, Rigdon and Smith sought to restore lost scriptures and lost priesthood powers, energize missionary work, gather the Saints, and collect revenue.
Notes :
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
BUSINESS PLAN Authorship attribution points to Rigdon as behind-the-scenes Director of the Restoration.Through modern-day revelations, Rigdon and Smith sought to restore lost scriptures and lost priesthood powers, energize missionary work, gather the Saints, and collect revenue.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 039
Title :
Rigdon envisioned that the restored
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Rigdon envisioned that the restored Church would acquire political power by gathering, first to his home base in Ohio, then to the Western frontier.
Notes :
Rigdon envisioned that the restored
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Rigdon envisioned that the restored Church would acquire political power by gathering, first to his home base in Ohio, then to the Western frontier.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 040
Title :
Missionaries would secure converts in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Missionaries would secure converts in the Eastern States and gather them to the West. Zion, the New Jerusalem The gathering would enable restoration of Zion, the New Jerusalem, on the western frontier. But how could this be a restoration? Was Zion previously here?
Notes :
Missionaries would secure converts in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Missionaries would secure converts in the Eastern States and gather them to the West. Zion, the New Jerusalem The gathering would enable restoration of Zion, the New Jerusalem, on the western frontier. But how could this be a restoration? Was Zion previously here?
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 041
Title :
The New Jerusalem would include
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The New Jerusalem would include Native Americans, such as the Lamanites of the Book of Mormon. Speaking in the 1st person as Jesus Christ (Episode 6), Rigdon directed Cowdery and Pratt to carry the restored gospel message to these people.
Notes :
The New Jerusalem would include
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The New Jerusalem would include Native Americans, such as the Lamanites of the Book of Mormon. Speaking in the 1st person as Jesus Christ (Episode 6), Rigdon directed Cowdery and Pratt to carry the restored gospel message to these people.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 042
Title :
“Go unto the Lamanites and
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 28
Content :
Go unto the Lamanites and preach my gospelthou shalt have revelations. D&C 28:8 Doctrine & Covenants (1835) In the same revelation, however, Rigdon limited Cowderys authority. but write them not by way of commandment
Notes :
“Go unto the Lamanites and
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 28
Content :
Go unto the Lamanites and preach my gospelthou shalt have revelations. D&C 28:8 Doctrine & Covenants (1835) In the same revelation, however, Rigdon limited Cowderys authority. but write them not by way of commandment
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 043
Title :
“…The name of the person
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The name of the person here, who pretends to have a divine mission, and to have seen and conversed with Angels, is Cowdray [sic]. We understand that he is bound for the regions beyond the Mississippi, where he contemplates founding a "City of Refuge" for his followers, and converting the Indians, under his prophetic authority In November 1830, an Ohio newspaper reported on Cowderys missionary activities.
Notes :
“…The name of the person
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The name of the person here, who pretends to have a divine mission, and to have seen and conversed with Angels, is Cowdray [sic]. We understand that he is bound for the regions beyond the Mississippi, where he contemplates founding a "City of Refuge" for his followers, and converting the Indians, under his prophetic authority In November 1830, an Ohio newspaper reported on Cowderys missionary activities.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 044
Title :
Cowdery & Pratt traveled to
Year :
1700, 1830, 1772, 1724, 1795, 1818, 1829, 1866, 1832, 1833
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Cowdery & Pratt traveled to the Western frontier to persuade Native Americans that the Book of Mormon was a record of their ancestors and to establish Zion, the City of Refuge. Conveniently, American and British resettlement programs from 17001830 had already gathered many Native Americans to the Missouri frontier. 1700-1772 1724-1795 1795-1818 1818-1829 1829-1866 Delaware Tribe
Notes :
Evening and Morning Star first edition:https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/revelations-printed-in-the-evening-and-the-morning-star-june-1832-june-1833/1 History of the Delaware Tribe resettlement: http://delawaretribe.org/services-and-programs/historic-preservation/removal-history-of-the-delaware-tribe/ Cowdery and Pratt were accompanied by Zeba Peterson and Peter Whitmer
Cowdery & Pratt traveled to
Year :
1700, 1830, 1772, 1724, 1795, 1818, 1829, 1866, 1832, 1833
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Cowdery & Pratt traveled to the Western frontier to persuade Native Americans that the Book of Mormon was a record of their ancestors and to establish Zion, the City of Refuge. Conveniently, American and British resettlement programs from 17001830 had already gathered many Native Americans to the Missouri frontier. 1700-1772 1724-1795 1795-1818 1818-1829 1829-1866 Delaware Tribe
Notes :
Evening and Morning Star first edition:https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/revelations-printed-in-the-evening-and-the-morning-star-june-1832-june-1833/1 History of the Delaware Tribe resettlement: http://delawaretribe.org/services-and-programs/historic-preservation/removal-history-of-the-delaware-tribe/ Cowdery and Pratt were accompanied by Zeba Peterson and Peter Whitmer
Episode 7 – Slide 045
Title :
Ether 13:2, 8…after the waters
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Ether 13, Ether 13
Content :
Ether 13:2, 8after the waters [of the Global Flood] had receded from off the face of this land [the American Continents], it became a choice landa chosen landWherefore, the remnant of the house of Joseph shall be built upon this land; and it shall be a land of their inheritance; and they shall build up a holy city unto the Lord, like unto Jerusalem of old The Native American restoration was prophesied in the Book of Mormon. In Ether 13 (attributed to Rigdon), America is described as a chosen land for the remnants of the house of Joseph (a reference to Joseph the Patriarch).
Notes :
Ether 13:2, 8…after the waters
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Ether 13, Ether 13
Content :
Ether 13:2, 8after the waters [of the Global Flood] had receded from off the face of this land [the American Continents], it became a choice landa chosen landWherefore, the remnant of the house of Joseph shall be built upon this land; and it shall be a land of their inheritance; and they shall build up a holy city unto the Lord, like unto Jerusalem of old The Native American restoration was prophesied in the Book of Mormon. In Ether 13 (attributed to Rigdon), America is described as a chosen land for the remnants of the house of Joseph (a reference to Joseph the Patriarch).
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 046
Title :
Ether 13:3, 10 – it
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Ether 13
Content :
Ether 13:3, 10 it [America] was the place of the New Jerusalem, which should come down out of heaven, and the holy sanctuary of the Lord.and blessed are they who dwell therein among the seed of Joseph, who were of the House of Israel New Jerusalem
Notes :
Ether 13:3, 10 – it
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Ether 13
Content :
Ether 13:3, 10 it [America] was the place of the New Jerusalem, which should come down out of heaven, and the holy sanctuary of the Lord.and blessed are they who dwell therein among the seed of Joseph, who were of the House of Israel New Jerusalem
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 047
Title :
Who was in this city?
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Who was in this city? And how did it get into heaven? We shall see.
Notes :
Who was in this city?
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Who was in this city? And how did it get into heaven? We shall see.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 048
Title :
Just as the Old World
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Just as the Old World Jerusalem would be restored by a latter-day gathering of the Jews in Israel, so would a New Jerusalem be restored by a latter day gathering of the remaining tribes of Israel in America.
Notes :
Image courtesy of Dale Broadhurst
Just as the Old World
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Just as the Old World Jerusalem would be restored by a latter-day gathering of the Jews in Israel, so would a New Jerusalem be restored by a latter day gathering of the remaining tribes of Israel in America.
Notes :
Image courtesy of Dale Broadhurst
Episode 7 – Slide 049
Title :
Zion, the New Jerusalem, would
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 57
Content :
Zion, the New Jerusalem, would become the capital of an agrarian empire for the restored House of Israel. Its inhabitants would sell goods to travelers heading west. The New Jerusalem Gentile converts from the East Lamanite Re-settlement 10 Tribes from the North
Notes :
D&C 57 (July 1831) a revelation attributed to Smith indicates that Missouri is chosen for the Saints - the land of Missouri, which is the land which I have appointed
Zion, the New Jerusalem, would
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 57
Content :
Zion, the New Jerusalem, would become the capital of an agrarian empire for the restored House of Israel. Its inhabitants would sell goods to travelers heading west. The New Jerusalem Gentile converts from the East Lamanite Re-settlement 10 Tribes from the North
Notes :
D&C 57 (July 1831) a revelation attributed to Smith indicates that Missouri is chosen for the Saints - the land of Missouri, which is the land which I have appointed
Episode 7 – Slide 050
Title :
A New Translation of the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
A New Translation of the Bible
Notes :
A New Translation of the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
A New Translation of the Bible
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 051
Title :
To create the theological foundation
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
To create the theological foundation for the Restoration, new scriptures were needed, and old scriptures would need to be updated.Modern revelation could restore more than the lost 116 pages.
Notes :
To create the theological foundation
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
To create the theological foundation for the Restoration, new scriptures were needed, and old scriptures would need to be updated.Modern revelation could restore more than the lost 116 pages.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 052
Title :
“plain and precious things… taken
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : 1 Ne 13, 1 Ne 19, 2 Ne 3:4–5, 2 Ne 29, Alma 46, Alma 33, D&C 7, 2 Ne 3:4–22
Content :
plain and precious things taken awayfrom the book that isa record of the Jews (1 Ne 13:2326).Missing records of Joseph: (2 Ne 3:45), Jacob (Alma 46:2426), John the Beloved (D&C 7)Lost scriptures ofthe Book of Mormon prophets: Zenos, Zenock,Neum (1 Ne 19:10; Alma 33:317).Lost record of the Lost Ten Tribes: (2 Ne 29:1213). Things removed from the Bible Missing records of Book of Mormon prophets Lost record of lost tribes New revelations could restore:
Notes :
The record of the Jews and Book of the Jews refer to the Old Testament of the Bible.Scriptural references:plain and precious thingstaken away - 1 Ne 13:40, 1 Ne 13:23Missing scriptures to be restored:future revelations from John the Beloved D&C 7the unknown prophets Zenos, Zenock, and Neum - 1 Ne 19:10; Alma 33:317lost prophecy of Joseph - 2 Ne 3:422lost prophecy of Jacob - Alma 46:2426missing record of the Lost Ten Tribes - 2 Ne 29:1213
“plain and precious things… taken
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : 1 Ne 13, 1 Ne 19, 2 Ne 3:4–5, 2 Ne 29, Alma 46, Alma 33, D&C 7, 2 Ne 3:4–22
Content :
plain and precious things taken awayfrom the book that isa record of the Jews (1 Ne 13:2326).Missing records of Joseph: (2 Ne 3:45), Jacob (Alma 46:2426), John the Beloved (D&C 7)Lost scriptures ofthe Book of Mormon prophets: Zenos, Zenock,Neum (1 Ne 19:10; Alma 33:317).Lost record of the Lost Ten Tribes: (2 Ne 29:1213). Things removed from the Bible Missing records of Book of Mormon prophets Lost record of lost tribes New revelations could restore:
Notes :
The record of the Jews and Book of the Jews refer to the Old Testament of the Bible.Scriptural references:plain and precious thingstaken away - 1 Ne 13:40, 1 Ne 13:23Missing scriptures to be restored:future revelations from John the Beloved D&C 7the unknown prophets Zenos, Zenock, and Neum - 1 Ne 19:10; Alma 33:317lost prophecy of Joseph - 2 Ne 3:422lost prophecy of Jacob - Alma 46:2426missing record of the Lost Ten Tribes - 2 Ne 29:1213
Episode 7 – Slide 053
Title :
What was “the book that
Year :
City :
Palmyra,New York,Rice,Wayne
Scripture Reference :
Content :
What was the book that isa record of the Jews? On October 8, 1829, Smith and Cowdery purchased a King James Bible at Grandins Book Store in Palmyra, NY. The flyleaf contains text in Smiths handwriting referring to the Bible as The Book of the Jews And the property of Joseph Smith Junior and Oliver Cowdery
Notes :
https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/church-history-in-the-fulness-of-times/chapter-ten?lang=eng The Book of the Jews And the property of Joseph Smith Junior and Oliver CowderyBought October the 8th 1829, at EgbertB. Grandins Book Store Palmyra Wayne County New YorkPrice $3.75 Holiness to the Lord https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/manual/32502/10-07.gif https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/manual/34190/34190_all_073_01-jsPapers.jpg
What was “the book that
Year :
City :
Palmyra,New York,Rice,Wayne
Scripture Reference :
Content :
What was the book that isa record of the Jews? On October 8, 1829, Smith and Cowdery purchased a King James Bible at Grandins Book Store in Palmyra, NY. The flyleaf contains text in Smiths handwriting referring to the Bible as The Book of the Jews And the property of Joseph Smith Junior and Oliver Cowdery
Notes :
https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/manual/church-history-in-the-fulness-of-times/chapter-ten?lang=eng The Book of the Jews And the property of Joseph Smith Junior and Oliver CowderyBought October the 8th 1829, at EgbertB. Grandins Book Store Palmyra Wayne County New YorkPrice $3.75 Holiness to the Lord https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/manual/32502/10-07.gif https://www.lds.org/bc/content/shared/content/images/gospel-library/manual/34190/34190_all_073_01-jsPapers.jpg
Episode 7 – Slide 054
Title :
In the Book of Mormon,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Ether 1:2–3
Content :
In the Book of Mormon, Ether 1:23 refers to a record that contains information about the creation of the world and also of Adam, an account from that time even to the great tower [i.e., the time of the Tower of Babel]The Biblical account of creation and the tale of the Tower of Babel are found in the Book of Genesis.Did Smith ever claim to have obtained Genesis material that goes beyond what is found in the King James Bible?
Notes :
In the Book of Mormon,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Ether 1:2–3
Content :
In the Book of Mormon, Ether 1:23 refers to a record that contains information about the creation of the world and also of Adam, an account from that time even to the great tower [i.e., the time of the Tower of Babel]The Biblical account of creation and the tale of the Tower of Babel are found in the Book of Genesis.Did Smith ever claim to have obtained Genesis material that goes beyond what is found in the King James Bible?
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Episode 7 – Slide 055
Title :
Yes, he did. In June
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Yes, he did. In June 1830, soon after publishing the Book of Mormon, Smith began dictation of his inspired revision of the King James Bible, beginning with the first seven chapters of Genesis, an account from the days of Adam.
Notes :
Yes, he did. In June
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Yes, he did. In June 1830, soon after publishing the Book of Mormon, Smith began dictation of his inspired revision of the King James Bible, beginning with the first seven chapters of Genesis, an account from the days of Adam.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 056
Title :
This revision of the Bible
Year :
1830, 1867
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
This revision of the Bible began in June of 1830 and continued for 3 years. The final revision is referred to today as the Joseph Smith Translation (JST). In older publications, it is referred to as the New Translation, the Inspired Translation, or the Inspired Version. For reasons discussed later, the JST was not published in its entirety until 1867.
Notes :
This revision of the Bible
Year :
1830, 1867
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
This revision of the Bible began in June of 1830 and continued for 3 years. The final revision is referred to today as the Joseph Smith Translation (JST). In older publications, it is referred to as the New Translation, the Inspired Translation, or the Inspired Version. For reasons discussed later, the JST was not published in its entirety until 1867.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 057
Title :
Richard Van Wagoner (1946-2010)
Year :
1946, 1777, 1833, 1611, 1826
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Richard Van Wagoner(1946-2010) New translations of the Bible were common in the early 19th century. Richard Van Wagoner, Sidney Rigdons biographer, noted that: Between 1777 and 1833 more than 500 separate editions of the Bible or New Testament were published in the United States. Many of these were revisions of the King James Version (1611)Rigdons classically trained mentor, Alexander Campbell, had issued his own New Testament translation in 1826.
Notes :
Richard Van Wagoner (1946-2010)
Year :
1946, 1777, 1833, 1611, 1826
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Richard Van Wagoner(1946-2010) New translations of the Bible were common in the early 19th century. Richard Van Wagoner, Sidney Rigdons biographer, noted that: Between 1777 and 1833 more than 500 separate editions of the Bible or New Testament were published in the United States. Many of these were revisions of the King James Version (1611)Rigdons classically trained mentor, Alexander Campbell, had issued his own New Testament translation in 1826.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 058
Title :
In the mid-1820’s, Rigdon and
Year :
1820, 1826
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In the mid-1820s, Rigdon and Campbell became rivals. Campbells decision to omit the Old Testament from his 1826 Bible translation likely contributed to Rigdons decision to create the Book of Mormon (Episode 3). Campbell Rigdon
Notes :
In the mid-1820’s, Rigdon and
Year :
1820, 1826
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In the mid-1820s, Rigdon and Campbell became rivals. Campbells decision to omit the Old Testament from his 1826 Bible translation likely contributed to Rigdons decision to create the Book of Mormon (Episode 3). Campbell Rigdon
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 059
Title :
For Rigdon, the disputes with
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
For Rigdon, the disputes with Campbell became intolerable at a meeting of the Mahoning Baptist Association in August of 1830, when Campbell publicly humiliated him. Campbell was a well-educated and skilled debater who believed that his interpretation of the Bible was the only interpretation that any reasonable person could come to.
Notes :
Cowdrey et al., 2005, p. 313Almon B. Green: In the annual meeting of the Mahoning Association held in Austintown in August, 1830, about two months before Sidney Rigdons professed conversion to Mormonism, Rigdon preached Saturday afternoon. He had much to say about a full and complete restoration of the ancient gospel. He spoke in his flowing style of what the Disciples had accomplished, but contended that we had not accomplished a complete restoration of the Apostolic Christianity. He contended such restoration must include community of goods holding all in common stock, and a restoration of the spiritual gifts of the apostolic age. He promised that although we had not come up to the apostolic plan in full yet as we were improving God would soon give us a new and fuller revelation of his will. After the Book of Mormon had been read by many who heard Rigdon on that occasion, they were perfectly satisfied that Rigdon knew all about that book when he preached that discourse. Rigdons sermon was most thoroughly refuted by Bro. Campbell, which very much offended Rigdon https://web.archive.org/web/20180219212830/http://thedigitalvoice.com/enigma/wrw/1977DavD.htm
For Rigdon, the disputes with
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
For Rigdon, the disputes with Campbell became intolerable at a meeting of the Mahoning Baptist Association in August of 1830, when Campbell publicly humiliated him. Campbell was a well-educated and skilled debater who believed that his interpretation of the Bible was the only interpretation that any reasonable person could come to.
Notes :
Cowdrey et al., 2005, p. 313Almon B. Green: In the annual meeting of the Mahoning Association held in Austintown in August, 1830, about two months before Sidney Rigdons professed conversion to Mormonism, Rigdon preached Saturday afternoon. He had much to say about a full and complete restoration of the ancient gospel. He spoke in his flowing style of what the Disciples had accomplished, but contended that we had not accomplished a complete restoration of the Apostolic Christianity. He contended such restoration must include community of goods holding all in common stock, and a restoration of the spiritual gifts of the apostolic age. He promised that although we had not come up to the apostolic plan in full yet as we were improving God would soon give us a new and fuller revelation of his will. After the Book of Mormon had been read by many who heard Rigdon on that occasion, they were perfectly satisfied that Rigdon knew all about that book when he preached that discourse. Rigdons sermon was most thoroughly refuted by Bro. Campbell, which very much offended Rigdon https://web.archive.org/web/20180219212830/http://thedigitalvoice.com/enigma/wrw/1977DavD.htm
Episode 7 – Slide 060
Title :
Arguing the Bible with Campbell
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Arguing the Bible with Campbell was futile, but Rigdon could neutralize Campbells arguments by claiming that the Bible itself contained errors. It could then be argued that divine inspiration was essential for an accurate and truthful translation. Campbells scholarly interpretations would be irrelevant.
Notes :
Arguing the Bible with Campbell
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Arguing the Bible with Campbell was futile, but Rigdon could neutralize Campbells arguments by claiming that the Bible itself contained errors. It could then be argued that divine inspiration was essential for an accurate and truthful translation. Campbells scholarly interpretations would be irrelevant.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 061
Title :
Kent P. Jackson
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Kent P. Jackson According to BYU Professor Kent P. Jackson, the JST should be viewed as a restoration of: the meaning and the message of original passages of the Bible including material of which the biblical writers were unaware, which they chose not to include, or which they neglected to include. It also includes changes: to make the Bible more understandable for modern readers and editing to bring biblical wording into harmony with truth found in other revelations or elsewhere in the Bible.
Notes :
Quotes from Kent P. Jackson, , 2002, How we Got the Book of Moses, The Religious Educator 3:132. https://rsc.byu.edu/vol-3-no-1-2002/how-we-got-book-moses
Kent P. Jackson
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Kent P. Jackson According to BYU Professor Kent P. Jackson, the JST should be viewed as a restoration of: the meaning and the message of original passages of the Bible including material of which the biblical writers were unaware, which they chose not to include, or which they neglected to include. It also includes changes: to make the Bible more understandable for modern readers and editing to bring biblical wording into harmony with truth found in other revelations or elsewhere in the Bible.
Notes :
Quotes from Kent P. Jackson, , 2002, How we Got the Book of Moses, The Religious Educator 3:132. https://rsc.byu.edu/vol-3-no-1-2002/how-we-got-book-moses
Episode 7 – Slide 062
Title :
An important example is the
Year :
1960, 1926
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
An important example is the central character of the New TestamentJesus Christ. In 1960, BYU Prof. Robert J. Matthews, then a graduate student, noted that the Jesus of the JST viewed the Old Testament prophets differently than the Jesus of the King James Bible. Robert J. Matthews (1926-2009)
Notes :
Matthews, R. J., Master of Science Thesis. Department of Bible and Modern Scripture. Brigham Young University. Study of the doctrinal significance of certain textual changes made by the prophet Joseph Smith in the four gospels of the Inspired Version of the New Testament. June, 1960.
An important example is the
Year :
1960, 1926
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
An important example is the central character of the New TestamentJesus Christ. In 1960, BYU Prof. Robert J. Matthews, then a graduate student, noted that the Jesus of the JST viewed the Old Testament prophets differently than the Jesus of the King James Bible. Robert J. Matthews (1926-2009)
Notes :
Matthews, R. J., Master of Science Thesis. Department of Bible and Modern Scripture. Brigham Young University. Study of the doctrinal significance of certain textual changes made by the prophet Joseph Smith in the four gospels of the Inspired Version of the New Testament. June, 1960.
Episode 7 – Slide 063
Title :
The Jesus of the JST
Year :
1830, 1960
City :
Scripture Reference : Luke 14, Luke 16, Mark 13, Mark 7:10–11, Matt 11, Matt 13, Matt 24, Matt 4:18
Content :
The Jesus of the JST strongly endorses:the words of the Old Testament prophets: (JST Matt 11:14, 17:1011, 14; 24:46, 56; 27:12) their righteousness: (JST Matt 13;16; 21:32) their prophetic gifts: (JST Matt 24:3436; JST Mark 13:3940) the fulfillment of all their prophesies: (JST Matt 4:18; 24:3436; JST Luke 14:33; 22:16) and the importance of their missions: (JST Mark 7:1011, JST Luke 16:1617) The JST make-over of Jesus Christ is consistent with Rigdons pre-1830 theology and with the account of Jesus in the Book of Mormon.
Notes :
These points are all drawn from the BYU MS thesis of Robert J. Matthews (1960).
The Jesus of the JST
Year :
1830, 1960
City :
Scripture Reference : Luke 14, Luke 16, Mark 13, Mark 7:10–11, Matt 11, Matt 13, Matt 24, Matt 4:18
Content :
The Jesus of the JST strongly endorses:the words of the Old Testament prophets: (JST Matt 11:14, 17:1011, 14; 24:46, 56; 27:12) their righteousness: (JST Matt 13;16; 21:32) their prophetic gifts: (JST Matt 24:3436; JST Mark 13:3940) the fulfillment of all their prophesies: (JST Matt 4:18; 24:3436; JST Luke 14:33; 22:16) and the importance of their missions: (JST Mark 7:1011, JST Luke 16:1617) The JST make-over of Jesus Christ is consistent with Rigdons pre-1830 theology and with the account of Jesus in the Book of Mormon.
Notes :
These points are all drawn from the BYU MS thesis of Robert J. Matthews (1960).
Episode 7 – Slide 064
Title :
The JST has other signs
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The JST has other signs of Campbells influence. Like Campbell, the JST uses the word Testimony (rather than Gospel) as titles for the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in his revision of the New Testament: The Testimony of St. Matthew The Testimony of St. MarkThe Testimony of St. Luke The Testimony of St. John Campbells Testimonies
Notes :
Changes made by Alexander Campbell in his revision of the New Testament and his commentary on those changes is available at the following link: https://wwjdtoday.com/ChurchDocs/LivingOracles_updated_1203230700_Word.pdf William Whittsitt observed that Smiths Inspired version of the Bible resembled Alexander Campbells edition: both documents use the word "Testimony" as titles for the Gospels (for example, "The Gospel of Matthew becomes "The Testimony of Matthew"), and both dropped use of special pronouns when addressing deity.
The JST has other signs
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The JST has other signs of Campbells influence. Like Campbell, the JST uses the word Testimony (rather than Gospel) as titles for the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in his revision of the New Testament: The Testimony of St. Matthew The Testimony of St. MarkThe Testimony of St. Luke The Testimony of St. John Campbells Testimonies
Notes :
Changes made by Alexander Campbell in his revision of the New Testament and his commentary on those changes is available at the following link: https://wwjdtoday.com/ChurchDocs/LivingOracles_updated_1203230700_Word.pdf William Whittsitt observed that Smiths Inspired version of the Bible resembled Alexander Campbells edition: both documents use the word "Testimony" as titles for the Gospels (for example, "The Gospel of Matthew becomes "The Testimony of Matthew"), and both dropped use of special pronouns when addressing deity.
Episode 7 – Slide 065
Title :
Other examples involve small changes
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Other examples involve small changes in word choices. One such example is the King James Bible version of 1 Peter 2:12: Having your conversation honest. Campbells version renders this phrase: Have your behavior comely.The JST adopts a compromise: Having your conduct honest.
Notes :
Other examples involve small changes
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Other examples involve small changes in word choices. One such example is the King James Bible version of 1 Peter 2:12: Having your conversation honest. Campbells version renders this phrase: Have your behavior comely.The JST adopts a compromise: Having your conduct honest.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 066
Title :
Book of Moses
Year :
1830, 1833, 1831, 1832
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 9 , Genesis 24, John 5, John 6 , Matt 1–28
Content :
Book of Moses Genesis 9 24:40 Genesis 24:41 through Malachi No. of words translated June 1830 July 2, 1833 Mark to John 5 John 6 Revelations Matt 128 STEP 2. NEW TESTAMENT Mar 7, 1831 June 1832 Revision of the KJ Bible occurred in three steps over three years. STEP 3. OLD TESTAMENT2nd half of Genesis Remainder of Old Testament STEP 1. OLD TESTAMENT1st half of Genesis
Notes :
The JST has 806,787 words. The King James Bible has 789,621 words, including The Song of Solomon (2,658 words), a text deleted from the JST for being not inspired.
Book of Moses
Year :
1830, 1833, 1831, 1832
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 9 , Genesis 24, John 5, John 6 , Matt 1–28
Content :
Book of Moses Genesis 9 24:40 Genesis 24:41 through Malachi No. of words translated June 1830 July 2, 1833 Mark to John 5 John 6 Revelations Matt 128 STEP 2. NEW TESTAMENT Mar 7, 1831 June 1832 Revision of the KJ Bible occurred in three steps over three years. STEP 3. OLD TESTAMENT2nd half of Genesis Remainder of Old Testament STEP 1. OLD TESTAMENT1st half of Genesis
Notes :
The JST has 806,787 words. The King James Bible has 789,621 words, including The Song of Solomon (2,658 words), a text deleted from the JST for being not inspired.
Episode 7 – Slide 067
Title :
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
3% The completed JST contains about 20,000 more words than the King James Bible. Who wrote the 3%? 97% of the JST is copied word-for-word from the King James Bible 3%
Notes :
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
3% The completed JST contains about 20,000 more words than the King James Bible. Who wrote the 3%? 97% of the JST is copied word-for-word from the King James Bible 3%
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 068
Title :
Book of Moses
Year :
1830, 1833, 1831, 1832, 1992
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 9–24, Genesis 24, John 5, John 6–, Matt 1–28, Genesis 1:1, Genesis 4:18, Genesis 4:19, Genesis 5:20, Genesis 5:21, Jeremiah 18, Moses 1
Content :
Book of Moses Genesis 924:40 Genesis 24:41 through Malachi No. of words translated June 1830 July 1833 Mark to John 5 John 6Revelations Matt 128 NEW TESTAMENT OLD TESTAMENT OLD TESTAMENT Mar 1831 June 1832 4 pages 7 pages Eight scribes were involved, most with minor roles. Rigdon was the major scribe. 446 pages Frederick G. Williams Jesse Gause Sidney Rigdon Emma Smith John Whitmer Oliver Cowdery
Notes :
Scribes:Robert J Matthews (1992): The manuscript shows that Oliver Cowdery was the first, serving between June and October 1830; he recorded an introductory revelation (Moses 1) and the translation of KJV Genesis 1:1to Genesis 4:18. John Whitmer served second, from October until December 1830, recording the translation of KJV Genesis 4:19to approximately Genesis 5:20. Sidney Rigdon was next, becoming the main scribe from early December 1830 until the translation was finished on July 2, 1833. He recorded most of the translation from KJV Genesis 5:21to the end of the Bible, although others recorded small portions. http://eom.byu.edu/index.php Joseph_Smith_Translation_of_the_Bible_(JST)Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible, 1830. Kent P. Jackson.Sidney Rigdon was called to serve as the Prophets scribe in December 1830 (see Doctrine and Covenants 35:20), and he served in that capacity until March 1832. His handwriting is the most common on the pages; more than half of the pages show him as the original scribe. Jesse Gause, who served as a counselor in the First Presidency with Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, served also as scribe off and on in March 1832. Fredrick G. Williams replaced Gause in the First Presidency and as scribe on the New Translation. He began as scribe in July 1832 and continued until July 1833, when the translation was completed. https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/joseph-smith-prophet-and-seer/joseph-smiths-new-translation-bible-1830New information is included in Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible concerning the handwriting of the scribes. Frederick G. Williams inserted words in Genesis, John, Acts, Romans, and 1 Corinthians. Sidney Rigdon wrote a short revision of Jeremiah 18:8, 10, and 14. An unknown scribe's handwriting appears on part of NT 2, folio 4, pp. 136, 139-42, 147-49. http://user.xmission.com/~research/mormonpdf/jsnewtranslation.pdf Date of completion of the New Testament:Letter from Joseph Smith Jr. to W. W. Phelps: You [W.W. Phelps] mention concerning the translation. I would inform you that they will not go from under my hand during my natural life for correction, revised or printing and the will of the Lord be done. Therefore you need not expect them this fall. Brother Frederick is employed to be a scribe for me of the Lord. We have finished the translation of the New Testament. Great and glorious things are revealed [in it.] We are making rapid strides in the old book and in the strength of God we can do all things according to his will. JOSEPH SMITH COLLECTION, Document 155, letter dated July 31, 1832 https://web.archive.org/web/20220710180705/ https://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/Dialogue_V27N03_15.pdf
Book of Moses
Year :
1830, 1833, 1831, 1832, 1992
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 9–24, Genesis 24, John 5, John 6–, Matt 1–28, Genesis 1:1, Genesis 4:18, Genesis 4:19, Genesis 5:20, Genesis 5:21, Jeremiah 18, Moses 1
Content :
Book of Moses Genesis 924:40 Genesis 24:41 through Malachi No. of words translated June 1830 July 1833 Mark to John 5 John 6Revelations Matt 128 NEW TESTAMENT OLD TESTAMENT OLD TESTAMENT Mar 1831 June 1832 4 pages 7 pages Eight scribes were involved, most with minor roles. Rigdon was the major scribe. 446 pages Frederick G. Williams Jesse Gause Sidney Rigdon Emma Smith John Whitmer Oliver Cowdery
Notes :
Scribes:Robert J Matthews (1992): The manuscript shows that Oliver Cowdery was the first, serving between June and October 1830; he recorded an introductory revelation (Moses 1) and the translation of KJV Genesis 1:1to Genesis 4:18. John Whitmer served second, from October until December 1830, recording the translation of KJV Genesis 4:19to approximately Genesis 5:20. Sidney Rigdon was next, becoming the main scribe from early December 1830 until the translation was finished on July 2, 1833. He recorded most of the translation from KJV Genesis 5:21to the end of the Bible, although others recorded small portions. http://eom.byu.edu/index.php Joseph_Smith_Translation_of_the_Bible_(JST)Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible, 1830. Kent P. Jackson.Sidney Rigdon was called to serve as the Prophets scribe in December 1830 (see Doctrine and Covenants 35:20), and he served in that capacity until March 1832. His handwriting is the most common on the pages; more than half of the pages show him as the original scribe. Jesse Gause, who served as a counselor in the First Presidency with Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon, served also as scribe off and on in March 1832. Fredrick G. Williams replaced Gause in the First Presidency and as scribe on the New Translation. He began as scribe in July 1832 and continued until July 1833, when the translation was completed. https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/joseph-smith-prophet-and-seer/joseph-smiths-new-translation-bible-1830New information is included in Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible concerning the handwriting of the scribes. Frederick G. Williams inserted words in Genesis, John, Acts, Romans, and 1 Corinthians. Sidney Rigdon wrote a short revision of Jeremiah 18:8, 10, and 14. An unknown scribe's handwriting appears on part of NT 2, folio 4, pp. 136, 139-42, 147-49. http://user.xmission.com/~research/mormonpdf/jsnewtranslation.pdf Date of completion of the New Testament:Letter from Joseph Smith Jr. to W. W. Phelps: You [W.W. Phelps] mention concerning the translation. I would inform you that they will not go from under my hand during my natural life for correction, revised or printing and the will of the Lord be done. Therefore you need not expect them this fall. Brother Frederick is employed to be a scribe for me of the Lord. We have finished the translation of the New Testament. Great and glorious things are revealed [in it.] We are making rapid strides in the old book and in the strength of God we can do all things according to his will. JOSEPH SMITH COLLECTION, Document 155, letter dated July 31, 1832 https://web.archive.org/web/20220710180705/ https://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/Dialogue_V27N03_15.pdf
Episode 7 – Slide 069
Title :
According to Richard Van Wagoner,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to Richard Van Wagoner, Rigdons biographer, the idea: that Rigdon could have been merely Sidney the Scribe, a penman whose sole function was to take down dictation, is implausible. A biblical scholar with a reputation for erudition, he was more steeped in biblical interpretation than any other early Mormon, despite his common school education. Richard Van Wagoner
Notes :
Complete quote from Sidney Rigdon: A Portrait of Religious Excess. that Rigdon could have been merely Sidney the Scribe, a penman whose sole function was to take down dictation, is implausible. A biblical scholar with a reputation for erudition, he was more steeped in biblical interpretation than any other early Mormon, despite his common school education. Any number of Smiths followers could have served as clerk, but only Rigdon could have functioned as a scribe in the historical Jewish sense of the word: a man of learning: one who read and explained the law to the people. Van Wagoner
According to Richard Van Wagoner,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to Richard Van Wagoner, Rigdons biographer, the idea: that Rigdon could have been merely Sidney the Scribe, a penman whose sole function was to take down dictation, is implausible. A biblical scholar with a reputation for erudition, he was more steeped in biblical interpretation than any other early Mormon, despite his common school education. Richard Van Wagoner
Notes :
Complete quote from Sidney Rigdon: A Portrait of Religious Excess. that Rigdon could have been merely Sidney the Scribe, a penman whose sole function was to take down dictation, is implausible. A biblical scholar with a reputation for erudition, he was more steeped in biblical interpretation than any other early Mormon, despite his common school education. Any number of Smiths followers could have served as clerk, but only Rigdon could have functioned as a scribe in the historical Jewish sense of the word: a man of learning: one who read and explained the law to the people. Van Wagoner
Episode 7 – Slide 070
Title :
Rigdon is universally accepted as
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Rigdon is universally accepted as a scribe of the JST, but scholars of Mormonism generally do not credit him with more than that. Does authorship attribution implicate him as an author of the JST? To know, we must first identify JST texts that are suitable for authorship attribution. Long integrated passages are desirable.
Notes :
Rigdon is universally accepted as
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Rigdon is universally accepted as a scribe of the JST, but scholars of Mormonism generally do not credit him with more than that. Does authorship attribution implicate him as an author of the JST? To know, we must first identify JST texts that are suitable for authorship attribution. Long integrated passages are desirable.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 071
Title :
The following plot of books
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The following plot of books and chapters in the King James Bible shows where words were added and deleted. Most of the additions are in the Book of Genesis. Net number of added words = added words (~23,500) deleted words (~3,500) = ~20,000 ~23,500 words added ~3,500 words deleted from King James Bible
Notes :
The following plot of books
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The following plot of books and chapters in the King James Bible shows where words were added and deleted. Most of the additions are in the Book of Genesis. Net number of added words = added words (~23,500) deleted words (~3,500) = ~20,000 ~23,500 words added ~3,500 words deleted from King James Bible
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 072
Title :
No. of added words or
Year :
1830, 1833
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 1–2, Matt 3, Mark 13, Luke 3, Genesis 50, Moses 1
Content :
No. of addedwordsor deleted words June 1830 JST Genesis 12, 3, 4,5, 6a, 6b, 7a,7b-8, 9, 14, 1719 JST Matt 3, 56, 7, 23-24. JST Mark 13 JST Luke 3, 12 JST Genesis 50 JST Isaiah 29 Moses 1* 21 JST texts are inserts with ~200 words (or more) and are suitable for authorship analysis. Song of Solomon Additions Deletions Most additions are in Genesis July 1833 1 2-12 13-16 17 18 -19 20 21 Books of the King James Bible
Notes :
The net number of added words is 19,382.
No. of added words or
Year :
1830, 1833
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 1–2, Matt 3, Mark 13, Luke 3, Genesis 50, Moses 1
Content :
No. of addedwordsor deleted words June 1830 JST Genesis 12, 3, 4,5, 6a, 6b, 7a,7b-8, 9, 14, 1719 JST Matt 3, 56, 7, 23-24. JST Mark 13 JST Luke 3, 12 JST Genesis 50 JST Isaiah 29 Moses 1* 21 JST texts are inserts with ~200 words (or more) and are suitable for authorship analysis. Song of Solomon Additions Deletions Most additions are in Genesis July 1833 1 2-12 13-16 17 18 -19 20 21 Books of the King James Bible
Notes :
The net number of added words is 19,382.
Episode 7 – Slide 073
Title :
Attributions for the 21 texts
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Attributions for the 21 texts (15,713 words) are as follows: 14 to Rigdon, 2 to Smith, 2 to Spalding, 2 to Pratt, and 1 to Cowdery. The relative number of words attributed to each author is indicated below. Major JST additions to the KJ Bible
Notes :
Attributions for the 21 texts
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Attributions for the 21 texts (15,713 words) are as follows: 14 to Rigdon, 2 to Smith, 2 to Spalding, 2 to Pratt, and 1 to Cowdery. The relative number of words attributed to each author is indicated below. Major JST additions to the KJ Bible
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 074
Title :
Book of Mormon
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Book of Mormon Rigdons role as a hidden author of the JST is consistent with his hidden role as an author of the Book of Mormon (Episode 3). Attributions for texts not copied from the King James Bible. Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible
Notes :
Book of Mormon
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Book of Mormon Rigdons role as a hidden author of the JST is consistent with his hidden role as an author of the Book of Mormon (Episode 3). Attributions for texts not copied from the King James Bible. Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 075
Title :
Attributions for the 21 texts
Year :
1867, 1830, 1833
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Attributions for the 21 texts extracted from the JST (1867) are shown at right according to their chronological sequence. The first revelation was recorded in June 1830; the last in May of 1833. May,1833 June,1830
Notes :
Attributions for the 21 texts
Year :
1867, 1830, 1833
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Attributions for the 21 texts extracted from the JST (1867) are shown at right according to their chronological sequence. The first revelation was recorded in June 1830; the last in May of 1833. May,1833 June,1830
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 076
Title :
“A Revelation, Given to Joseph
Year :
1867, 1830, 1843
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 1
Content :
A Revelation, Given to Joseph the Seer The preface of the 1867 JST is entitled A Revelation, Given to Joseph the Seer (recorded June 1830; 1st published 1843). This scripture preceded Genesis 1 and was later named the Visions of Moses The Visions of MosesPreface to JST Genesis
Notes :
“A Revelation, Given to Joseph
Year :
1867, 1830, 1843
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 1
Content :
A Revelation, Given to Joseph the Seer The preface of the 1867 JST is entitled A Revelation, Given to Joseph the Seer (recorded June 1830; 1st published 1843). This scripture preceded Genesis 1 and was later named the Visions of Moses The Visions of MosesPreface to JST Genesis
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 077
Title :
The Book of Moses
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The Book of Moses
Notes :
The Book of Moses
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The Book of Moses
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 078
Title :
The Writings of Moses JST
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 1:1-8
Content :
The Writings of MosesJST Genesis 1:1-8:18 After dictating the preface to the JST, Smith dictated a revision to the first 8 chapters of Genesis now referred to as The Writings of Moses. JST Preface: The Visions of Moses
Notes :
The Writings of Moses JST
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 1:1-8
Content :
The Writings of MosesJST Genesis 1:1-8:18 After dictating the preface to the JST, Smith dictated a revision to the first 8 chapters of Genesis now referred to as The Writings of Moses. JST Preface: The Visions of Moses
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 079
Title :
LDS apostles Franklin D. Richards
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : JST 8:19-56, Moses 1, Moses 2 , Moses 3 , Moses 4, Moses 5, Moses 5:1-13, Moses 5:14-59, Moses 6, Moses 6:1-50, Moses 6:51-68, Moses 7 , Moses 8
Content :
LDS apostles Franklin D. Richards and Orson Pratt compiled The Visions of Moses and The Writings of Moses to create the Book of Moses in the LDS Pearl of Great Price. LDS Book of Moses Book of Moses 21 texts of the JST Book of Moses text divisions proposed by Kent P. Jackson (2005).
Notes :
Divisions of the Book of MosesThe division of texts in this analysis is based on the analysis of Jackson (2005). Reference: Kent P. Jackson,The Book of Moses and the Joseph Smith Translation Manuscripts(Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005), 145171.Moses 1Moses 2 / Moses 3 (combined)Moses 4Moses 5Adams blessing - Moses 5:1-13Master Mahan - Moses 5:14-59Moses 6Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch1 Moses 6:1-50Record of Adam - Moses 6:51-68Moses 7 Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch2Moses 8 Pre-Flood A and B + JST 8:19-56 Flood
LDS apostles Franklin D. Richards
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : JST 8:19-56, Moses 1, Moses 2 , Moses 3 , Moses 4, Moses 5, Moses 5:1-13, Moses 5:14-59, Moses 6, Moses 6:1-50, Moses 6:51-68, Moses 7 , Moses 8
Content :
LDS apostles Franklin D. Richards and Orson Pratt compiled The Visions of Moses and The Writings of Moses to create the Book of Moses in the LDS Pearl of Great Price. LDS Book of Moses Book of Moses 21 texts of the JST Book of Moses text divisions proposed by Kent P. Jackson (2005).
Notes :
Divisions of the Book of MosesThe division of texts in this analysis is based on the analysis of Jackson (2005). Reference: Kent P. Jackson,The Book of Moses and the Joseph Smith Translation Manuscripts(Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2005), 145171.Moses 1Moses 2 / Moses 3 (combined)Moses 4Moses 5Adams blessing - Moses 5:1-13Master Mahan - Moses 5:14-59Moses 6Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch1 Moses 6:1-50Record of Adam - Moses 6:51-68Moses 7 Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch2Moses 8 Pre-Flood A and B + JST 8:19-56 Flood
Episode 7 – Slide 080
Title :
Scribes involved in dictation of
Year :
1830, 1831
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1:1–5, Moses 5:43–6, Moses 6:19–52, Moses 6:52–7, Moses 7:2–8
Content :
Scribes involved in dictation of the Book of Moses from June 1830 to January 1831 are shown below.
Notes :
https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/book-moses-and-joseph-smith-translation-manuscripts/history-book-moses https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/old-testament-revision-1/1#!/paperSummary/old-testament-revision-1&p=3 Contents of Old Testament Manuscript 1:Pages 110 Oliver Cowdery Moses 1:15:43 June 1830?Pages 1011 John Whitmer Moses 5:436:18 Oct. 21, 1830; Nov. 30, 1830Pages 1114 Emma Smith Moses 6:1952 Dec. 1, 1830Pages 1415 John Whitmer Moses 6:527:1 Dec. 1830Pages 1521 Sidney Rigdon Moses 7:28:30 Dec. 1830; Feb. 1831
Scribes involved in dictation of
Year :
1830, 1831
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1:1–5, Moses 5:43–6, Moses 6:19–52, Moses 6:52–7, Moses 7:2–8
Content :
Scribes involved in dictation of the Book of Moses from June 1830 to January 1831 are shown below.
Notes :
https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/book-moses-and-joseph-smith-translation-manuscripts/history-book-moses https://www.josephsmithpapers.org/paper-summary/old-testament-revision-1/1#!/paperSummary/old-testament-revision-1&p=3 Contents of Old Testament Manuscript 1:Pages 110 Oliver Cowdery Moses 1:15:43 June 1830?Pages 1011 John Whitmer Moses 5:436:18 Oct. 21, 1830; Nov. 30, 1830Pages 1114 Emma Smith Moses 6:1952 Dec. 1, 1830Pages 1415 John Whitmer Moses 6:527:1 Dec. 1830Pages 1521 Sidney Rigdon Moses 7:28:30 Dec. 1830; Feb. 1831
Episode 7 – Slide 081
Title :
LDS Apologist Hugh Nibley recognized
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
LDS Apologist Hugh Nibley recognized that the Book of Moses has a different style than the Book of Mormon: After all these years it comes as a surprise for me to learn that the Book of Moses appeared in the same year as the publication of the Book of Mormon, the first chapter being delivered in the very month of its publication. And it is a totally different kind of book, in another style, from another world. It puts to rest the silly arguments about who really wrote the Book of Mormon, for whoever produced the Book of Moses would have been even a greater genius...
Notes :
H. W. Nibley, To Open, pp. 1-3. Cited in https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/2010-Jeffrey-Bradshaw.pdf
LDS Apologist Hugh Nibley recognized
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
LDS Apologist Hugh Nibley recognized that the Book of Moses has a different style than the Book of Mormon: After all these years it comes as a surprise for me to learn that the Book of Moses appeared in the same year as the publication of the Book of Mormon, the first chapter being delivered in the very month of its publication. And it is a totally different kind of book, in another style, from another world. It puts to rest the silly arguments about who really wrote the Book of Mormon, for whoever produced the Book of Moses would have been even a greater genius...
Notes :
H. W. Nibley, To Open, pp. 1-3. Cited in https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/2010-Jeffrey-Bradshaw.pdf
Episode 7 – Slide 082
Title :
The first chapter of the
Year :
City :
Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference : Moses 1, Moses 2–3, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8
Content :
The first chapter of the Book of Moses, the Visions of Moses, has been referred to by Mormon apologists as one of the most remarkable chapters in scripture. Text analysis attributes its authorship to Joseph Smith. Texts of the Book of Moses Moses 1 Moses 23 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8
Notes :
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Co-Authored with David J. Larsen . 2010. Temple Themes in the Book of Moses, Salt Lake City. 3. The Vision of Moses as a Heavenly Ascent. P. 26. https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/2010-Jeffrey-Bradshaw.pdf
The first chapter of the
Year :
City :
Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference : Moses 1, Moses 2–3, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8
Content :
The first chapter of the Book of Moses, the Visions of Moses, has been referred to by Mormon apologists as one of the most remarkable chapters in scripture. Text analysis attributes its authorship to Joseph Smith. Texts of the Book of Moses Moses 1 Moses 23 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8
Notes :
Jeffrey M. Bradshaw, Co-Authored with David J. Larsen . 2010. Temple Themes in the Book of Moses, Salt Lake City. 3. The Vision of Moses as a Heavenly Ascent. P. 26. https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/2010-Jeffrey-Bradshaw.pdf
Episode 7 – Slide 083
Title :
Its content is consistent with
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1:41-42
Content :
Its content is consistent with its attribution to Joseph Smith. In it, the Deity informs Moses that some of his writings would be lost, but I will raise up another like unto thee so that the lost records would be had again among the children of men. Yes, of course. That would be me.
Notes :
Moses 1:41-42
Its content is consistent with
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1:41-42
Content :
Its content is consistent with its attribution to Joseph Smith. In it, the Deity informs Moses that some of his writings would be lost, but I will raise up another like unto thee so that the lost records would be had again among the children of men. Yes, of course. That would be me.
Notes :
Moses 1:41-42
Episode 7 – Slide 084
Title :
Earlier, in an effort to
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : BC 30, Moses 1
Content :
Earlier, in an effort to rein in Cowdery (Episode 6), Rigdon named Smith as a revelator even as Moses (BC 30). Attribution of Moses 1 to Smith indicates that he was ready to assume the role of prophet. I will raise up another like unto thee
Notes :
Smith probability 82%
Earlier, in an effort to
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : BC 30, Moses 1
Content :
Earlier, in an effort to rein in Cowdery (Episode 6), Rigdon named Smith as a revelator even as Moses (BC 30). Attribution of Moses 1 to Smith indicates that he was ready to assume the role of prophet. I will raise up another like unto thee
Notes :
Smith probability 82%
Episode 7 – Slide 085
Title :
Paine: “The immensity of space
Year :
1737, 1809
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1
Content :
Paine: The immensity of space will appear to us to be filled with systems of worldsare we to suppose that every world in the boundless creation had an Eve, an apple, a serpent, and a redeemer? The Age of Reason, P. 47, 49 Thomas Paine (17371809) Moses 1 also responds to criticisms of the Bible by Thomas Paine, the famous revolutionary war activist. Paine questioned whether every world had to have its own Adam and its own Savior.
Notes :
Paine: “The immensity of space
Year :
1737, 1809
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1
Content :
Paine: The immensity of space will appear to us to be filled with systems of worldsare we to suppose that every world in the boundless creation had an Eve, an apple, a serpent, and a redeemer? The Age of Reason, P. 47, 49 Thomas Paine (17371809) Moses 1 also responds to criticisms of the Bible by Thomas Paine, the famous revolutionary war activist. Paine questioned whether every world had to have its own Adam and its own Savior.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 086
Title :
Smith likely had interest in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smith likely had interest in Paines critique. According to his mother, Josephs unbelieving grandfather reportedly threw a copy of Paines The Age of Reason at Josephs father and bade him read until he believed it.
Notes :
In a document entitled "Preliminary Draft, Lucy Smith (Joseph Smiths mother) speaks of her father-in-law {Asael Smith] giving her husband Joseph Smith Sr. a copy of Age of Reason and "bade him read that until he believed it."
Smith likely had interest in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smith likely had interest in Paines critique. According to his mother, Josephs unbelieving grandfather reportedly threw a copy of Paines The Age of Reason at Josephs father and bade him read until he believed it.
Notes :
In a document entitled "Preliminary Draft, Lucy Smith (Joseph Smiths mother) speaks of her father-in-law {Asael Smith] giving her husband Joseph Smith Sr. a copy of Age of Reason and "bade him read that until he believed it."
Episode 7 – Slide 087
Title :
In Moses 1, the Deity
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1, Moses 2–3, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8
Content :
In Moses 1, the Deity addresses Paines question: Are we to suppose that every world in the boundless creation had an Eve, an apple, a serpent, and a redeemer? Verse 34 answers that Mine Only Begotten (Jesus Christ) was redeemer of all worlds but that every world has its own Adam: the first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many. Texts in the Book of Moses Moses 1 Moses 23 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8
Notes :
In Moses 1, the Deity
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1, Moses 2–3, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8
Content :
In Moses 1, the Deity addresses Paines question: Are we to suppose that every world in the boundless creation had an Eve, an apple, a serpent, and a redeemer? Verse 34 answers that Mine Only Begotten (Jesus Christ) was redeemer of all worlds but that every world has its own Adam: the first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many. Texts in the Book of Moses Moses 1 Moses 23 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 088
Title :
Moses 2-3 (JST Ge 1–2)
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 2-3, Moses 2 , Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8
Content :
Moses 2-3 (JST Ge 12) are attributed to Parley Pratt. These chapters resolve a second criticism from Paine. As to the account of the creation, with which the book of Genesis opens... It begins abruptly. It is nobody that speaks. It is nobody that hears. It is addressed to nobody. It has neither first, second, nor third person. Moses 2 & 3 Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Texts in the Book of Moses Paine
Notes :
From Thomas Paines: Age of Reason
Moses 2-3 (JST Ge 1–2)
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 2-3, Moses 2 , Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8
Content :
Moses 2-3 (JST Ge 12) are attributed to Parley Pratt. These chapters resolve a second criticism from Paine. As to the account of the creation, with which the book of Genesis opens... It begins abruptly. It is nobody that speaks. It is nobody that hears. It is addressed to nobody. It has neither first, second, nor third person. Moses 2 & 3 Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Texts in the Book of Moses Paine
Notes :
From Thomas Paines: Age of Reason
Episode 7 – Slide 089
Title :
Moses Chapters 2–3 explicitly identify
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 2:26 , Moses 3:18 , Moses 4:1 , Moses 2 , Moses 1
Content :
Moses Chapters 23 explicitly identify the speaker: I am the Almighty God. The hearer is also explicitly identified as either Moses or as mine Only Begotten. And I, God, said unto mine Only Begotten, which was with me from the beginning Moses 2:26 And I, the Lord God, said unto mine Only Begotten Moses 3:18 And I, the Lord God, spake unto Moses, saying Moses 4:1 Reads much better now! Hearer and listener are clearly identified: Moses 2 & 3 Moses 1
Notes :
Moses Chapters 2–3 explicitly identify
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 2:26 , Moses 3:18 , Moses 4:1 , Moses 2 , Moses 1
Content :
Moses Chapters 23 explicitly identify the speaker: I am the Almighty God. The hearer is also explicitly identified as either Moses or as mine Only Begotten. And I, God, said unto mine Only Begotten, which was with me from the beginning Moses 2:26 And I, the Lord God, said unto mine Only Begotten Moses 3:18 And I, the Lord God, spake unto Moses, saying Moses 4:1 Reads much better now! Hearer and listener are clearly identified: Moses 2 & 3 Moses 1
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 090
Title :
Pratt was also familiar with
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Pratt was also familiar with Thomas Paine. In his 1838 defense of Mormonism against Spalding authorship claims, Pratt disparaged Paine as someone not to be trusted. Pratt: What ideas would be formed of the Bible, by one who had never read the book himself; but who trusted altogether to the statements of Thomas Paine, and other Infidel writers concerning it?
Notes :
Pratt, P. 1838. Mormonism Unveiled Exposed! p. 4
Pratt was also familiar with
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Pratt was also familiar with Thomas Paine. In his 1838 defense of Mormonism against Spalding authorship claims, Pratt disparaged Paine as someone not to be trusted. Pratt: What ideas would be formed of the Bible, by one who had never read the book himself; but who trusted altogether to the statements of Thomas Paine, and other Infidel writers concerning it?
Notes :
Pratt, P. 1838. Mormonism Unveiled Exposed! p. 4
Episode 7 – Slide 091
Title :
A small but important insert
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 3:5, Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3
Content :
A small but important insert is Moses 3:5. Here, the Deity informs Moses that a spiritual creation preceded the temporal creation. For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth. Texts in the Book of Moses Moses 3:5 Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23
Notes :
A small but important insert
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 3:5, Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3
Content :
A small but important insert is Moses 3:5. Here, the Deity informs Moses that a spiritual creation preceded the temporal creation. For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth. Texts in the Book of Moses Moses 3:5 Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 092
Title :
“And he [Satan] became… the
Year :
1830, 1909, 1891, 1989
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 4:4, Moses 4 , Moses 1, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3, D&C 29
Content :
And he [Satan] became the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice Moses 4:4 This theme continues in Moses 4 where Satan proposes to save all mankind in the pre-existence. Christ responds Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine. Christs plan was chosen, and Satan is cast down. Smith is the most probably author of Moses 4. Moses 4 Moses 1 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23
Notes :
The Book of Jude is a likely Biblical source of inspiration for the War in Heaven. Jude 1:6 reads: And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. A second such source is Peter 2:4, which reads: God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgmentSee also: https://rsc.byu.edu/shedding-light-new-testament/overlooked-epistle-jude Authorship attribution indicates that Sidney Rigdon is the likely author of D&C 29 dated Sept 1830.Doctrine and Covenants 29:36-37 reads: And it came to pass that Adam, being tempted of the devilfor, behold, the devil was before Adam, for he rebelled against me, saying, Give me thine honor, which is my power; and also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency. And they were thrust down, and thus came the devil and his angelsRevelation 12:79 reads: And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.See also:On the pre-existence of souls from THE ARCANE SCHOOLS : A Review of their Origin and Antiquity; with a History of Freemasonry and its Relation to the Theosophic, Scientific, and Philosophic Mysteries (1909)by John Yarker pp. 79-80 https://hermetic.com/yarker/the-arcane-schools/aryan-civilisation-and-mysteries According to this mysticdoctrine which was advocated by Plato, Origen, and some of the early ChristianBishops, as Synesius, all souls have pre-existence and have descended from thespiritual world into the earthly prison of the body, but some souls are moredivinely advanced than others."Metempsychosis, and the pre-existence of the Soul was an integral part of thesystem.J. H. Blunt, "Dict. of Sects and Heresies," London, 1891. "All this agrees with the doctrine of Plato, that the soul cannot re-enter into Heaven, untilthe revolutions of the Universe shall have restored it to its primitive condition, andpurified it from the effects of its contact with the four elements.This opinion of the pre-existence of souls, as pure and celestial substances, before theirunion with our bodies, to put on and animate which they descend from Heaven, is one ofgreat antiquity. A modern Rabbi, Manasseh Ben Israel*, says it was always the belief ofthe Hebrews. It was that of most philosophers who admitted the immortality of the soul:and therefore it was taught in the Mysteries; for, as Lactantius says, they could not seehow it was possible that the soul should exist after the body, if it had not existed before it,and if its nature was not independent of that of the body. The same doctrine was adoptedby the most learned of the Greek Fathers, and by many of the Latins: and it wouldprobably prevail largely at the present day, if men troubled themselves to think upon thissubject at all, and to inquire whether the soul's immortality involved its prior existence."Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma pp.327-328see also Jan van den Berg, 'Manasseh Ben Israel, Henry More, and Johannes Hoornbeeck on the pre-existence of the soul in "Menasseh Ben Israel and His WorldEd. Ysf Qaplan, Richard Henry Popkin, Henry Mchoulan, 1989
“And he [Satan] became… the
Year :
1830, 1909, 1891, 1989
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 4:4, Moses 4 , Moses 1, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3, D&C 29
Content :
And he [Satan] became the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice Moses 4:4 This theme continues in Moses 4 where Satan proposes to save all mankind in the pre-existence. Christ responds Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine. Christs plan was chosen, and Satan is cast down. Smith is the most probably author of Moses 4. Moses 4 Moses 1 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23
Notes :
The Book of Jude is a likely Biblical source of inspiration for the War in Heaven. Jude 1:6 reads: And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. A second such source is Peter 2:4, which reads: God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgmentSee also: https://rsc.byu.edu/shedding-light-new-testament/overlooked-epistle-jude Authorship attribution indicates that Sidney Rigdon is the likely author of D&C 29 dated Sept 1830.Doctrine and Covenants 29:36-37 reads: And it came to pass that Adam, being tempted of the devilfor, behold, the devil was before Adam, for he rebelled against me, saying, Give me thine honor, which is my power; and also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency. And they were thrust down, and thus came the devil and his angelsRevelation 12:79 reads: And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.See also:On the pre-existence of souls from THE ARCANE SCHOOLS : A Review of their Origin and Antiquity; with a History of Freemasonry and its Relation to the Theosophic, Scientific, and Philosophic Mysteries (1909)by John Yarker pp. 79-80 https://hermetic.com/yarker/the-arcane-schools/aryan-civilisation-and-mysteries According to this mysticdoctrine which was advocated by Plato, Origen, and some of the early ChristianBishops, as Synesius, all souls have pre-existence and have descended from thespiritual world into the earthly prison of the body, but some souls are moredivinely advanced than others."Metempsychosis, and the pre-existence of the Soul was an integral part of thesystem.J. H. Blunt, "Dict. of Sects and Heresies," London, 1891. "All this agrees with the doctrine of Plato, that the soul cannot re-enter into Heaven, untilthe revolutions of the Universe shall have restored it to its primitive condition, andpurified it from the effects of its contact with the four elements.This opinion of the pre-existence of souls, as pure and celestial substances, before theirunion with our bodies, to put on and animate which they descend from Heaven, is one ofgreat antiquity. A modern Rabbi, Manasseh Ben Israel*, says it was always the belief ofthe Hebrews. It was that of most philosophers who admitted the immortality of the soul:and therefore it was taught in the Mysteries; for, as Lactantius says, they could not seehow it was possible that the soul should exist after the body, if it had not existed before it,and if its nature was not independent of that of the body. The same doctrine was adoptedby the most learned of the Greek Fathers, and by many of the Latins: and it wouldprobably prevail largely at the present day, if men troubled themselves to think upon thissubject at all, and to inquire whether the soul's immortality involved its prior existence."Albert Pike, Morals & Dogma pp.327-328see also Jan van den Berg, 'Manasseh Ben Israel, Henry More, and Johannes Hoornbeeck on the pre-existence of the soul in "Menasseh Ben Israel and His WorldEd. Ysf Qaplan, Richard Henry Popkin, Henry Mchoulan, 1989
Episode 7 – Slide 093
Title :
Inspiration for Moses 4 may
Year :
1830, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 29, Moses 4
Content :
Inspiration for Moses 4 may have come from D&C 29, a Sept 1830 revelation attributed to Rigdon (Episode 6): for he [the Devil] rebelled against meand also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency: And they were thrust down No problem. Parley, when you see Joseph, can you give him this scripture for the September conference? Doctrine and Covenants (1835)
Notes :
Inspiration for Moses 4 may
Year :
1830, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 29, Moses 4
Content :
Inspiration for Moses 4 may have come from D&C 29, a Sept 1830 revelation attributed to Rigdon (Episode 6): for he [the Devil] rebelled against meand also a third part of the hosts of heaven turned he away from me because of their agency: And they were thrust down No problem. Parley, when you see Joseph, can you give him this scripture for the September conference? Doctrine and Covenants (1835)
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 094
Title :
Moses 5:1–13, another text attributed
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 5:1–13, Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3, Moses 5:6–7
Content :
Moses 5:113, another text attributed to Rigdon, foreshadows Christs sacrifice with the ritual sacrifice of a lamb. Moses 5:113 Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23 an angel of the Lord appeared unto Adam, saying: Why dost thou offer sacrifices unto the Lord? And Adam said unto him: I know not, save the Lord commanded me. And then the angel spake, saying: This thing is a similitude of the sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father, which is full of grace and truth. Moses 5:67
Notes :
Images: http://www.whymormonism.org/74/sacrifice_mormonism http://lifehopeandtruth.com/god/blog/animal-sacrifices-prefigured-christ/
Moses 5:1–13, another text attributed
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 5:1–13, Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3, Moses 5:6–7
Content :
Moses 5:113, another text attributed to Rigdon, foreshadows Christs sacrifice with the ritual sacrifice of a lamb. Moses 5:113 Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23 an angel of the Lord appeared unto Adam, saying: Why dost thou offer sacrifices unto the Lord? And Adam said unto him: I know not, save the Lord commanded me. And then the angel spake, saying: This thing is a similitude of the sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father, which is full of grace and truth. Moses 5:67
Notes :
Images: http://www.whymormonism.org/74/sacrifice_mormonism http://lifehopeandtruth.com/god/blog/animal-sacrifices-prefigured-christ/
Episode 7 – Slide 095
Title :
Moses 5:14–59 (JST Genesis 5)
Year :
1761, 1816
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 5, Genesis 14 , Moses 5:14–59
Content :
Moses 5:1459 (JST Genesis 5) and JST Genesis 14 are attributed to Solomon Spalding. Both manuscripts contain clear references to Royal Arch Masonry. Book of Moses 21 texts of the JST They put me in the Bible!? Youve got to be kidding! S. Spalding (17611816)
Notes :
Moses 5:14–59 (JST Genesis 5)
Year :
1761, 1816
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 5, Genesis 14 , Moses 5:14–59
Content :
Moses 5:1459 (JST Genesis 5) and JST Genesis 14 are attributed to Solomon Spalding. Both manuscripts contain clear references to Royal Arch Masonry. Book of Moses 21 texts of the JST They put me in the Bible!? Youve got to be kidding! S. Spalding (17611816)
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 096
Title :
Spalding and Masonry in the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Spalding and Masonry in the Book of Moses
Notes :
Spalding and Masonry in the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Spalding and Masonry in the Book of Moses
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 097
Title :
In “Manuscript Story”, Spalding uses
Year :
1782, 1787, 1752, 1809, 1795, 1959, 1898, 1740, 1857, 1816
City :
Dartmouth,Amity,Conneaut,New York,Ohio,Reading
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In Manuscript Story, Spalding uses the Masonic expression Almighty Architect reference to Deity.His wife, Martha, reported her husband as having strong antipathy to the Masonic Institution.From 17821787, Spalding was a student of Dr. John Smith (17521809), Professor of Ancient Languages at Dartmouth College. Prof. Smiths theological lectures covered many themes common to both Royal Arch Masonry and Mormonism. Several lines of evidence indicate that Spalding was familiar with Royal Arch Masonry.
Notes :
"The Reverend Solomon Spaulding was preaching at Cherry Valley and teaching at the academy there in 1795. He reappeared at Conneaut, Ohio, in 1809. He was given to writing historical romances and occasionally read excerpts to his relatives and neighbors From THE OTSEGO FARMER. Vol 73. No. 50. Cooperstown, NY. Sept 17, 1959. Roy L. Butterfiled. http://sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/ny/otsego5.htm After the Revolution the Rev. Solomon Spaulding established the first Cherry Valley Academy. He was, however, blessed with a very vivid imagination and was ousted from his position for writing a "Biblical Romance." http://sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/ny/otsego5.htm See also: John Sawyer, 1898. History of Cherry Valley from 1740 to 1898, Cherry Valley, NY, Gazette Print, p. 56-57. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=loc.ark:/13960/t8w95fr85;view=1up;seq=66 The first principal, the Rev. Solomon Spaulding, was hired in June [1795] and dismissed in October. The original manuscript of the Mormon Bible was later traced to this Rev. Solomon Spaulding. The second principal, Eliphalet Nott, also gained prominence as he later became president of Union College. http://sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/ny/otsego5.htm From p. 129 in Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon? - March 2, 1857 Letter from Dr. Cephas Dodd to Col. Thomas Ringland:Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding usually attended Church one part of the day. I understood from him that he had formerly lived at Cherry Valley in the State of New York, where he had met with some losses and had then removed to Western Reserve where he had erected Iron works & failed. Being one day in Amity, I noticed that Redick McKee (then a lad and employed in keeping store for Mr. Jelly) was reading Virgil. On enquiring who was his teacher, he said "Mr. Spaulding." [103] So it appeared that he had some knowledge of Latin. He afterwards read to me at different times some short pieces which he proposed to send for publication to the County newspaper but I believe none of them if sent were ever published. [104] With me he always seemed shy and reserved about his former history. Understanding that he had lived {at Cherry Valley] I endeavoured to draw him out by enquiring about Rev. Dr. Nott. He only said that Dr. Nott had used him very ill. I think it was in Oct 1816 that Dysentery was prevailing and I attended Redick McKee who boarded with Mr. S. Calling one day [I] found Mr. S. quite ill and advised him to take some medicine but he preferred taking his own way. After an absence of a few days I was called to see him. He sometimes took my prescriptions and sometimes his own or Mrs.Spaulding's -- under which treatment the disease was protracted and terminated in his death. When he appeared to be sinking under his disease I endeavoured to converse closely with him, but there was the same reserv[e] as to any disclosure of his manner of life. Some time after his death an old Yankee man by the name of Hubbel who went about selling wooden bowls told me that he had known him in the state of [N]ew York and had often heard him preach and also called him "Esquire Spaulding." It is probable that he was a Congregationalist -- and it is likely not ordained [i. e. while at Amity -- Editors] [as] that denomination only gives licenses which expire by their own limitation as to time; so that there is no evidence of his being deposed for immorality. [See text below for explanation -- Editors]The few scraps of writing above mentioned were all that I knew anything about, till some years after his death when the Mormons took their rise. Having received a letter of enquiry on the subject from some person in the State of Ohio, I found that Mr. S had been more communicative to some other persons and that Messrs John Thomson an[d] J. Van Seaman had read his novel or some parts of it. Seaman was then dead. I enquired of Mr. Thomson. He could [not] give much account of it -- but said that he remembered the names of Neri and Lehi which he understood were used in the Mormon Bible. I was referred to Miss Sarah Thomson (now Mrs. Day). She had read some of his writings, but not the one in question.I have understood that Mr. S. had submitted his manuscript to Revd. R. Patterson of Pittsburg [who] was connected in a printing office & Bookstore with a view of having it published -- and of course that must have been before he came to Amity as he still had it [i. e. the manuscript] here. Mrs. S. went after his death to N[ew] York State and I suppose carried the M. S. with her; and that being the neighborhood where Joe Smith resided -- it by some means fell into his hands. Such I think has been the impression of Mrs. S. though she she [sic] knows not how he obtained it. You will thus perceive that I have no personal knowledge that would have any bearing on the subject as I have never seen either the Manuscript or the Mormon bible. My impression however is that is of little consequence. I have no doubt that Spaulding's novel was used by Joe Smith. But it was only used as a kind of substratum and did not contain anything of the essence of the Mormon faith All [of] that is contained in pretended revelations made to him and his successors, and added afterwards. I do not suppose that any testimony that could be offered in this case would convince a Mormon of his error and Congress will not undertake to decide as to the truth or falsehood of any religion. Nor does it belong within their province. Respectfully Yours, Cephas Dodd"
In “Manuscript Story”, Spalding uses
Year :
1782, 1787, 1752, 1809, 1795, 1959, 1898, 1740, 1857, 1816
City :
Dartmouth,Amity,Conneaut,New York,Ohio,Reading
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In Manuscript Story, Spalding uses the Masonic expression Almighty Architect reference to Deity.His wife, Martha, reported her husband as having strong antipathy to the Masonic Institution.From 17821787, Spalding was a student of Dr. John Smith (17521809), Professor of Ancient Languages at Dartmouth College. Prof. Smiths theological lectures covered many themes common to both Royal Arch Masonry and Mormonism. Several lines of evidence indicate that Spalding was familiar with Royal Arch Masonry.
Notes :
"The Reverend Solomon Spaulding was preaching at Cherry Valley and teaching at the academy there in 1795. He reappeared at Conneaut, Ohio, in 1809. He was given to writing historical romances and occasionally read excerpts to his relatives and neighbors From THE OTSEGO FARMER. Vol 73. No. 50. Cooperstown, NY. Sept 17, 1959. Roy L. Butterfiled. http://sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/ny/otsego5.htm After the Revolution the Rev. Solomon Spaulding established the first Cherry Valley Academy. He was, however, blessed with a very vivid imagination and was ousted from his position for writing a "Biblical Romance." http://sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/ny/otsego5.htm See also: John Sawyer, 1898. History of Cherry Valley from 1740 to 1898, Cherry Valley, NY, Gazette Print, p. 56-57. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=loc.ark:/13960/t8w95fr85;view=1up;seq=66 The first principal, the Rev. Solomon Spaulding, was hired in June [1795] and dismissed in October. The original manuscript of the Mormon Bible was later traced to this Rev. Solomon Spaulding. The second principal, Eliphalet Nott, also gained prominence as he later became president of Union College. http://sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/ny/otsego5.htm From p. 129 in Who Really Wrote the Book of Mormon? - March 2, 1857 Letter from Dr. Cephas Dodd to Col. Thomas Ringland:Mr. and Mrs. Spaulding usually attended Church one part of the day. I understood from him that he had formerly lived at Cherry Valley in the State of New York, where he had met with some losses and had then removed to Western Reserve where he had erected Iron works & failed. Being one day in Amity, I noticed that Redick McKee (then a lad and employed in keeping store for Mr. Jelly) was reading Virgil. On enquiring who was his teacher, he said "Mr. Spaulding." [103] So it appeared that he had some knowledge of Latin. He afterwards read to me at different times some short pieces which he proposed to send for publication to the County newspaper but I believe none of them if sent were ever published. [104] With me he always seemed shy and reserved about his former history. Understanding that he had lived {at Cherry Valley] I endeavoured to draw him out by enquiring about Rev. Dr. Nott. He only said that Dr. Nott had used him very ill. I think it was in Oct 1816 that Dysentery was prevailing and I attended Redick McKee who boarded with Mr. S. Calling one day [I] found Mr. S. quite ill and advised him to take some medicine but he preferred taking his own way. After an absence of a few days I was called to see him. He sometimes took my prescriptions and sometimes his own or Mrs.Spaulding's -- under which treatment the disease was protracted and terminated in his death. When he appeared to be sinking under his disease I endeavoured to converse closely with him, but there was the same reserv[e] as to any disclosure of his manner of life. Some time after his death an old Yankee man by the name of Hubbel who went about selling wooden bowls told me that he had known him in the state of [N]ew York and had often heard him preach and also called him "Esquire Spaulding." It is probable that he was a Congregationalist -- and it is likely not ordained [i. e. while at Amity -- Editors] [as] that denomination only gives licenses which expire by their own limitation as to time; so that there is no evidence of his being deposed for immorality. [See text below for explanation -- Editors]The few scraps of writing above mentioned were all that I knew anything about, till some years after his death when the Mormons took their rise. Having received a letter of enquiry on the subject from some person in the State of Ohio, I found that Mr. S had been more communicative to some other persons and that Messrs John Thomson an[d] J. Van Seaman had read his novel or some parts of it. Seaman was then dead. I enquired of Mr. Thomson. He could [not] give much account of it -- but said that he remembered the names of Neri and Lehi which he understood were used in the Mormon Bible. I was referred to Miss Sarah Thomson (now Mrs. Day). She had read some of his writings, but not the one in question.I have understood that Mr. S. had submitted his manuscript to Revd. R. Patterson of Pittsburg [who] was connected in a printing office & Bookstore with a view of having it published -- and of course that must have been before he came to Amity as he still had it [i. e. the manuscript] here. Mrs. S. went after his death to N[ew] York State and I suppose carried the M. S. with her; and that being the neighborhood where Joe Smith resided -- it by some means fell into his hands. Such I think has been the impression of Mrs. S. though she she [sic] knows not how he obtained it. You will thus perceive that I have no personal knowledge that would have any bearing on the subject as I have never seen either the Manuscript or the Mormon bible. My impression however is that is of little consequence. I have no doubt that Spaulding's novel was used by Joe Smith. But it was only used as a kind of substratum and did not contain anything of the essence of the Mormon faith All [of] that is contained in pretended revelations made to him and his successors, and added afterwards. I do not suppose that any testimony that could be offered in this case would convince a Mormon of his error and Congress will not undertake to decide as to the truth or falsehood of any religion. Nor does it belong within their province. Respectfully Yours, Cephas Dodd"
Episode 7 – Slide 098
Title :
The introduction to Spalding’s “Manuscript
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The introduction to Spaldings Manuscript Story parallels the Royal Arch narrative. Manuscript Story (Spalding)The narrator uncovers a flat stone at the top of a dome inscribed with a number of characters amid the remains of an ancient fort. The stone covers a vault about eight feet deep. The narrator lifts the stone with a lever.The narrator descends into the vault and discovers an earthen box with a cover. He removes the cover and finds sheets of parchment with inscriptions. Royal Arch NarrativeThe narrator describes a group of Masons who uncover an inscribed arch keystone amid rubble of the Jewish Temple.The arch covers an underground vault. The Masons descend into the vault and find a box containing a parchment with inscriptions.
Notes :
The introduction to Spalding’s “Manuscript
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The introduction to Spaldings Manuscript Story parallels the Royal Arch narrative. Manuscript Story (Spalding)The narrator uncovers a flat stone at the top of a dome inscribed with a number of characters amid the remains of an ancient fort. The stone covers a vault about eight feet deep. The narrator lifts the stone with a lever.The narrator descends into the vault and discovers an earthen box with a cover. He removes the cover and finds sheets of parchment with inscriptions. Royal Arch NarrativeThe narrator describes a group of Masons who uncover an inscribed arch keystone amid rubble of the Jewish Temple.The arch covers an underground vault. The Masons descend into the vault and find a box containing a parchment with inscriptions.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 099
Title :
Moses 5:14–59 includes a Masonic
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 5:14–59, Moses 5:31, Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3
Content :
Moses 5:1459 includes a Masonic reference to Cain, the brother and murderer of Abel: And Cain said: Truly I am Mahan, the master of this great secret, that I may murder and get gain. Wherefore Cain was called Master Mahan, and he gloried in his wickedness. Moses 5:31 Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23
Notes :
Image source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Ye7Lfgd5fZI/TDITd3hnePI/AAAAAAAAAXE/ix5p48WJeg0/s1600/cabII.jpg Joseph Smiths idea was that there was a true Masonry and an apostate imitation passed down from Cain and Lamech. Restoration" of the Melchizedek Priesthood and temple ceremonies brought back the true priesthood. Quoting Michael Homer (1994): "According to Heber C. Kimball, Smith believed there was "similarity of preast Hood [sic] in Masonary [sic]" and that Freemasonry was "taken from [the] preasthood [sic] but has become degenrated [sic]."428Benjamin F. Johnson, a Nauvoo Mason, also quoted Smith teaching that "Freemasonry as at present, was the apostate endowments, as sectarian religion was the apostate religion.Source: Michael W. Homer, Similarity of Priesthood in Masonry: The Relationship between Freemasonry and Mormonism,Dialogue: A Journal of MormonThought, 27, no. 3 (Fall 1994): 7071. https://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/Dialogue_V27N03_15.pdf
Moses 5:14–59 includes a Masonic
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 5:14–59, Moses 5:31, Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3
Content :
Moses 5:1459 includes a Masonic reference to Cain, the brother and murderer of Abel: And Cain said: Truly I am Mahan, the master of this great secret, that I may murder and get gain. Wherefore Cain was called Master Mahan, and he gloried in his wickedness. Moses 5:31 Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23
Notes :
Image source: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Ye7Lfgd5fZI/TDITd3hnePI/AAAAAAAAAXE/ix5p48WJeg0/s1600/cabII.jpg Joseph Smiths idea was that there was a true Masonry and an apostate imitation passed down from Cain and Lamech. Restoration" of the Melchizedek Priesthood and temple ceremonies brought back the true priesthood. Quoting Michael Homer (1994): "According to Heber C. Kimball, Smith believed there was "similarity of preast Hood [sic] in Masonary [sic]" and that Freemasonry was "taken from [the] preasthood [sic] but has become degenrated [sic]."428Benjamin F. Johnson, a Nauvoo Mason, also quoted Smith teaching that "Freemasonry as at present, was the apostate endowments, as sectarian religion was the apostate religion.Source: Michael W. Homer, Similarity of Priesthood in Masonry: The Relationship between Freemasonry and Mormonism,Dialogue: A Journal of MormonThought, 27, no. 3 (Fall 1994): 7071. https://www.dialoguejournal.com/wp-content/uploads/sbi/articles/Dialogue_V27N03_15.pdf
Episode 7 – Slide 100
Title :
The death penalty: “In making
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 5:49, Moses 5:50
Content :
The death penalty: In making this sign, draw the right hand (thumb in) across the stomach as low down as the vest, then drop the hand suddenly. Candidate taking the oath of Master Mason The hailing sign: O Lord my God! is there no help for the widow's son? Blue Lodge Master Mason Ritual According to the Book of Moses, a fallen and apostate form of freemasonry passed down the generations to Lamech who entered into a covenant with Satan (Moses 5:49). When Irad, the son of Enoch, disclosed the covenant, Lamech killed him (Moses 5:50) for the oaths sake.
Notes :
Image source: http://www.skinbase.org/files/archive/shots/267/heisiamweare.jpg Image from http://freemasonrywatch.org/duncans.masonic.ritual.and.monitor.1866.pdf Duncans Ritual and Monitor of Freemasonryhttp://www.sacred-texts.com/mas/dun/dun02.htm#img_01800
The death penalty: “In making
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 5:49, Moses 5:50
Content :
The death penalty: In making this sign, draw the right hand (thumb in) across the stomach as low down as the vest, then drop the hand suddenly. Candidate taking the oath of Master Mason The hailing sign: O Lord my God! is there no help for the widow's son? Blue Lodge Master Mason Ritual According to the Book of Moses, a fallen and apostate form of freemasonry passed down the generations to Lamech who entered into a covenant with Satan (Moses 5:49). When Irad, the son of Enoch, disclosed the covenant, Lamech killed him (Moses 5:50) for the oaths sake.
Notes :
Image source: http://www.skinbase.org/files/archive/shots/267/heisiamweare.jpg Image from http://freemasonrywatch.org/duncans.masonic.ritual.and.monitor.1866.pdf Duncans Ritual and Monitor of Freemasonryhttp://www.sacred-texts.com/mas/dun/dun02.htm#img_01800
Episode 7 – Slide 101
Title :
Cain and his descendent Lamech
Year :
1790, 1802, 1998, 1792, 1879, 1987
City :
Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Cain and his descendent Lamech receive the title Master Mahan for their mastery of secret combinations and murder for gain. This title likely derives from Master Mason, the title of the highest degree in Blue Lodge freemasonry. Spalding evidently corrupted the title, Mason, replacing it with Mahan. As noted by Dr. Michael Quinn, references to Mahoun as the Devil appear in Scottish poetry circa 17901802.
Notes :
Quinn, D. Michael (1998), Early Mormonism and the Magic World View (2nd ed.), Salt Lake City: Signature Books, p. 147148, 208210. See also: http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/ScotLit/ASLS/SWE/TBI/TBIIssue10/Mahoun.html Scottish poet Robert Burns used the word Mahoun" in his poem: The Deils awa withExciseman (1792). http://www.robertburns.org/works/374.shtml John Jamieson, An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, rev. ed. (Paisley, Scotland: Gardner, 1879), 3:205; see also the various references in D. Michael Quinn, Early Mormonism and the Magic World View (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1987), 167 n. 4.
Cain and his descendent Lamech
Year :
1790, 1802, 1998, 1792, 1879, 1987
City :
Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Cain and his descendent Lamech receive the title Master Mahan for their mastery of secret combinations and murder for gain. This title likely derives from Master Mason, the title of the highest degree in Blue Lodge freemasonry. Spalding evidently corrupted the title, Mason, replacing it with Mahan. As noted by Dr. Michael Quinn, references to Mahoun as the Devil appear in Scottish poetry circa 17901802.
Notes :
Quinn, D. Michael (1998), Early Mormonism and the Magic World View (2nd ed.), Salt Lake City: Signature Books, p. 147148, 208210. See also: http://www.arts.gla.ac.uk/ScotLit/ASLS/SWE/TBI/TBIIssue10/Mahoun.html Scottish poet Robert Burns used the word Mahoun" in his poem: The Deils awa withExciseman (1792). http://www.robertburns.org/works/374.shtml John Jamieson, An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language, rev. ed. (Paisley, Scotland: Gardner, 1879), 3:205; see also the various references in D. Michael Quinn, Early Mormonism and the Magic World View (Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1987), 167 n. 4.
Episode 7 – Slide 102
Title :
Moses 1
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6 , Moses 6:51–68, Moses 5:1–13
Content :
Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23 Gospel to Adam At the end of Moses 5:1459, the word gospel appears twice in verses 5859 when it is given to Adam. It also appears once in Moses 6 and 8 when it is restored to Enoch and to Noah. This likely reflects input from Rigdon, the most probable author of Moses 6:5168 and 8 and the 2nd most probable author of Moses 5:1459. Moses 5:113 Moses 8 Gospel to Enoch & Noah Record of Adam These gospel dispensations align with the dispensations of Royal Arch masonry
Notes :
Moses 1
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6 , Moses 6:51–68, Moses 5:1–13
Content :
Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23 Gospel to Adam At the end of Moses 5:1459, the word gospel appears twice in verses 5859 when it is given to Adam. It also appears once in Moses 6 and 8 when it is restored to Enoch and to Noah. This likely reflects input from Rigdon, the most probable author of Moses 6:5168 and 8 and the 2nd most probable author of Moses 5:1459. Moses 5:113 Moses 8 Gospel to Enoch & Noah Record of Adam These gospel dispensations align with the dispensations of Royal Arch masonry
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 103
Title :
Rigdon and Walter Scott in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Rigdon and Walter Scott in the Book of Mose
Notes :
Rigdon and Walter Scott in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Rigdon and Walter Scott in the Book of Mose
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 104
Title :
Faith Repentance Baptism by immersion
Year :
1827, 1828
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6:51–68, Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3
Content :
FaithRepentanceBaptism by immersion for the remission of sinsGift of the Holy Ghost In Moses 6:5168, the so-called Record of Adam, Father Adam is introduced to the same gospel preached by Christian evangelist Walter Scott and used by Scott and Rigdon to baptize hundreds (now referred to as the LDS 4th Article of Faith) in 18271828. Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 2
Notes :
Faith Repentance Baptism by immersion
Year :
1827, 1828
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6:51–68, Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3
Content :
FaithRepentanceBaptism by immersion for the remission of sinsGift of the Holy Ghost In Moses 6:5168, the so-called Record of Adam, Father Adam is introduced to the same gospel preached by Christian evangelist Walter Scott and used by Scott and Rigdon to baptize hundreds (now referred to as the LDS 4th Article of Faith) in 18271828. Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 2
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 105
Title :
Moses 6:52–66 …If thou [Adam]
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6:52–66
Content :
Moses 6:5266 If thou [Adam] wilt turn unto me, and hearken unto my voice, and believe, and repent of all thy transgressions, and be baptized, in water, in the name of .Jesus Christye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost And Adam cried unto the Lord, and he was caught away by the Spirit of the Lord, and was carried down into the water, and was laid under the water, and was brought forth out of the water. And thus he was baptized, and the Spirit of God descended upon him, and thus he was born of the Spirit Really, Sidney?! Walter Scott The Record of Adam explains how Adam, the first man, was baptized
Notes :
Image: http://www.ldsces.org/inst_manuals/pgp/images/02.gif
Moses 6:52–66 …If thou [Adam]
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6:52–66
Content :
Moses 6:5266 If thou [Adam] wilt turn unto me, and hearken unto my voice, and believe, and repent of all thy transgressions, and be baptized, in water, in the name of .Jesus Christye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost And Adam cried unto the Lord, and he was caught away by the Spirit of the Lord, and was carried down into the water, and was laid under the water, and was brought forth out of the water. And thus he was baptized, and the Spirit of God descended upon him, and thus he was born of the Spirit Really, Sidney?! Walter Scott The Record of Adam explains how Adam, the first man, was baptized
Notes :
Image: http://www.ldsces.org/inst_manuals/pgp/images/02.gif
Episode 7 – Slide 106
Title :
Moses 8 also makes it
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 8 , Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 2–3, Moses 8: 19
Content :
Moses 8 also makes it clear that Scotts conversion sequence was restored not just to Adam, but also to Enoch in the 2nd dispensation and Noah in the 3rd. And the Lord ordained Noah and commanded him [Noah] that he should declare his Gospeleven as it was given unto Enoch. AndNoah continued his preaching saying: Hearken, and give heed unto my words; Believe and repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, even as our fathers, and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost Give me a break! Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 2
Notes :
Moses 8: 19, 23-24Alexander Campbell: Brother Walter Scott, who in the fall of 1827, arranged the several items of faith, repentance, baptism, remission of sins, the Holy Spirit, and eternal life, restored them in this order to the Church under the title of Ancient Gospel, and successfully preached it for the conversion of the world Memoirs of Alexander Campbell p. 358.. https://archive.org/details/memoirsofalexand0000robe/page/358/mode/2up
Moses 8 also makes it
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 8 , Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 2–3, Moses 8: 19
Content :
Moses 8 also makes it clear that Scotts conversion sequence was restored not just to Adam, but also to Enoch in the 2nd dispensation and Noah in the 3rd. And the Lord ordained Noah and commanded him [Noah] that he should declare his Gospeleven as it was given unto Enoch. AndNoah continued his preaching saying: Hearken, and give heed unto my words; Believe and repent of your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, even as our fathers, and ye shall receive the Holy Ghost Give me a break! Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 2
Notes :
Moses 8: 19, 23-24Alexander Campbell: Brother Walter Scott, who in the fall of 1827, arranged the several items of faith, repentance, baptism, remission of sins, the Holy Spirit, and eternal life, restored them in this order to the Church under the title of Ancient Gospel, and successfully preached it for the conversion of the world Memoirs of Alexander Campbell p. 358.. https://archive.org/details/memoirsofalexand0000robe/page/358/mode/2up
Episode 7 – Slide 107
Title :
Moses 6
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6, Moses 8, Genesis 5, Moses 6 , Moses 6:10–21, Moses 8:1–11
Content :
Moses 6 Moses 8 A strange change to the text of the King James Bible occurs in Moses 6 & 8: the ages of Adam and his descendants are increased beyond the already incredible ages in Genesis 5. The ages of both men are rounded up to 1000! Happy 1000th Adam! Moses 6:1021 Moses 8:11
Notes :
This Table was adapted from Jackson and Swift (2007) https://rsc.byu.edu/witness-restoration/ages-patriarchs-joseph-smith-translation Cowdery was mathematically consistent: Years added to Age at death and Years added to Years lived after birth of son give the same result.
Moses 6
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6, Moses 8, Genesis 5, Moses 6 , Moses 6:10–21, Moses 8:1–11
Content :
Moses 6 Moses 8 A strange change to the text of the King James Bible occurs in Moses 6 & 8: the ages of Adam and his descendants are increased beyond the already incredible ages in Genesis 5. The ages of both men are rounded up to 1000! Happy 1000th Adam! Moses 6:1021 Moses 8:11
Notes :
This Table was adapted from Jackson and Swift (2007) https://rsc.byu.edu/witness-restoration/ages-patriarchs-joseph-smith-translation Cowdery was mathematically consistent: Years added to Age at death and Years added to Years lived after birth of son give the same result.
Episode 7 – Slide 108
Title :
John Whitmer recorded Moses 6,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6, Moses 8, Moses 6
Content :
John Whitmer recorded Moses 6, and Rigdon recorded Moses 8. The ages they recorded are the same as the ages in the King James Bible, but Cowdery later crossed them out, replacing them with older ages. When Whitmer and Rigdon recorded Moses 6 and 8, Cowdery was on a mission in Missouri, unable to contribute. Moses 6 is recorded in the handwriting of John Whitmer. Cowderys handwriting appears in 14 number changes. You left me out. I feel bad. Sorry about that. Feel free to change the years
Notes :
See: Kent P. Jackson and Charles Swift The Ages of the Patriarchs in the Joseph Smith Translation, in, A Witness for the Restoration: Essays in Honor of Robert J. Matthews, ed. Kent P. Jackson and Andrew C. Skinner (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007), 111. https://rsc.byu.edu/witness-restoration/ages-patriarchs-joseph-smith-translation Old Testament Manuscript 1, page 11, lines 3344.
John Whitmer recorded Moses 6,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6, Moses 8, Moses 6
Content :
John Whitmer recorded Moses 6, and Rigdon recorded Moses 8. The ages they recorded are the same as the ages in the King James Bible, but Cowdery later crossed them out, replacing them with older ages. When Whitmer and Rigdon recorded Moses 6 and 8, Cowdery was on a mission in Missouri, unable to contribute. Moses 6 is recorded in the handwriting of John Whitmer. Cowderys handwriting appears in 14 number changes. You left me out. I feel bad. Sorry about that. Feel free to change the years
Notes :
See: Kent P. Jackson and Charles Swift The Ages of the Patriarchs in the Joseph Smith Translation, in, A Witness for the Restoration: Essays in Honor of Robert J. Matthews, ed. Kent P. Jackson and Andrew C. Skinner (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2007), 111. https://rsc.byu.edu/witness-restoration/ages-patriarchs-joseph-smith-translation Old Testament Manuscript 1, page 11, lines 3344.
Episode 7 – Slide 109
Title :
Spalding, Rigdon, and Pratt in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Spalding, Rigdon, and Pratt in the Extract of the Prophesy of Enoc
Notes :
Spalding, Rigdon, and Pratt in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Spalding, Rigdon, and Pratt in the Extract of the Prophesy of Enoc
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 110
Title :
Moses 6:1–50 and Moses 7
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6:1–50, Moses 7 , Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 8, Moses 2–3, Genesis 4:17
Content :
Moses 6:150 and Moses 7 contain one of the most important texts in the Mormon canon. Mormon scholars refer to this text as the Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch, a lost prophesy mentioned in the Biblical Book of Jude. Jude 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints. Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23 Prophesy of Enoc
Notes :
References to Enoch in the Bible: By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death (Hebrews 11:5)And Cainbuilded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch (Genesis 4:17)
Moses 6:1–50 and Moses 7
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6:1–50, Moses 7 , Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 8, Moses 2–3, Genesis 4:17
Content :
Moses 6:150 and Moses 7 contain one of the most important texts in the Mormon canon. Mormon scholars refer to this text as the Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch, a lost prophesy mentioned in the Biblical Book of Jude. Jude 1:14 And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints. Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23 Prophesy of Enoc
Notes :
References to Enoch in the Bible: By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death (Hebrews 11:5)And Cainbuilded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch (Genesis 4:17)
Episode 7 – Slide 111
Title :
According to Mormon historian Richard
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6:51, Moses 7:28, Moses 7:59
Content :
According to Mormon historian Richard Bushman: Enochs story merits close attention because, like the vision of Moses, it bears on Josephs prophetic identity.Mormon Scholar Terryl Givens has emphasized the doctrinal significance of the Enoch texts: The Enoch text sowed the seeds of Mormonisms most distinctive and vibrant doctrines. These doctrines include the pre-mortal existence of man (Moses 6:51), a God of passions and emotions (Moses 7:28), and the idea that humans can become Gods (Moses 7:59). Prof. Terryl GivensU. Richmond Emeritus Prof. Richard BushmanColumbia U
Notes :
According to Mormon historian Richard Bushman: Enochs story merits close attention because, like the vision of Moses, it bears on Josephs prophetic identity. Reference Bushman, Rough Stone Rolling, 138-39
According to Mormon historian Richard
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6:51, Moses 7:28, Moses 7:59
Content :
According to Mormon historian Richard Bushman: Enochs story merits close attention because, like the vision of Moses, it bears on Josephs prophetic identity.Mormon Scholar Terryl Givens has emphasized the doctrinal significance of the Enoch texts: The Enoch text sowed the seeds of Mormonisms most distinctive and vibrant doctrines. These doctrines include the pre-mortal existence of man (Moses 6:51), a God of passions and emotions (Moses 7:28), and the idea that humans can become Gods (Moses 7:59). Prof. Terryl GivensU. Richmond Emeritus Prof. Richard BushmanColumbia U
Notes :
According to Mormon historian Richard Bushman: Enochs story merits close attention because, like the vision of Moses, it bears on Josephs prophetic identity. Reference Bushman, Rough Stone Rolling, 138-39
Episode 7 – Slide 112
Title :
Authorship Probabilities: Pratt – 53%
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3
Content :
Authorship Probabilities:Pratt 53%Spalding 39%Rigdon 7% Authorship Probabilities:Rigdon 66%Spalding 28%Pratt 6% Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23 Authorship analysis of the Mormon Enoch text points to Pratt and Rigdon as the most probable authors. For both texts, however, Spalding is the 2nd most likely author, suggesting a Spalding base text modified by Pratt with added elements from Pratt and Rigdon. Extract of the Book of Enoc
Notes :
Authorship Probabilities: Pratt – 53%
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 1, Moses 4, Moses 5:1–13, Moses 5:14–59, Moses 6:1–50, Moses 6:51–68, Moses 7, Moses 8, Moses 2–3
Content :
Authorship Probabilities:Pratt 53%Spalding 39%Rigdon 7% Authorship Probabilities:Rigdon 66%Spalding 28%Pratt 6% Moses 1 Moses 4 Moses 5:113 Moses 5:1459 Moses 6:150 Moses 6:5168 Moses 7 Moses 8 Moses 23 Authorship analysis of the Mormon Enoch text points to Pratt and Rigdon as the most probable authors. For both texts, however, Spalding is the 2nd most likely author, suggesting a Spalding base text modified by Pratt with added elements from Pratt and Rigdon. Extract of the Book of Enoc
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 113
Title :
According to Masonic Scholar Robert
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to Masonic Scholar Robert Sullivan: Masonic ritualists, hierophants, and philosophers were already documenting the content of 1 Enoch by at least 1754, maybe earlier. Elements of 1 Enoch were incorporated into the high or haute degree known as the Royal Arch of Enoch which in turn created an esoteric philosophy and theology related to the degree. Robert W. SullivanAuthor of The Royal Arch of Enoch (2012) Masonic rituals began to incorporate legends about Enoch in the mid-18th century
Notes :
Sullivan, Robert W. 2011. The Royal Arch of Enoch, Rocket Science Production.
According to Masonic Scholar Robert
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to Masonic Scholar Robert Sullivan: Masonic ritualists, hierophants, and philosophers were already documenting the content of 1 Enoch by at least 1754, maybe earlier. Elements of 1 Enoch were incorporated into the high or haute degree known as the Royal Arch of Enoch which in turn created an esoteric philosophy and theology related to the degree. Robert W. SullivanAuthor of The Royal Arch of Enoch (2012) Masonic rituals began to incorporate legends about Enoch in the mid-18th century
Notes :
Sullivan, Robert W. 2011. The Royal Arch of Enoch, Rocket Science Production.
Episode 7 – Slide 114
Title :
Is there evidence that Solomon
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Is there evidence that Solomon Spalding used a Masonic source document to create the Extract of the Prophesy of Enocha scripture set in the land of Canaan?
Notes :
Is there evidence that Solomon
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Is there evidence that Solomon Spalding used a Masonic source document to create the Extract of the Prophesy of Enocha scripture set in the land of Canaan?
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 115
Title :
Yes, there is. In 1886,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Yes, there is. In 1886, Redick McKee, a friend of Solomon Spalding, described a Spalding manuscript about Canaanites. McKee boarded with Solomon Spalding in Amity, PA. Later, he served as a respected United States Indian Agent. Spaldings dry tavern Recalled McKee: I recollect, quite well, Mr. Spalding spending much time in writing on sheets of paper (torn out of an old book), what purported to be a veritable history of the nations or tribes who inhabited Canaan when, or before, that country was invaded by the Israelites, under Joshua
Notes :
Image of Mckee: http://users.humboldt.edu/ogayle/hist383/CaliforniaIndians.html Image of dry tavern: http://solomonspalding.com/Lib/Cre1870a.htm
Yes, there is. In 1886,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Yes, there is. In 1886, Redick McKee, a friend of Solomon Spalding, described a Spalding manuscript about Canaanites. McKee boarded with Solomon Spalding in Amity, PA. Later, he served as a respected United States Indian Agent. Spaldings dry tavern Recalled McKee: I recollect, quite well, Mr. Spalding spending much time in writing on sheets of paper (torn out of an old book), what purported to be a veritable history of the nations or tribes who inhabited Canaan when, or before, that country was invaded by the Israelites, under Joshua
Notes :
Image of Mckee: http://users.humboldt.edu/ogayle/hist383/CaliforniaIndians.html Image of dry tavern: http://solomonspalding.com/Lib/Cre1870a.htm
Episode 7 – Slide 116
Title :
Recalled McKee: “He [Spalding] described,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Recalled McKee: He [Spalding] described, with great particularity, their [Canaanite] numbers, customs, modes of life; their wars, stratagems, victories, and defeats.
Notes :
Recalled McKee: “He [Spalding] described,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Recalled McKee: He [Spalding] described, with great particularity, their [Canaanite] numbers, customs, modes of life; their wars, stratagems, victories, and defeats.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 117
Title :
McKee also commented on Spalding’s
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
McKee also commented on Spaldings style, comparting it to the Apocrypha: His style was flowing and grammatical, though gaunt and abruptvery like the stories of the Maccabees and other apocryphal books, in the old bibles. He called it Lost History Found,Lost Manuscript, or some such name: not disguising that it was wholly a work of the imagination, written to amuse himself, and without any immediate view to publication
Notes :
McKee also commented on Spalding’s
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
McKee also commented on Spaldings style, comparting it to the Apocrypha: His style was flowing and grammatical, though gaunt and abruptvery like the stories of the Maccabees and other apocryphal books, in the old bibles. He called it Lost History Found,Lost Manuscript, or some such name: not disguising that it was wholly a work of the imagination, written to amuse himself, and without any immediate view to publication
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 118
Title :
Moses chapter 7 refers to
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Moses chapter 7 refers to Enoch and the people of Canaan:I [Enoch] looked towards the north, and I beheld the people of Canaan, which dwelt in tentsBehold the people of Canaan, which are numerous, shall go forth in battle array against the people of Shum, and shall slay them that they shall utterly be destroyed; and the people of Canaan shall divide themselves in the landand none other people shall dwell there but the people of Canaan.
Notes :
Image: http://thepublici.blogspot.com/2009/02/first-battle.html
Moses chapter 7 refers to
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Moses chapter 7 refers to Enoch and the people of Canaan:I [Enoch] looked towards the north, and I beheld the people of Canaan, which dwelt in tentsBehold the people of Canaan, which are numerous, shall go forth in battle array against the people of Shum, and shall slay them that they shall utterly be destroyed; and the people of Canaan shall divide themselves in the landand none other people shall dwell there but the people of Canaan.
Notes :
Image: http://thepublici.blogspot.com/2009/02/first-battle.html
Episode 7 – Slide 119
Title :
Researcher Cheryl Bruno has documented
Year :
1996, 1730, 1840, 1823, 1826, 1855, 1797
City :
Albany,New York
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Theme |Masonic Reference |Book of Moses Reference | Enoch’s call to preach |(2 Enoch 14:18–25) |Oliver (1823) |Moses 6:23–27, |3; 7:15 | Dissemination and preservation of celestial knowledge |(1 Enoch 81:1–3) |Webb (1797) |Moses 6:42–46 | Enoch as scribe and instructor in the art of writing (Orlov 2005: 383) |Oliver (1855) |Moses 6:46 | T |heophany (1 Enoch 14:18–25) |Webb (1797) |Moses 7:3–4 | A revolutionary social order |(1 Enoch 60) |Bullock (1996) |Moses 7:18–19, 62–63 | Foreknowledge and prophetic warning of | |the destruction of the world |(1 Enoch 10:4–5) |Webb (1797) |Moses 7:41–67 | Heavenly ascent and divinization (1 Enoch 14, 71) |Oliver 1826: |Moses 7:63, 69 |
Notes :
Cheryl Bruno, 2014. Congruence and Concatenation in Jewish Mystical Literature, American Freemasonry, and Mormon Enoch Writings. J. of Religion and Society 16:1-19. http://moses.creighton.edu/JRS/2014/2014-35.pdf Cheryl BrunoReferences cited:Bullock, Steven C. 1996. Revolutionary Brotherhood: Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American Social Order, 1730-1840. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Oliver, George, 1823. Antiquities of Freemasonry. London: G. and W. B. Whittaker. p. 85Oliver, George, 1826. Signs and Symbols illustrated and explained in a Course of Twelve Lectures on Freemasonry, Grimsby. p. 17-23.Oliver, George, 1855. The Historical Landmarks and Other Evidences of Freemasonry Explained. New York: Jno W. Leonard & Co. Masonic Publishers, p. 133 note 12Webb, Thomas Smith, 1797.The Freemasons Monitor or Illustrations of Masonry in Two Parts. Albany: Spencer and Webb. p. 244-247..
Researcher Cheryl Bruno has documented
Year :
1996, 1730, 1840, 1823, 1826, 1855, 1797
City :
Albany,New York
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Theme |Masonic Reference |Book of Moses Reference | Enoch’s call to preach |(2 Enoch 14:18–25) |Oliver (1823) |Moses 6:23–27, |3; 7:15 | Dissemination and preservation of celestial knowledge |(1 Enoch 81:1–3) |Webb (1797) |Moses 6:42–46 | Enoch as scribe and instructor in the art of writing (Orlov 2005: 383) |Oliver (1855) |Moses 6:46 | T |heophany (1 Enoch 14:18–25) |Webb (1797) |Moses 7:3–4 | A revolutionary social order |(1 Enoch 60) |Bullock (1996) |Moses 7:18–19, 62–63 | Foreknowledge and prophetic warning of | |the destruction of the world |(1 Enoch 10:4–5) |Webb (1797) |Moses 7:41–67 | Heavenly ascent and divinization (1 Enoch 14, 71) |Oliver 1826: |Moses 7:63, 69 |
Notes :
Cheryl Bruno, 2014. Congruence and Concatenation in Jewish Mystical Literature, American Freemasonry, and Mormon Enoch Writings. J. of Religion and Society 16:1-19. http://moses.creighton.edu/JRS/2014/2014-35.pdf Cheryl BrunoReferences cited:Bullock, Steven C. 1996. Revolutionary Brotherhood: Freemasonry and the Transformation of the American Social Order, 1730-1840. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Oliver, George, 1823. Antiquities of Freemasonry. London: G. and W. B. Whittaker. p. 85Oliver, George, 1826. Signs and Symbols illustrated and explained in a Course of Twelve Lectures on Freemasonry, Grimsby. p. 17-23.Oliver, George, 1855. The Historical Landmarks and Other Evidences of Freemasonry Explained. New York: Jno W. Leonard & Co. Masonic Publishers, p. 133 note 12Webb, Thomas Smith, 1797.The Freemasons Monitor or Illustrations of Masonry in Two Parts. Albany: Spencer and Webb. p. 244-247..
Episode 7 – Slide 120
Title :
Dr. John Dee (1527–1608)
Year :
1527, 1608, 1510, 1581, 1617, 1692, 1753, 1686, 1743, 1700, 1614, 1586, 1965, 1583, 1553, 1981
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Dr. John Dee(15271608) Guillaume Postel (1510-1581) In his copy of Guillaume PostelsDe Originibus,Dee made notes on the Cabala, Hebrew letters, and theBook of Enoch Royal Arch of Enoch Elias Ashmole (16171692) In the New World by 1753 Andrew Michael Chevalier Ramsay (16861743) Mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher, imperialist, spy, and personal adviser to Queen Elizabeth I Prophet of the Restitution of All Things and the Universal Gospel Scottish Freemason, ritualist The original 007 According to Sullivan (2012), Dees document collection likely came into the possession of Elias Ashmole a fellow of the Royal Societywhose interest in antiquarian esoteric lore provides further link to the Masonic/Templar Lost Word or lost yet restored history The Masonic Enoch likely came from Enoch 1, a lost book that came into Masonic hands in the mid-1700s.
Notes :
http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/ethiopian/enoch/graphics/ge%27ez.gif In his book The Royal Arch of Enoch, Masonic scholar Robert Sullivan provides the following lines of evidence that Dee had access to a copy of the Book of Enoch:Dees sance sessions with use of the Enochian language.Dees esoteric references to the Book of Enoch.Dees ties to Sir Walter Raleigh. In his History of the World (1614), Raleigh notes that the Book of Enoch includes a book on Astronomy/Astrology. This is the true of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch (1 Enoch). Additional evidence that John Dee had access to 1 Enoch:Martin Findell, 2007. The Book of Enoch, the Angelic Alphabet and the Real Cabbala in the Angelic Conferences of John Dee (1527-1608/9). https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/20496411.pdf Draft of manuscript published in Henry Sweet Society Bulletin 48 (2007):7-22.From page 3 of the above reference: evidence can be found in a diary entry from 10 April 1586 (Josten, 1965:247-255), written during Dees travels on the Continent, when he and Kelley enlisted the angels help in avoiding the unwelcome attention of the Catholic authorities. In a list of notebooks and manuscripts which they were instructed to destroy (some of which were miraculously restored at a later date), Dee mentions one that contained that wisdom and science, with which Enoch (by Gods will) was imbued (Josten, 1965:249 according to Josten, the item in question is Sloane MS. 3189). Later, Dee refers to another document (which he was instructed not to burn), as a small part of the book of Enoch which Thou [Dees unidentified divine interlocutor] hast given me (Josten, 1965:254). These references imply that Dee did believe that he had in his possession at least a part of the lost Book of Enoch, which can be identified with the angelic book revealed in 1583. Guillaume Postel, De Originibus (Basel, 1553), title page 10-11, 59. 72, 100Dees annotated copy of De Originibus: Guillaume Postel De Originibus 54, 59 [Royal College of Physicians (London) D 144/14, 21b.Marion L. Kuntz., 1981. Guillaume Postel: The Restitution of All Things His Life and Thought. Spring-Science+Business Media B.V., p. 65 August Imholtz, Jr., 2016. Scholar, Courier, Magician: the lost library of John Dee. http://www.sharpweb.org/sharpnews/2016/09/08/scholar-courtier-magician-the-lost-library-of-john-deeA modern translation of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch and an image of the original characters is available at http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/ethiopian/enoch/
Dr. John Dee (1527–1608)
Year :
1527, 1608, 1510, 1581, 1617, 1692, 1753, 1686, 1743, 1700, 1614, 1586, 1965, 1583, 1553, 1981
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Dr. John Dee(15271608) Guillaume Postel (1510-1581) In his copy of Guillaume PostelsDe Originibus,Dee made notes on the Cabala, Hebrew letters, and theBook of Enoch Royal Arch of Enoch Elias Ashmole (16171692) In the New World by 1753 Andrew Michael Chevalier Ramsay (16861743) Mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher, imperialist, spy, and personal adviser to Queen Elizabeth I Prophet of the Restitution of All Things and the Universal Gospel Scottish Freemason, ritualist The original 007 According to Sullivan (2012), Dees document collection likely came into the possession of Elias Ashmole a fellow of the Royal Societywhose interest in antiquarian esoteric lore provides further link to the Masonic/Templar Lost Word or lost yet restored history The Masonic Enoch likely came from Enoch 1, a lost book that came into Masonic hands in the mid-1700s.
Notes :
http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/ethiopian/enoch/graphics/ge%27ez.gif In his book The Royal Arch of Enoch, Masonic scholar Robert Sullivan provides the following lines of evidence that Dee had access to a copy of the Book of Enoch:Dees sance sessions with use of the Enochian language.Dees esoteric references to the Book of Enoch.Dees ties to Sir Walter Raleigh. In his History of the World (1614), Raleigh notes that the Book of Enoch includes a book on Astronomy/Astrology. This is the true of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch (1 Enoch). Additional evidence that John Dee had access to 1 Enoch:Martin Findell, 2007. The Book of Enoch, the Angelic Alphabet and the Real Cabbala in the Angelic Conferences of John Dee (1527-1608/9). https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/20496411.pdf Draft of manuscript published in Henry Sweet Society Bulletin 48 (2007):7-22.From page 3 of the above reference: evidence can be found in a diary entry from 10 April 1586 (Josten, 1965:247-255), written during Dees travels on the Continent, when he and Kelley enlisted the angels help in avoiding the unwelcome attention of the Catholic authorities. In a list of notebooks and manuscripts which they were instructed to destroy (some of which were miraculously restored at a later date), Dee mentions one that contained that wisdom and science, with which Enoch (by Gods will) was imbued (Josten, 1965:249 according to Josten, the item in question is Sloane MS. 3189). Later, Dee refers to another document (which he was instructed not to burn), as a small part of the book of Enoch which Thou [Dees unidentified divine interlocutor] hast given me (Josten, 1965:254). These references imply that Dee did believe that he had in his possession at least a part of the lost Book of Enoch, which can be identified with the angelic book revealed in 1583. Guillaume Postel, De Originibus (Basel, 1553), title page 10-11, 59. 72, 100Dees annotated copy of De Originibus: Guillaume Postel De Originibus 54, 59 [Royal College of Physicians (London) D 144/14, 21b.Marion L. Kuntz., 1981. Guillaume Postel: The Restitution of All Things His Life and Thought. Spring-Science+Business Media B.V., p. 65 August Imholtz, Jr., 2016. Scholar, Courier, Magician: the lost library of John Dee. http://www.sharpweb.org/sharpnews/2016/09/08/scholar-courtier-magician-the-lost-library-of-john-deeA modern translation of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch and an image of the original characters is available at http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/ethiopian/enoch/
Episode 7 – Slide 121
Title :
The Enoch narrative also came
Year :
1773, 1800, 1730, 1794
City :
Scripture Reference :
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The Enoch narrative also came to America by way of Scottish freemason James Bruce, who returned from Ethiopia to Scotland carrying 1 Enoch in 1773. According to Bruno, It islikely that he [Bruce] communicated the essential stories of both obscure texts to his Masonic brethren in Scotland and North America.word-of-mouth accountswere likely to have circulated in Masonic lodges in the United States prior to 1800. James Bruce(17301794
Notes :
Cheryl Bruno, 2014. Congruence and Concatenation in Jewish Mystical Literature, American Freemasonry, and Mormon Enoch Writings. J. of Religion and Society 16:1-19. http://moses.creighton.edu/JRS/2014/2014-35.pdf Cheryl Bruno
The Enoch narrative also came
Year :
1773, 1800, 1730, 1794
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The Enoch narrative also came to America by way of Scottish freemason James Bruce, who returned from Ethiopia to Scotland carrying 1 Enoch in 1773. According to Bruno, It islikely that he [Bruce] communicated the essential stories of both obscure texts to his Masonic brethren in Scotland and North America.word-of-mouth accountswere likely to have circulated in Masonic lodges in the United States prior to 1800. James Bruce(17301794
Notes :
Cheryl Bruno, 2014. Congruence and Concatenation in Jewish Mystical Literature, American Freemasonry, and Mormon Enoch Writings. J. of Religion and Society 16:1-19. http://moses.creighton.edu/JRS/2014/2014-35.pdf Cheryl Bruno
Episode 7 – Slide 122
Title :
There are thus at least
Year :
1510, 1581, 1527, 1608, 1686, 1743, 1730, 1794, 1773, 1821, 1828, 1761, 1816, 1840, 1838, 1553
City :
Dartmouth,New York
Scripture Reference :
Content :
There are thus at least two routes whereby the lost yet restored history of 1 Enoch could have been transmitted to Spalding and other authors of the Book of Mormon and the Book of Moses. Guillaume Postel(1510-1581) Dr. John Dee(1527-1608) Chevalier Ramsay (1686-1743) James Bruce (17301794) returned from Ethiopia with 3 copies of 1 Enoch & the Kebra Negast in 1773. Richard Laurence published the first English translation of 1 Enoch (1821). The text was reprinted in 1828. ? Ethiopian Book of Enoch(1 Enoch) Solomon Spalding(1761-1816) Rigdon Phelps Pratt* * By January, 1840 , Parley Pratt owned a copy of Laurences expanded 1838 translation. He even reviewed 1 Enoch in a Mormon publication later that year. Smith Hyrum Smith Prof. John Smith(1761-1816) orDartmouth Masons
Notes :
Guillaume Postel, De Originibus (Basel, 1553), title page 10-11, 59. 72, 100Dees annotated copy of De Originibus: Guillaume Postel De Originibus 54, 59 [Royal College of Physicians (London) D 144/14, 21b.A modern translation of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch and an image of the original characters is available at http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/ethiopian/enoch/ Historian Michael Quinn has traced the last copy of the Laurence translation to the New York Public Library. Quinn argues that Smith had access to the Laurence translation because he used Baurak Ale as a codename. Laurences translation was apparently the only English-language book that transliterated the Hebrew into that phonetic sound, rather than the more common Barchiel or Barkayal.
There are thus at least
Year :
1510, 1581, 1527, 1608, 1686, 1743, 1730, 1794, 1773, 1821, 1828, 1761, 1816, 1840, 1838, 1553
City :
Dartmouth,New York
Scripture Reference :
Content :
There are thus at least two routes whereby the lost yet restored history of 1 Enoch could have been transmitted to Spalding and other authors of the Book of Mormon and the Book of Moses. Guillaume Postel(1510-1581) Dr. John Dee(1527-1608) Chevalier Ramsay (1686-1743) James Bruce (17301794) returned from Ethiopia with 3 copies of 1 Enoch & the Kebra Negast in 1773. Richard Laurence published the first English translation of 1 Enoch (1821). The text was reprinted in 1828. ? Ethiopian Book of Enoch(1 Enoch) Solomon Spalding(1761-1816) Rigdon Phelps Pratt* * By January, 1840 , Parley Pratt owned a copy of Laurences expanded 1838 translation. He even reviewed 1 Enoch in a Mormon publication later that year. Smith Hyrum Smith Prof. John Smith(1761-1816) orDartmouth Masons
Notes :
Guillaume Postel, De Originibus (Basel, 1553), title page 10-11, 59. 72, 100Dees annotated copy of De Originibus: Guillaume Postel De Originibus 54, 59 [Royal College of Physicians (London) D 144/14, 21b.A modern translation of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch and an image of the original characters is available at http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/ethiopian/enoch/ Historian Michael Quinn has traced the last copy of the Laurence translation to the New York Public Library. Quinn argues that Smith had access to the Laurence translation because he used Baurak Ale as a codename. Laurences translation was apparently the only English-language book that transliterated the Hebrew into that phonetic sound, rather than the more common Barchiel or Barkayal.
Episode 7 – Slide 123
Title :
Saint Andrews Lodge at Green
Year :
1769, 1761, 1816, 1783, 1787, 1800, 1844, 1811, 1815, 1826, 1758, 1849, 1759, 1835, 1756, 1788, 1711, 1779, 1762, 1789, 1797, 1862, 1775, 1830, 1836, 1781, 1793, 1796, 1817, 1820, 1827, 1840, 1854, 1861, 1859, 1860, 1886, 1858, 1870, 1882, 1884, 1887, 1894, 1968, 1967, 1808, 1880, 1969, 1706, 1731, 1734, 1776, 1804, 1790, 1795, 1812, 1807, 1824, 1896, 1930, 1996
City :
Boston,Massachusetts,Dartmouth,Erie,Independence,New Hampshire,New York,Pennsylvania,Vermont,Washington
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Saint Andrews Lodge at Green Dragon tavern, Boston. The Royal Arch ritual was organized in the Long Room of the Green Dragon tavern on August, 28, 1769.The Grand Lodge of Massachusettswas constituted on April 9, 1769 Solomon Spalding (17611816)Attended Dartmouth 17831787 Hyrum* Smith(18001844) , brother of Joseph Smith Jr.Educated at Moors School at Dartmouth College 1811-1815* Until 1826, Hyrum spelled his name Hiram, as per Hiram Abif of Masonic myth Rueben Spalding (17581849) Historian Richard Behrens has shown that a Masonic network at Dartmouth connected Professor John Smith to Solomon Spalding and Ethan Smith, author of View of the Hebrews. Hyrum Smith also attended Dartmouth. Cousin of of Father James Spalding Schoolmate of Hyrum Smith Charter from Scotland 1st President of Dartmouth College 2nd President of Dartmouth College James Wheelock (17591835) Eleazer Wheelock Jr. (17561811) The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts chartered the Hanover, Dartmouth Lodge, on December 18, 1788. Brother-in-law of Eleazar Wheelock(17111779) Sons and son-in-law of John Wheelock Colleague of Teacher of Ethan Smith (1762-1849) Petitioners for the charter Prominent Dartmouth Masons Prof. John Smith(17611816
Notes :
Dartmouth Historian Richard K. Behrens has documented extensive Dartmouth College connections to early Masonry. Two of his key publications are: (10 Dartmouth Arminianism And Its Impact on Hyrum Smith and the Smith Family Published by The John Whitmer Historical Association Journal Vol. 26 (2006), pp. 166-184, and (2) Dreams, Visions, and Visitations: the Genesis of Mormonism. Published by The John Whitmer Historical Association Journal Vol. 27 (2007), pp 170-183.Other sources:On December 18, 1788, the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts chartered the first lodge in Hanover, Dartmouth Lodge. James Wheelock, Eleazer Wheelock and their cousin Bezaleel Woodward were among the names on the petition. This was the last lodge chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in the State of New Hampshire. Once the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire was chartered in 1789, many of the lodges originally chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts dissolved. All of their records disappeared as no Grand Lodge would claim them; as a result, there are no other records of these early lodges. https://web.archive.org/web/20180915045751/ http://franklinlodgenh.org/lodge-history Link to a history of the Saint Andrews Lodge https://www.masonicworld.com/education/files/feb04/green_dragon_tavern.htm Other Spalding family members of interest: Lyman A. Spalding, second cousin of Solomon Spalding, business partner with Alanson Cooley, a member of the Genessee County Lodge #215, along with William Morgan, and Dr. Solomon Spalding (1797-1862). Lyman A. Spalding was the eldest child of Erastus Lyman Spaulding (1775-1830) and Jennett Mack (1779-1836). Erastus, in turn, was the grandson of Ephraim Spalding of Plainfield, Connecticut -- who was also the grandfather of Solomon Spalding. Ethan Smith was familiar with Royal Arch Masonry, and divided Masons into two groups: reputable free masons and lodges of Illuminism that were utterly disowned by reputable free masons. Smith cited Rev John Ernst, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New York, as saying that The unrivalled and deep designs of modern masons, called the Illuminati, who have inundated Europe and are fast gaining ground in America have clearly demonstrated the abuse untyled mason lodges have met with; and how they, when not presided over and guarded by men of genuine masonic principles, can be overthrown, revolutionized, and moulded at pleasure, pp. 177-178 in: A Dissertation on the Prophecies relative to Antichrist and the last times; exhibiting the rise, character and overthrow of that terrible power: and a treatise on the seven apocalyptic vials. Second EditionLodge HistoryThe Origins of Freemasonry in the Upper ValleyBy: Carl N. Porter & Robert L. WelschThe origins of Freemasonry in the Upper Valley dates back to a November 8, 1781 petition for a lodge in Cornish, Vermont. The petition was granted on November 10, 1781 with the location of the lodge being Springfield, VT and the lodge being named Vermont Lodge. Many of the members came from towns as far away as Haverhill, NH to towns closer in Lebanon, Hanover and Lyme. The first meeting of the lodge was held in Charlestown, VT, it being one of the towns that had seceded from New Hampshire in 1781 causing the Vermont Controversy. Vermont Lodge continued to meet at the inn of Abel Walker in Charlestown until August 20, 1788, when the lodge moved to Springfield, VT as the charter stated.To fill the void left by the removal of Vermont Lodge, the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts chartered Faithful Lodge in Cornish, NH on February 2, 1788. It was at this lodge that many of the early leaders of Franklin Lodge took their degrees. Among the membership of Faithful Lodge was Eleazer Wheelock, James Wheelock, Abel Holden and many others. On December 18, 1788, the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts chartered the first lodge in Hanover, Dartmouth Lodge. James Wheelock, Eleazer Wheelock and their cousin Bezaleel Woodward were among the names on the petition. This was the last lodge chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in the State of New Hampshire. Once the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire was chartered in 1789, many of the lodges originally chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts dissolved. All of their records disappeared as no Grand Lodge would claim them; as a result, there are no other records of these early lodges. Dartmouth College 1793The origins of Franklin Lodge No. 6 dates back to April 27, 1796, when the charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire. The lodge was named for Benjamin Franklin, who was both a founding father of the United States and a Freemason.The members first met in Hanover, at the Masons Hall, in one of the original buildings on the property of Dartmouth College. Among the first members of the lodge were James Wheelock and Eleazer Wheelock Jr., sons of the founder of the college. James Wheelock was installed as the first master on May 22, 1796.During this time the Lodge experienced tremendous growth, accepting more than 209 members 115 of them Dartmouth College students. Unfortunately, not much more is known of the early years of Franklin Lodge. It remained at the college until 1817, when it moved to the Lafayette Hotel in Lebanon, to be more central to the majority of its members.Franklin Lodge held its first meeting in Lebanon on July 21, 1817 with 25 members present. The lodge met for a time on the upper floor of the Lafayette Hotel on West Park Street, now the site of Citizens Bank in the Bank Block. The lodge continued to grow and prosper with the acceptance of 54 new members among them many of Lebanons more prominent citizens. Active members during the early years included Lafayette Hotel owner Calvin Benton, local architect Ammi Burnham Young, and Samuel Barrows, the owner of the citys first brickyard. Growth continued well into the 1820s, until the disappearance of William Morgan in Batavia, N.Y., threatened the very existence of Freemasonry in the United States.In 1826, William Morgan was believed to have been murdered by Freemasons, as he had threatened to make their secrets public knowledge by publishing a book about Freemasonry. It was a dark time for Franklin Lodge and for all Masons in the United States. The hatred of Masonry spread into every aspect of life: children of Masons were denied entrance into schools, the families of Masons were refused church services and the lives of many Freemasons were threatened. What became known as the William Morgan affair even split families apart, when some men were unwilling to give up being a Mason in the face of such persecution.In 1827, lodges in New York and other states began closing at a rapid pace because of the anti-Masonic fervor. By 1835, only 41 lodges remained in New York, all of Vermonts lodges had closed, and many lodges in New Hampshire were forced to do the same. Franklin Lodge was able to hold off the anti-Masonic fervor for a short time, but the Lodge stopped holding meetings in May of 1836. On June 6, 1840, the charter of the Lodge was forfeited to the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire. Many of the furnishings were sold off, the only exception being the first Worshipful Masters chair, which is still owned by the lodge. Proceeds from the sale were given to the Lebanon Liberal Institute, whose board of directors included Timothy Kenrick, who was also a Mason.This period ended in June 1854, when 36 Masons in Lebanon petitioned the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire to reinstate the Lodges charter and allow meetings to be held again in the town. The request was granted on June 24, 1854.Many of Lebanons most prominent businessmen were members, including local merchants Timothy Kenrick and Edward Durant, and U.S. Senator Aaron H. Craigin, among many others. The lodge began holding meetings in the hall above Kenricks store on South Park Street, near the front lawn of the Congregational Church. The lodge continued to grow and prosper until the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861. The Civil War affected lodges in many of the same ways that it did their communities. Many of the young men who fought in the war were also Masons. Several soldiers from Lebanon held offices in the lodges, most notably Capt. James B. Perry, who served as Worshipful Master from 1859-1860 and was one of the many casualties of the Battle of Fredricksburg. When the time came for the construction of the Soldiers Memorial Building in 1886, Ferdinand Davis, a local architect and member of Franklin Lodge, drew up the plans. Today, there is also a Masonic stained glass window upstairs memorializing Perry and his sacrifice. After the Civil War, growth in the lodge made it necessary to find a larger building. The new location of the lodge was made possible by another Mason, Gilman C. Whipple.In 1858, Whipple was an up-and-coming merchant who opened a new store in the Kenrick building called The New Cash Store. He remained in that location until the early 1870s, when he relocated to a building next to Hildreths Hardware. Over the next decade, Whipple built up his business enough to construct a three-story brick building on the site of the Lafayette Hotel. It was during this time that Whipple became actively involved in Franklin Lodge. Construction began in 1882 and, upon completion of the building in 1884, the lodge was given a new home, where it would reside for more than 80 years. Over the course of that time though, the lodge suffered several trials two of which were by fire.In 1887, a blaze swept through Lebanon, destroying buildings on both sides of the Mascoma River. The lass was total for the shops, mills and factories affected. By good fortune, the fire stopped at the newly constructed Whipple Block, sparing Franklin Lodge. Then, on Jan. 15, 1894, the day of the annual communication, disaster struck again when the interior of the lodge burned, ruining nearly everything. The fire consumed the entire roof, yet left the floor intact. Among the ruins was the Kimball Memorial Window, which was later replaced for the lodge. At 2 p.m., when the lodge was to meet, the members walked up through the ashes, called the meeting to order, and promptly removed themselves to the Old Fellows Hall to complete the meeting. It was here that the lodge resided until 1968, when it was decided to purchase its own building.In 1967, the building committee for Franklin Lodge found that the Unitarian Church building in Lebanon was for sale. To the committee, this was an opportune moment. The Unitarian Church was organized in Lebanon in 1808. The Unitarians met in the Old Meeting House until they built a new church on the corner of Elm and Green Streets in 1880. Once the building was completed, it was immediately occupied by the Unitarian Church until declining membership forced the church to close its doors in 1967.In 1968, the executive committee of Franklin Lodge met with the church leaders to negotiate the sale of the building. As a part of the sale, it was agreed that the lodge would not remove the stained glass windows in the sanctuary. All of the renovations to the building, including the removal of the tops of the steeples, were completed by early 1969. The lodge then moved its stained glass windows to the new building, with the Kimball Memorial window being placed internally in the lodge room to protect it. In April 1969, Franklin Lodge held its first meeting in the new location, and it has been using the building since that day.On Oct. 12, 2009, the Lebanon Heritage Commission listed the lodge building as a Landmark Property in the City of Lebanon.Sources:Downs History of LebanonRoger Carrolls History of LebanonCentennial Anniversary book of Franklin LodgeCollections of the Lebanon Historical SocietyCollections of Franklin LodgeLodge Historical Timeline1706-01-17 Benjamin Franklin born on Milk Street in Boston, Massachusetts.1731 Benjamin Franklin initiated into the local Masonic Lodge in Pennsylvania and remained a Freemason for the rest of his life.1734 Benjamin Franklin became Grand Master, and he edited and published the first Masonic book in the Americas, a reprint of James Andersons Constitutions of the Free-Masons.1776-06-04 The Declaration of Independence is signed by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 9 of the 56 (16%) who signed were Freemasons, including Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, John Hancock, and John Adams of Massachusetts, and William Whipple, who attended St. Johns Lodge in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.1788-06-21 The U.S. Constitution, supreme law of the United States of America, is ratified in New York City. 13 of the 39 (33%) signatories were Freemasons including Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, George Washington of Virginia, and Nicholas Gilman of St. Johns Lodge No. 1 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.1788-12-18 Establishment of Dartmouth Lodge at Hanover under Massachusetts Authority, Following a petition from Prof. Bezaleel Woodward and a motion from Bro. [Paul] Revere Voted that a Committee of Five be appointed, Bros. Revere, Scollay, Cabot, Dexter, and Hunt. This was the 5th Lodge in New Hampshire, and the last Lodge Chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in New Hampshire, according to Preston on Masonry, edited by George Richards and published in 1804. The Dartmouth Lodge never acknowledged the authority of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, and was kept up but for a short time.1789 The Grand Lodge of New Hampshire was chartered.1790-06-16 Washington, D. C. was approved as the U. S. Capitol.1790-04-17 Benjamin Franklin died at his home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.1795-06-04 The cornerstone of the Massachusetts State House was laid by Governor Samuel Adams and officers from the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, including M.W. Paul Revere and R.W. William Scollay.1796-04-03 The first meeting of Franklin Lodge was held at Masons Hall in Hanover. On this date George Washington was President and John Adams was Vice President. Before the end of the year the last British troops withdraw from the US. Tennessee is admitted as the 16th U.S. state, including autonomous, secessionist territory, called the State of Franklin. The First Independence Day celebration is held. The US State Department issues 1st American passport. The first US newspapers appear on Sunday. The U.S. Constitution is at Congress Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. George Washingtons farewell address as President coincides with John Adams election as President of the United States.1796-04-18 Petition to erect Franklin Lodge was received at Grand Lodge.1796-04-27 Quarterly communication of New Hampshire Grand Lodge grants Charter to Franklin Lodge.1796-04-29 The Charter of Franklin Lodge was granted, bearing the signatures of the following Grand Officers:Hall Jackson______________Grand MasterNathaniel Adams___________Deputy Grand MasterJoseph Bass______________Senior Grand WardenMoses Woodward__________Junior Grand WardenEdward St. Loe Livermore___Grand SecretaryNathaniel Folsom__________Grand TreasurerJoseph Haven____________Grand DeaconJohn Adams______________Grand Deacon1796-05-22 Franklin Lodge was consecrated and its officers duly installed by the M. W. Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, with the following Grand Officers officiating:Nathaniel Adams______Deputy Grand MasterLemuel Hedge________Senior Grand WardenAbraham Ledge_______Junior Grand WardenJoseph J. Legonidee___Grand TreasurerJosiah Dunham_______Grand SecretaryJohn F. Jennison______Grand Senior DeaconJedediah Baldwin______Grand Junior DeaconMelchior Strohn_______Grand Tiler1796-1812 At least 115 Dartmouth College Graduate students were received in Franklin Lodge, from a total of 209 Lodge ascensions.1800-11-17 The US Constitution moves to Washington, D.C. permanently.1807-01-27 St. Andrews Royal Arch Chapter established at Hanover, the first of its kind in New Hampshire.1816-06 Petition to Grand Lodge to move Franklin Lodge from Hanover to Lebanon is not approved.1817-06-23 Petition to move Franklin Lodge approved. Last communication of Franklin Lodge in Hanover.1817-07-21 First communication of Franklin Lodge in Lebanon.The Whipple Building Circa: 1930sFranklin Lodge at Whipple-1_90C1824-1830 Templar Trinity Encampment.1830 St. Andrews Chapter is authorized to meet annually in Lebanon.1836-05-29 Last communication of the old Franklin Lodge.1844 Last representation at Grand Lodge ends the first period of Franklin Lodge.1854-06-22 Petition to Grand Lodge to revive the old Lodge was granted. The original Charter of Franklin Lodge is restored.This is a lodge communication pamphlet from our lodge in 1870.1894-01-15 The Whipple Building, home of Franklin Lodge experienced a fire which consumed all the tangible property of the Lodge, except the Charter, jewels, and records. At the appointed time and place of its annual communication of that day the Lodge was opened at 2:00 PM among the smoking debris and lingering flames.1896-05-13 An historical address at Lebanon, N.H., on the occasion of the celebration of the centennial of Franklin Lodge, No. 6, F. and A.M. by Albert Stillman Batchellor. (Original from Columbia University, excerpt following)1930-04 By-Laws of Franklin Lodge No. 6, A. F. & A. M. of Lebanon, N. H. published and approved by the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire.1969 Franklin Lodge purchases the old church on Green and Elm Streets.1996 Franklin Lodge turns 200 years old.2016-04-03 Franklin Lodge will celebrate its 220th birthday!
Saint Andrews Lodge at Green
Year :
1769, 1761, 1816, 1783, 1787, 1800, 1844, 1811, 1815, 1826, 1758, 1849, 1759, 1835, 1756, 1788, 1711, 1779, 1762, 1789, 1797, 1862, 1775, 1830, 1836, 1781, 1793, 1796, 1817, 1820, 1827, 1840, 1854, 1861, 1859, 1860, 1886, 1858, 1870, 1882, 1884, 1887, 1894, 1968, 1967, 1808, 1880, 1969, 1706, 1731, 1734, 1776, 1804, 1790, 1795, 1812, 1807, 1824, 1896, 1930, 1996
City :
Boston,Massachusetts,Dartmouth,Erie,Independence,New Hampshire,New York,Pennsylvania,Vermont,Washington
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Saint Andrews Lodge at Green Dragon tavern, Boston. The Royal Arch ritual was organized in the Long Room of the Green Dragon tavern on August, 28, 1769.The Grand Lodge of Massachusettswas constituted on April 9, 1769 Solomon Spalding (17611816)Attended Dartmouth 17831787 Hyrum* Smith(18001844) , brother of Joseph Smith Jr.Educated at Moors School at Dartmouth College 1811-1815* Until 1826, Hyrum spelled his name Hiram, as per Hiram Abif of Masonic myth Rueben Spalding (17581849) Historian Richard Behrens has shown that a Masonic network at Dartmouth connected Professor John Smith to Solomon Spalding and Ethan Smith, author of View of the Hebrews. Hyrum Smith also attended Dartmouth. Cousin of of Father James Spalding Schoolmate of Hyrum Smith Charter from Scotland 1st President of Dartmouth College 2nd President of Dartmouth College James Wheelock (17591835) Eleazer Wheelock Jr. (17561811) The Grand Lodge of Massachusetts chartered the Hanover, Dartmouth Lodge, on December 18, 1788. Brother-in-law of Eleazar Wheelock(17111779) Sons and son-in-law of John Wheelock Colleague of Teacher of Ethan Smith (1762-1849) Petitioners for the charter Prominent Dartmouth Masons Prof. John Smith(17611816
Notes :
Dartmouth Historian Richard K. Behrens has documented extensive Dartmouth College connections to early Masonry. Two of his key publications are: (10 Dartmouth Arminianism And Its Impact on Hyrum Smith and the Smith Family Published by The John Whitmer Historical Association Journal Vol. 26 (2006), pp. 166-184, and (2) Dreams, Visions, and Visitations: the Genesis of Mormonism. Published by The John Whitmer Historical Association Journal Vol. 27 (2007), pp 170-183.Other sources:On December 18, 1788, the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts chartered the first lodge in Hanover, Dartmouth Lodge. James Wheelock, Eleazer Wheelock and their cousin Bezaleel Woodward were among the names on the petition. This was the last lodge chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in the State of New Hampshire. Once the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire was chartered in 1789, many of the lodges originally chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts dissolved. All of their records disappeared as no Grand Lodge would claim them; as a result, there are no other records of these early lodges. https://web.archive.org/web/20180915045751/ http://franklinlodgenh.org/lodge-history Link to a history of the Saint Andrews Lodge https://www.masonicworld.com/education/files/feb04/green_dragon_tavern.htm Other Spalding family members of interest: Lyman A. Spalding, second cousin of Solomon Spalding, business partner with Alanson Cooley, a member of the Genessee County Lodge #215, along with William Morgan, and Dr. Solomon Spalding (1797-1862). Lyman A. Spalding was the eldest child of Erastus Lyman Spaulding (1775-1830) and Jennett Mack (1779-1836). Erastus, in turn, was the grandson of Ephraim Spalding of Plainfield, Connecticut -- who was also the grandfather of Solomon Spalding. Ethan Smith was familiar with Royal Arch Masonry, and divided Masons into two groups: reputable free masons and lodges of Illuminism that were utterly disowned by reputable free masons. Smith cited Rev John Ernst, Grand Chaplain of the Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New York, as saying that The unrivalled and deep designs of modern masons, called the Illuminati, who have inundated Europe and are fast gaining ground in America have clearly demonstrated the abuse untyled mason lodges have met with; and how they, when not presided over and guarded by men of genuine masonic principles, can be overthrown, revolutionized, and moulded at pleasure, pp. 177-178 in: A Dissertation on the Prophecies relative to Antichrist and the last times; exhibiting the rise, character and overthrow of that terrible power: and a treatise on the seven apocalyptic vials. Second EditionLodge HistoryThe Origins of Freemasonry in the Upper ValleyBy: Carl N. Porter & Robert L. WelschThe origins of Freemasonry in the Upper Valley dates back to a November 8, 1781 petition for a lodge in Cornish, Vermont. The petition was granted on November 10, 1781 with the location of the lodge being Springfield, VT and the lodge being named Vermont Lodge. Many of the members came from towns as far away as Haverhill, NH to towns closer in Lebanon, Hanover and Lyme. The first meeting of the lodge was held in Charlestown, VT, it being one of the towns that had seceded from New Hampshire in 1781 causing the Vermont Controversy. Vermont Lodge continued to meet at the inn of Abel Walker in Charlestown until August 20, 1788, when the lodge moved to Springfield, VT as the charter stated.To fill the void left by the removal of Vermont Lodge, the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts chartered Faithful Lodge in Cornish, NH on February 2, 1788. It was at this lodge that many of the early leaders of Franklin Lodge took their degrees. Among the membership of Faithful Lodge was Eleazer Wheelock, James Wheelock, Abel Holden and many others. On December 18, 1788, the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts chartered the first lodge in Hanover, Dartmouth Lodge. James Wheelock, Eleazer Wheelock and their cousin Bezaleel Woodward were among the names on the petition. This was the last lodge chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in the State of New Hampshire. Once the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire was chartered in 1789, many of the lodges originally chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts dissolved. All of their records disappeared as no Grand Lodge would claim them; as a result, there are no other records of these early lodges. Dartmouth College 1793The origins of Franklin Lodge No. 6 dates back to April 27, 1796, when the charter was granted by the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire. The lodge was named for Benjamin Franklin, who was both a founding father of the United States and a Freemason.The members first met in Hanover, at the Masons Hall, in one of the original buildings on the property of Dartmouth College. Among the first members of the lodge were James Wheelock and Eleazer Wheelock Jr., sons of the founder of the college. James Wheelock was installed as the first master on May 22, 1796.During this time the Lodge experienced tremendous growth, accepting more than 209 members 115 of them Dartmouth College students. Unfortunately, not much more is known of the early years of Franklin Lodge. It remained at the college until 1817, when it moved to the Lafayette Hotel in Lebanon, to be more central to the majority of its members.Franklin Lodge held its first meeting in Lebanon on July 21, 1817 with 25 members present. The lodge met for a time on the upper floor of the Lafayette Hotel on West Park Street, now the site of Citizens Bank in the Bank Block. The lodge continued to grow and prosper with the acceptance of 54 new members among them many of Lebanons more prominent citizens. Active members during the early years included Lafayette Hotel owner Calvin Benton, local architect Ammi Burnham Young, and Samuel Barrows, the owner of the citys first brickyard. Growth continued well into the 1820s, until the disappearance of William Morgan in Batavia, N.Y., threatened the very existence of Freemasonry in the United States.In 1826, William Morgan was believed to have been murdered by Freemasons, as he had threatened to make their secrets public knowledge by publishing a book about Freemasonry. It was a dark time for Franklin Lodge and for all Masons in the United States. The hatred of Masonry spread into every aspect of life: children of Masons were denied entrance into schools, the families of Masons were refused church services and the lives of many Freemasons were threatened. What became known as the William Morgan affair even split families apart, when some men were unwilling to give up being a Mason in the face of such persecution.In 1827, lodges in New York and other states began closing at a rapid pace because of the anti-Masonic fervor. By 1835, only 41 lodges remained in New York, all of Vermonts lodges had closed, and many lodges in New Hampshire were forced to do the same. Franklin Lodge was able to hold off the anti-Masonic fervor for a short time, but the Lodge stopped holding meetings in May of 1836. On June 6, 1840, the charter of the Lodge was forfeited to the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire. Many of the furnishings were sold off, the only exception being the first Worshipful Masters chair, which is still owned by the lodge. Proceeds from the sale were given to the Lebanon Liberal Institute, whose board of directors included Timothy Kenrick, who was also a Mason.This period ended in June 1854, when 36 Masons in Lebanon petitioned the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire to reinstate the Lodges charter and allow meetings to be held again in the town. The request was granted on June 24, 1854.Many of Lebanons most prominent businessmen were members, including local merchants Timothy Kenrick and Edward Durant, and U.S. Senator Aaron H. Craigin, among many others. The lodge began holding meetings in the hall above Kenricks store on South Park Street, near the front lawn of the Congregational Church. The lodge continued to grow and prosper until the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861. The Civil War affected lodges in many of the same ways that it did their communities. Many of the young men who fought in the war were also Masons. Several soldiers from Lebanon held offices in the lodges, most notably Capt. James B. Perry, who served as Worshipful Master from 1859-1860 and was one of the many casualties of the Battle of Fredricksburg. When the time came for the construction of the Soldiers Memorial Building in 1886, Ferdinand Davis, a local architect and member of Franklin Lodge, drew up the plans. Today, there is also a Masonic stained glass window upstairs memorializing Perry and his sacrifice. After the Civil War, growth in the lodge made it necessary to find a larger building. The new location of the lodge was made possible by another Mason, Gilman C. Whipple.In 1858, Whipple was an up-and-coming merchant who opened a new store in the Kenrick building called The New Cash Store. He remained in that location until the early 1870s, when he relocated to a building next to Hildreths Hardware. Over the next decade, Whipple built up his business enough to construct a three-story brick building on the site of the Lafayette Hotel. It was during this time that Whipple became actively involved in Franklin Lodge. Construction began in 1882 and, upon completion of the building in 1884, the lodge was given a new home, where it would reside for more than 80 years. Over the course of that time though, the lodge suffered several trials two of which were by fire.In 1887, a blaze swept through Lebanon, destroying buildings on both sides of the Mascoma River. The lass was total for the shops, mills and factories affected. By good fortune, the fire stopped at the newly constructed Whipple Block, sparing Franklin Lodge. Then, on Jan. 15, 1894, the day of the annual communication, disaster struck again when the interior of the lodge burned, ruining nearly everything. The fire consumed the entire roof, yet left the floor intact. Among the ruins was the Kimball Memorial Window, which was later replaced for the lodge. At 2 p.m., when the lodge was to meet, the members walked up through the ashes, called the meeting to order, and promptly removed themselves to the Old Fellows Hall to complete the meeting. It was here that the lodge resided until 1968, when it was decided to purchase its own building.In 1967, the building committee for Franklin Lodge found that the Unitarian Church building in Lebanon was for sale. To the committee, this was an opportune moment. The Unitarian Church was organized in Lebanon in 1808. The Unitarians met in the Old Meeting House until they built a new church on the corner of Elm and Green Streets in 1880. Once the building was completed, it was immediately occupied by the Unitarian Church until declining membership forced the church to close its doors in 1967.In 1968, the executive committee of Franklin Lodge met with the church leaders to negotiate the sale of the building. As a part of the sale, it was agreed that the lodge would not remove the stained glass windows in the sanctuary. All of the renovations to the building, including the removal of the tops of the steeples, were completed by early 1969. The lodge then moved its stained glass windows to the new building, with the Kimball Memorial window being placed internally in the lodge room to protect it. In April 1969, Franklin Lodge held its first meeting in the new location, and it has been using the building since that day.On Oct. 12, 2009, the Lebanon Heritage Commission listed the lodge building as a Landmark Property in the City of Lebanon.Sources:Downs History of LebanonRoger Carrolls History of LebanonCentennial Anniversary book of Franklin LodgeCollections of the Lebanon Historical SocietyCollections of Franklin LodgeLodge Historical Timeline1706-01-17 Benjamin Franklin born on Milk Street in Boston, Massachusetts.1731 Benjamin Franklin initiated into the local Masonic Lodge in Pennsylvania and remained a Freemason for the rest of his life.1734 Benjamin Franklin became Grand Master, and he edited and published the first Masonic book in the Americas, a reprint of James Andersons Constitutions of the Free-Masons.1776-06-04 The Declaration of Independence is signed by the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 9 of the 56 (16%) who signed were Freemasons, including Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, John Hancock, and John Adams of Massachusetts, and William Whipple, who attended St. Johns Lodge in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.1788-06-21 The U.S. Constitution, supreme law of the United States of America, is ratified in New York City. 13 of the 39 (33%) signatories were Freemasons including Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, George Washington of Virginia, and Nicholas Gilman of St. Johns Lodge No. 1 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.1788-12-18 Establishment of Dartmouth Lodge at Hanover under Massachusetts Authority, Following a petition from Prof. Bezaleel Woodward and a motion from Bro. [Paul] Revere Voted that a Committee of Five be appointed, Bros. Revere, Scollay, Cabot, Dexter, and Hunt. This was the 5th Lodge in New Hampshire, and the last Lodge Chartered by the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts in New Hampshire, according to Preston on Masonry, edited by George Richards and published in 1804. The Dartmouth Lodge never acknowledged the authority of the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, and was kept up but for a short time.1789 The Grand Lodge of New Hampshire was chartered.1790-06-16 Washington, D. C. was approved as the U. S. Capitol.1790-04-17 Benjamin Franklin died at his home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.1795-06-04 The cornerstone of the Massachusetts State House was laid by Governor Samuel Adams and officers from the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts, including M.W. Paul Revere and R.W. William Scollay.1796-04-03 The first meeting of Franklin Lodge was held at Masons Hall in Hanover. On this date George Washington was President and John Adams was Vice President. Before the end of the year the last British troops withdraw from the US. Tennessee is admitted as the 16th U.S. state, including autonomous, secessionist territory, called the State of Franklin. The First Independence Day celebration is held. The US State Department issues 1st American passport. The first US newspapers appear on Sunday. The U.S. Constitution is at Congress Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. George Washingtons farewell address as President coincides with John Adams election as President of the United States.1796-04-18 Petition to erect Franklin Lodge was received at Grand Lodge.1796-04-27 Quarterly communication of New Hampshire Grand Lodge grants Charter to Franklin Lodge.1796-04-29 The Charter of Franklin Lodge was granted, bearing the signatures of the following Grand Officers:Hall Jackson______________Grand MasterNathaniel Adams___________Deputy Grand MasterJoseph Bass______________Senior Grand WardenMoses Woodward__________Junior Grand WardenEdward St. Loe Livermore___Grand SecretaryNathaniel Folsom__________Grand TreasurerJoseph Haven____________Grand DeaconJohn Adams______________Grand Deacon1796-05-22 Franklin Lodge was consecrated and its officers duly installed by the M. W. Grand Lodge of New Hampshire, with the following Grand Officers officiating:Nathaniel Adams______Deputy Grand MasterLemuel Hedge________Senior Grand WardenAbraham Ledge_______Junior Grand WardenJoseph J. Legonidee___Grand TreasurerJosiah Dunham_______Grand SecretaryJohn F. Jennison______Grand Senior DeaconJedediah Baldwin______Grand Junior DeaconMelchior Strohn_______Grand Tiler1796-1812 At least 115 Dartmouth College Graduate students were received in Franklin Lodge, from a total of 209 Lodge ascensions.1800-11-17 The US Constitution moves to Washington, D.C. permanently.1807-01-27 St. Andrews Royal Arch Chapter established at Hanover, the first of its kind in New Hampshire.1816-06 Petition to Grand Lodge to move Franklin Lodge from Hanover to Lebanon is not approved.1817-06-23 Petition to move Franklin Lodge approved. Last communication of Franklin Lodge in Hanover.1817-07-21 First communication of Franklin Lodge in Lebanon.The Whipple Building Circa: 1930sFranklin Lodge at Whipple-1_90C1824-1830 Templar Trinity Encampment.1830 St. Andrews Chapter is authorized to meet annually in Lebanon.1836-05-29 Last communication of the old Franklin Lodge.1844 Last representation at Grand Lodge ends the first period of Franklin Lodge.1854-06-22 Petition to Grand Lodge to revive the old Lodge was granted. The original Charter of Franklin Lodge is restored.This is a lodge communication pamphlet from our lodge in 1870.1894-01-15 The Whipple Building, home of Franklin Lodge experienced a fire which consumed all the tangible property of the Lodge, except the Charter, jewels, and records. At the appointed time and place of its annual communication of that day the Lodge was opened at 2:00 PM among the smoking debris and lingering flames.1896-05-13 An historical address at Lebanon, N.H., on the occasion of the celebration of the centennial of Franklin Lodge, No. 6, F. and A.M. by Albert Stillman Batchellor. (Original from Columbia University, excerpt following)1930-04 By-Laws of Franklin Lodge No. 6, A. F. & A. M. of Lebanon, N. H. published and approved by the Grand Lodge of New Hampshire.1969 Franklin Lodge purchases the old church on Green and Elm Streets.1996 Franklin Lodge turns 200 years old.2016-04-03 Franklin Lodge will celebrate its 220th birthday!
Episode 7 – Slide 124
Title :
Cirillo Salvatore
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 7:24
Content :
Cirillo Salvatore Researcher Cirillo Salvatore concluded that the Mormon Enoch connects to 1 Enoch not the Bible.The Biblical character Enoch does not refer to the Son of Man. But the Enoch of 1 Enoch refers to the Son of Man as a Messiah chosen by God prior to the creation of theworld. (1 Enoch 48:210) Enoch in the Book of Moses links the Son of Man to the Messiah of Christianity: And... Enoch sawthe day of the coming of the Son of Man, even in the flesh. Moses 7:2
Notes :
CIRILLO, SALVATORE (2010) Joseph Smith, Mormonism and Enochic Tradition. Masters thesis, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/236/ https://web.archive.org/web/20190201213046/ http://www.triumphpro.com/enoch-and-the-prototype.htm
Cirillo Salvatore
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 7:24
Content :
Cirillo Salvatore Researcher Cirillo Salvatore concluded that the Mormon Enoch connects to 1 Enoch not the Bible.The Biblical character Enoch does not refer to the Son of Man. But the Enoch of 1 Enoch refers to the Son of Man as a Messiah chosen by God prior to the creation of theworld. (1 Enoch 48:210) Enoch in the Book of Moses links the Son of Man to the Messiah of Christianity: And... Enoch sawthe day of the coming of the Son of Man, even in the flesh. Moses 7:2
Notes :
CIRILLO, SALVATORE (2010) Joseph Smith, Mormonism and Enochic Tradition. Masters thesis, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/236/ https://web.archive.org/web/20190201213046/ http://www.triumphpro.com/enoch-and-the-prototype.htm
Episode 7 – Slide 125
Title :
D&C 107:56 (attributed to Rigdon):
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 107
Content :
D&C 107:56 (attributed to Rigdon): Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation; and, notwithstanding he was bowed down with age, being full of the Holy Ghost, predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity unto the latest generation. These things were all written in the Book of Enoch. Masonic Grand Assembly: Enoch called a special assembly of Masons in whom he could confide... It was it was here Adam communicated that terrible prophecy, that all mankind, except a few just persons, should so far swerve from their allegiance to God, as to cause the destruction of all created things by water and fire. Salvatore (2010) also noted that: The Grand Assembly is unique to the Masonic and Mormon (D&C 107) accounts. The Mormon account says that these things were written in the Book of Enoch, but 1 Enoch does not contain that information. Masonry does
Notes :
Oliver, G. (1823) The Antiquities of Freemasonry. London: G. and W. B. Whittaker. https://archive.org/details/OliverGTheAntiquitiesOfFreemasonry1823 The degeneracy of mankind increasing, Enoch exhorted them to turn from their unrighteous ways, and imitate the purity of their forefathers. He pressed upon them the nature of their obligations; he reiterated their duty to God and man; but the fascinations of pleasure had so intoxicated their senses, that the sober admonitions of reason and duty were little regarded. He therefore called a special assembly of Masons in whom he could confide, and in the presence of Adam, Seth, Jared his father, and Methusaleh his son, he enumerated the accumulating wickedness of man, and the enormous evils which were desolating the earth ; and implored their advice and assistance in stemming the torrent of impiety which threatened a universal corruption. It was here Adam communicated that terrible prophecy, that all mankind, except a few just persons, should so far swerve from their allegiance to God, as to cause the destruction of all created things by water and fire
D&C 107:56 (attributed to Rigdon):
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 107
Content :
D&C 107:56 (attributed to Rigdon): Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation; and, notwithstanding he was bowed down with age, being full of the Holy Ghost, predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity unto the latest generation. These things were all written in the Book of Enoch. Masonic Grand Assembly: Enoch called a special assembly of Masons in whom he could confide... It was it was here Adam communicated that terrible prophecy, that all mankind, except a few just persons, should so far swerve from their allegiance to God, as to cause the destruction of all created things by water and fire. Salvatore (2010) also noted that: The Grand Assembly is unique to the Masonic and Mormon (D&C 107) accounts. The Mormon account says that these things were written in the Book of Enoch, but 1 Enoch does not contain that information. Masonry does
Notes :
Oliver, G. (1823) The Antiquities of Freemasonry. London: G. and W. B. Whittaker. https://archive.org/details/OliverGTheAntiquitiesOfFreemasonry1823 The degeneracy of mankind increasing, Enoch exhorted them to turn from their unrighteous ways, and imitate the purity of their forefathers. He pressed upon them the nature of their obligations; he reiterated their duty to God and man; but the fascinations of pleasure had so intoxicated their senses, that the sober admonitions of reason and duty were little regarded. He therefore called a special assembly of Masons in whom he could confide, and in the presence of Adam, Seth, Jared his father, and Methusaleh his son, he enumerated the accumulating wickedness of man, and the enormous evils which were desolating the earth ; and implored their advice and assistance in stemming the torrent of impiety which threatened a universal corruption. It was here Adam communicated that terrible prophecy, that all mankind, except a few just persons, should so far swerve from their allegiance to God, as to cause the destruction of all created things by water and fire
Episode 7 – Slide 126
Title :
Smith’s Public Revelation of the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smiths Public Revelation of the Extract of the Prophecy of Enoc
Notes :
Smith’s Public Revelation of the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smiths Public Revelation of the Extract of the Prophecy of Enoc
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 127
Title :
When did Smith reveal the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
When did Smith reveal the Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch? For this, we return to the end of Episode 6 and the 3rd Conference of the Church of Christ at Fayette, NY, in early January of 1831
Notes :
When did Smith reveal the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
When did Smith reveal the Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch? For this, we return to the end of Episode 6 and the 3rd Conference of the Church of Christ at Fayette, NY, in early January of 1831
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 128
Title :
Rigdon met the followers of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Rigdon met the followers of Smith for the first time at this conference. Cowdery and Pratt were far away on the Missouri frontie
Notes :
Rigdon met the followers of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Rigdon met the followers of Smith for the first time at this conference. Cowdery and Pratt were far away on the Missouri frontie
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 129
Title :
In the conference, Smith reportedly
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 38
Content :
In the conference, Smith reportedly enquired of the Lord in the presence of the whole congregation and received D&C 38, a revelation instructing the members to gather in Ohio (recall Episode 6). D&C 38:32 ye should go to the Ohio
Notes :
In F.Mark McKiernan and RogerD. Launius, eds.,An Early Latter Day Saint History: The Book of John Whitmer (Independence, Mo.: Herald Publishing House, 1980), pp.3233. http://www.centerplace.org/history/misc/jwhitmer.htm taken from John Whitmer, "The Book of John Whitmer Kept by Commandment," typescript by Pauline Hancock, BYU-A. Holograph is located in RLDS Archives.
In the conference, Smith reportedly
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 38
Content :
In the conference, Smith reportedly enquired of the Lord in the presence of the whole congregation and received D&C 38, a revelation instructing the members to gather in Ohio (recall Episode 6). D&C 38:32 ye should go to the Ohio
Notes :
In F.Mark McKiernan and RogerD. Launius, eds.,An Early Latter Day Saint History: The Book of John Whitmer (Independence, Mo.: Herald Publishing House, 1980), pp.3233. http://www.centerplace.org/history/misc/jwhitmer.htm taken from John Whitmer, "The Book of John Whitmer Kept by Commandment," typescript by Pauline Hancock, BYU-A. Holograph is located in RLDS Archives.
Episode 7 – Slide 130
Title :
D&C 38:32 – “I… give
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 38, BC 40, D&C 38
Content :
D&C 38:32 I give unto you a land flowing with milk and honeyfor the land of your inheritanceforever. D&C 38 (BC 40) is attributed to Rigdon. Smith evidently used a script provided by Rigdon to assume the role of Prophet.. D&C 38:4 I am the same which have taken the Zion of Enoch into my own boso
Notes :
D&C 38:32 – “I… give
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 38, BC 40, D&C 38
Content :
D&C 38:32 I give unto you a land flowing with milk and honeyfor the land of your inheritanceforever. D&C 38 (BC 40) is attributed to Rigdon. Smith evidently used a script provided by Rigdon to assume the role of Prophet.. D&C 38:4 I am the same which have taken the Zion of Enoch into my own boso
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 131
Title :
Working behind the scenes, Rigdon
Year :
1831, 1843
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 7-9
Content :
Working behind the scenes, Rigdon set the stage for restoration of the extract of the Book of Enoch at this same meeting. As he (Rigdon) later reported: Much conjecture and conversation frequently occurred among the saints, concerning the books mentioned, and referred to in various places in the Old and New Testaments, which were now no where to be found
Notes :
According to Sidney Rigdon, when the excerpt from the Book of Enoch was revealed to membership of the Church in Jan, 1831 (Moses 7-9), there was much conjecture and conversation stimulated by the idea of lost books. Rigdon specifically mentions the Biblical Book of Jude: Much conjecture and conversation frequently occurred among the saints, concerning the books mentioned, and referred to in various places in the Old and New Testaments, which were now no where to be found. The common remark was, they were lost books; but it seems the apostolic churches had some of these writings, as Jude mentions or quotes the prophesy of Enoch, the seventh from Adam. The Times and Seasons Vol. IV. No. 22. City of Nauvoo, IL. October 1, 1843.
Working behind the scenes, Rigdon
Year :
1831, 1843
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 7-9
Content :
Working behind the scenes, Rigdon set the stage for restoration of the extract of the Book of Enoch at this same meeting. As he (Rigdon) later reported: Much conjecture and conversation frequently occurred among the saints, concerning the books mentioned, and referred to in various places in the Old and New Testaments, which were now no where to be found
Notes :
According to Sidney Rigdon, when the excerpt from the Book of Enoch was revealed to membership of the Church in Jan, 1831 (Moses 7-9), there was much conjecture and conversation stimulated by the idea of lost books. Rigdon specifically mentions the Biblical Book of Jude: Much conjecture and conversation frequently occurred among the saints, concerning the books mentioned, and referred to in various places in the Old and New Testaments, which were now no where to be found. The common remark was, they were lost books; but it seems the apostolic churches had some of these writings, as Jude mentions or quotes the prophesy of Enoch, the seventh from Adam. The Times and Seasons Vol. IV. No. 22. City of Nauvoo, IL. October 1, 1843.
Episode 7 – Slide 132
Title :
Referencing scripture mentioned in the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Referencing scripture mentioned in the Bible but not included in the Bible, Rigdon prepared the congregation for a restoration of the lost prophesy of Enoch: The common remark was, they [the missing scriptures] were lost books; but it seems the apostolic churches had some of these writings, as Jude mentions or quotes the prophesy of Enoch, the seventh from Adam. The Times and Seasons Vol. IV. No. 22. City of Nauvoo, IL. October 1, 1843
Notes :
Referencing scripture mentioned in the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Referencing scripture mentioned in the Bible but not included in the Bible, Rigdon prepared the congregation for a restoration of the lost prophesy of Enoch: The common remark was, they [the missing scriptures] were lost books; but it seems the apostolic churches had some of these writings, as Jude mentions or quotes the prophesy of Enoch, the seventh from Adam. The Times and Seasons Vol. IV. No. 22. City of Nauvoo, IL. October 1, 1843
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 133
Title :
When the congregation was ready,
Year :
1843, 1831
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
When the congregation was ready, Smith delivered the goods. As Rigdon reported: To the joy of the flock, which in all, from Colesville to Canandaigua, N. York, numbered about seventy members, did the Lord reveal the following doings of olden times, from the prophesy of Enoc
Notes :
Rigdons 1843 account was published in the Times and Seasons and includes the Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch. W.W. Phelps published part of this text in the Evening and Morning Star on May 9, 1831.
When the congregation was ready,
Year :
1843, 1831
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
When the congregation was ready, Smith delivered the goods. As Rigdon reported: To the joy of the flock, which in all, from Colesville to Canandaigua, N. York, numbered about seventy members, did the Lord reveal the following doings of olden times, from the prophesy of Enoc
Notes :
Rigdons 1843 account was published in the Times and Seasons and includes the Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch. W.W. Phelps published part of this text in the Evening and Morning Star on May 9, 1831.
Episode 7 – Slide 134
Title :
When Rigdon says “the Lord”
Year :
City :
New York
Scripture Reference :
Content :
When Rigdon says the Lord revealed the Prophesy of Enoch, he can only be referring to Smith as revelator. The New York members knew and trusted Smith, not Rigdon. Authorship analysis again indicates that Smith did not write the text of the Enoch prophesy. Smith either read a text given to himthen claimed credit for itor he memorized his lines and delivered them as an actor. I am even as Enoch. I am even as Moses
Notes :
When Rigdon says “the Lord”
Year :
City :
New York
Scripture Reference :
Content :
When Rigdon says the Lord revealed the Prophesy of Enoch, he can only be referring to Smith as revelator. The New York members knew and trusted Smith, not Rigdon. Authorship analysis again indicates that Smith did not write the text of the Enoch prophesy. Smith either read a text given to himthen claimed credit for itor he memorized his lines and delivered them as an actor. I am even as Enoch. I am even as Moses
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 135
Title :
The story of Enoch gave
Year :
City :
Jerusalem,New York,Salem,Zion
Scripture Reference : Moses 7:62
Content :
The story of Enoch gave assurance to members in New York that gathering to Zion would fulfill ancient prophesy. In Moses 7:62, God declared: truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood, to gather out mine elect unto a place which I shall prepare, an Holy Cityfor there shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem
Notes :
Woman's Exponent 7:83 (1 November 1878) (Whitney sings a hymn in the Adamic tongue).
The story of Enoch gave
Year :
City :
Jerusalem,New York,Salem,Zion
Scripture Reference : Moses 7:62
Content :
The story of Enoch gave assurance to members in New York that gathering to Zion would fulfill ancient prophesy. In Moses 7:62, God declared: truth will I cause to sweep the earth as with a flood, to gather out mine elect unto a place which I shall prepare, an Holy Cityfor there shall be my tabernacle, and it shall be called Zion, a New Jerusalem
Notes :
Woman's Exponent 7:83 (1 November 1878) (Whitney sings a hymn in the Adamic tongue).
Episode 7 – Slide 136
Title :
Using the story of Enoch,
Year :
City :
New York,Ohio
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Using the story of Enoch, Rigdon empowered Smith. It was necessary to do in order to persuade the New York Saints to leave their homes in New York and move to his home base in Ohio. As noted by Bruno (2014), Smiths Enoch is a figure with the ability to unify his people into a community that joins with him in the ascent to God
Notes :
Using the story of Enoch,
Year :
City :
New York,Ohio
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Using the story of Enoch, Rigdon empowered Smith. It was necessary to do in order to persuade the New York Saints to leave their homes in New York and move to his home base in Ohio. As noted by Bruno (2014), Smiths Enoch is a figure with the ability to unify his people into a community that joins with him in the ascent to God
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 137
Title :
According to Terryl Givens, the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 7:19, Moses 7:18
Content :
According to Terryl Givens, the Enoch prophesy gave Smith a template for his own prophetic vocation as a builderof Zion and restorer of a City of Holiness (Moses 7:19), a city with citizens of one heart and one mindwith no poor among them. (Moses 7:18)The January 1831 Conference changed Smith. Thereafter, he would refer to himself as the Prophet
Notes :
According to Terryl Givens, the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 7:19, Moses 7:18
Content :
According to Terryl Givens, the Enoch prophesy gave Smith a template for his own prophetic vocation as a builderof Zion and restorer of a City of Holiness (Moses 7:19), a city with citizens of one heart and one mindwith no poor among them. (Moses 7:18)The January 1831 Conference changed Smith. Thereafter, he would refer to himself as the Prophet
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 138
Title :
In the King James Bible,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 7
Content :
In the King James Bible, Enoch is the only person translated into heaven. By contrast, in Moses 7, Enoch gathers all his people into Zion, and the entire City is taken up into heaven. I like my miracles supersized. Me too
Notes :
In the King James Bible,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 7
Content :
In the King James Bible, Enoch is the only person translated into heaven. By contrast, in Moses 7, Enoch gathers all his people into Zion, and the entire City is taken up into heaven. I like my miracles supersized. Me too
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 139
Title :
In Moses 6:64, the Deity
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6:64
Content :
In Moses 6:64, the Deity promises Enoch: thou and all thy city [shall] meet there, and we will receive them [those who gathered in the latter days] into our bosom, and they shall see us; and we will fall upon their necks, and they shall fall upon our necks, and we will kiss each other; And there shall be mine abode, and it shall be Zion
Notes :
In Moses 6:64, the Deity
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 6:64
Content :
In Moses 6:64, the Deity promises Enoch: thou and all thy city [shall] meet there, and we will receive them [those who gathered in the latter days] into our bosom, and they shall see us; and we will fall upon their necks, and they shall fall upon our necks, and we will kiss each other; And there shall be mine abode, and it shall be Zion
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 140
Title :
Smith meets the Kirtland Saints
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smith meets the Kirtland Saint
Notes :
Smith meets the Kirtland Saints
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smith meets the Kirtland Saint
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 141
Title :
On February 1st, 1831, Smith
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
On February 1st, 1831, Smith traveled by sleigh west to Kirtland, accompanied by his wife Emma (then 6 months pregnant with twins), and Edward Partridge.
Notes :
Image source: http://daysgoneby.me/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/new-york-snow-sleigh.jpg
On February 1st, 1831, Smith
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
On February 1st, 1831, Smith traveled by sleigh west to Kirtland, accompanied by his wife Emma (then 6 months pregnant with twins), and Edward Partridge.
Notes :
Image source: http://daysgoneby.me/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/new-york-snow-sleigh.jpg
Episode 7 – Slide 142
Title :
After the sleigh arrived at
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
After the sleigh arrived at the Gilbert and Whitney store in Kirtland, Smith walked into the store to meet Newel K. Whitney, the stores junior partner, exclaiming: Newel K. Whitney! Thou art the man! extending his hand cordially. Whitney was confused, responding You have the advantage of me I could not call you by name, as you have me. Smith smiled and responded, I am Joseph, the Prophet, Youve prayed me here; now what do you want of me
Notes :
Source: Contributor Vol 6, page 125,
After the sleigh arrived at
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
After the sleigh arrived at the Gilbert and Whitney store in Kirtland, Smith walked into the store to meet Newel K. Whitney, the stores junior partner, exclaiming: Newel K. Whitney! Thou art the man! extending his hand cordially. Whitney was confused, responding You have the advantage of me I could not call you by name, as you have me. Smith smiled and responded, I am Joseph, the Prophet, Youve prayed me here; now what do you want of me
Notes :
Source: Contributor Vol 6, page 125,
Episode 7 – Slide 143
Title :
Recalled Smith: “I and my
Year :
City :
Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Recalled Smith: I and my wife lived in the family of Brother Whitney several weeks, and received every kindness and attention which could be expected, and especially from Sister Whitney
Notes :
The Historical Record, 1886. A Monthly Periodical, p. 392. Ed: Andrew Jensen, Salt Lake City, Utah. https://archive.org/details/historicalrecord07jens/page/392/mode/2up
Recalled Smith: “I and my
Year :
City :
Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Recalled Smith: I and my wife lived in the family of Brother Whitney several weeks, and received every kindness and attention which could be expected, and especially from Sister Whitney
Notes :
The Historical Record, 1886. A Monthly Periodical, p. 392. Ed: Andrew Jensen, Salt Lake City, Utah. https://archive.org/details/historicalrecord07jens/page/392/mode/2up
Episode 7 – Slide 144
Title :
Years later, in the summer
Year :
1842, 1795, 1850, 1888
City :
Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Years later, in the summer of 1842, the Whitneys would give their daughter, Sarah Ann, to the prophet as a plural wife. She was the first woman, in this dispensation, who was given in plural marriage by and with the consent of both parents. B.H. Roberts, ed., History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City, 9146), VII, p. 557-558Ultimately, Smith would take 33 secret wives, and justify these marriages as required of him by God. Sarah Ann Whitne
Notes :
Newel K. Whitney died at age 55. He appears to have had at least 8 wives at his death http://wiki.whitneygen.org/wrg/index.php/Family:Whitney,_Newel_Kimball_(1795-1850) Whitneys second polygamist wife, Olive Maria Bishop, allegedly claimed in a deathbed statement that her husband (Newell K. Whitney) died by poisoning at the hands of his first wife Elizabeth Ann. Footnote 41 on page 59 of The Spalding Engima by Cowdrey et al. (2018), citing Arthur B. Demings book Naked Truths about Mormonism (1888), p. 22.Samuel F. Whitney to Arthur Deming: I was informed by a creditable party while last in Salt Lake City that Bishop N. K. Whitney's second wife confessed on her death bed to Bishop Tuttle, of the Episcopal Church, that Bishop Whitney's first wife gave him poison in a whisky sling she made for him. The first time it made him very sick and the next evening she gave him another, which caused his death. She made three each time, for herself and the second wifewithout poison. http://sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/CA/natruths.htm
Years later, in the summer
Year :
1842, 1795, 1850, 1888
City :
Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Years later, in the summer of 1842, the Whitneys would give their daughter, Sarah Ann, to the prophet as a plural wife. She was the first woman, in this dispensation, who was given in plural marriage by and with the consent of both parents. B.H. Roberts, ed., History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Salt Lake City, 9146), VII, p. 557-558Ultimately, Smith would take 33 secret wives, and justify these marriages as required of him by God. Sarah Ann Whitne
Notes :
Newel K. Whitney died at age 55. He appears to have had at least 8 wives at his death http://wiki.whitneygen.org/wrg/index.php/Family:Whitney,_Newel_Kimball_(1795-1850) Whitneys second polygamist wife, Olive Maria Bishop, allegedly claimed in a deathbed statement that her husband (Newell K. Whitney) died by poisoning at the hands of his first wife Elizabeth Ann. Footnote 41 on page 59 of The Spalding Engima by Cowdrey et al. (2018), citing Arthur B. Demings book Naked Truths about Mormonism (1888), p. 22.Samuel F. Whitney to Arthur Deming: I was informed by a creditable party while last in Salt Lake City that Bishop N. K. Whitney's second wife confessed on her death bed to Bishop Tuttle, of the Episcopal Church, that Bishop Whitney's first wife gave him poison in a whisky sling she made for him. The first time it made him very sick and the next evening she gave him another, which caused his death. She made three each time, for herself and the second wifewithout poison. http://sidneyrigdon.com/dbroadhu/CA/natruths.htm
Episode 7 – Slide 145
Title :
David Whitmer (1886), one of
Year :
1886, 1831
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
David Whitmer (1886), one of the three Book of Mormon witnesses, reflected upon Rigdons influence after Smiths arrival in Kirtland: In February, 1831, Brother Joseph came to Kirtland where Rigdon was. Rigdon was a thorough Bible scholar, a man of fine education, and a powerful orator. He soon worked himself deep into Brother Joseph's affections, and had more influence over him than any other man living.
Notes :
Image. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Whitmer#/media/File:David_Witmer.JPG See: http://home1.gte.net/dbroadhu/RESTOR/Lib/Bush1984.htm An Address to All Believers in Christby David Whitmer https://ia600309.us.archive.org/28/items/addresstoallbeli00whit/addresstoallbeli00whit.pdf
David Whitmer (1886), one of
Year :
1886, 1831
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
David Whitmer (1886), one of the three Book of Mormon witnesses, reflected upon Rigdons influence after Smiths arrival in Kirtland: In February, 1831, Brother Joseph came to Kirtland where Rigdon was. Rigdon was a thorough Bible scholar, a man of fine education, and a powerful orator. He soon worked himself deep into Brother Joseph's affections, and had more influence over him than any other man living.
Notes :
Image. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Whitmer#/media/File:David_Witmer.JPG See: http://home1.gte.net/dbroadhu/RESTOR/Lib/Bush1984.htm An Address to All Believers in Christby David Whitmer https://ia600309.us.archive.org/28/items/addresstoallbeli00whit/addresstoallbeli00whit.pdf
Episode 7 – Slide 146
Title :
In Kirtland, Smith and Rigdon
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 9:21–24
Content :
In Kirtland, Smith and Rigdon continued to work on JST Genesis. Rigdon is the most likely author of JST Genesis 9:2124, a prophecy in which the Deity declares thatZion should again come on the earth, the city of Enoch which I have caught up unto myself. And this is mine everlasting covenant, that when thy posteritylook upward, then shall Zion look down; And the general assembly of the church of the firstborn shall come down out of heaven, and possess the earthAnd the bow shall be in the cloud, and I will establish my covenant unto thee
Notes :
Image source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/83/54/6c/83546c2f4740083ed7b5122e5418a80d--rainbow-sky-over-the-rainbow.jpg
In Kirtland, Smith and Rigdon
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 9:21–24
Content :
In Kirtland, Smith and Rigdon continued to work on JST Genesis. Rigdon is the most likely author of JST Genesis 9:2124, a prophecy in which the Deity declares thatZion should again come on the earth, the city of Enoch which I have caught up unto myself. And this is mine everlasting covenant, that when thy posteritylook upward, then shall Zion look down; And the general assembly of the church of the firstborn shall come down out of heaven, and possess the earthAnd the bow shall be in the cloud, and I will establish my covenant unto thee
Notes :
Image source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/83/54/6c/83546c2f4740083ed7b5122e5418a80d--rainbow-sky-over-the-rainbow.jpg
Episode 7 – Slide 147
Title :
The next significant addition to
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 14
Content :
The next significant addition to JST was JST Genesis 14, a scripture that links Enoch to Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness: he [Melchizedek] was ordained a high priest after the order of the covenant which God made with Enoch, it being after the order of the son of God For God having sworn unto Enoch and unto his seedthat every one being ordained after this order and calling should have power and this by the will of the Son of God which was from before the foundation of the world. Authorship analysis attributes this text to Spalding
Notes :
The next significant addition to
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 14
Content :
The next significant addition to JST was JST Genesis 14, a scripture that links Enoch to Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness: he [Melchizedek] was ordained a high priest after the order of the covenant which God made with Enoch, it being after the order of the son of God For God having sworn unto Enoch and unto his seedthat every one being ordained after this order and calling should have power and this by the will of the Son of God which was from before the foundation of the world. Authorship analysis attributes this text to Spalding
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 148
Title :
According to Masonic legend, Melchizedek
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to Masonic legend, Melchizedek initiated Abraham into Freemasonry as a Prophet, Priest, and King. Others use this title to refer exclusively to Jesus Christ. Early 19th century American Freemasons in the ritualistic Israelite attire of Royal Arch Masonry. Most Excellent High Priest King Holy Scribe(Prophet) Only Masons and Mormons use the terms King and Priest in reference to a degree that can be attained by ordinary men.
Notes :
Image of the JST courtesy of Dale Broadhurst
According to Masonic legend, Melchizedek
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to Masonic legend, Melchizedek initiated Abraham into Freemasonry as a Prophet, Priest, and King. Others use this title to refer exclusively to Jesus Christ. Early 19th century American Freemasons in the ritualistic Israelite attire of Royal Arch Masonry. Most Excellent High Priest King Holy Scribe(Prophet) Only Masons and Mormons use the terms King and Priest in reference to a degree that can be attained by ordinary men.
Notes :
Image of the JST courtesy of Dale Broadhurst
Episode 7 – Slide 149
Title :
Recalled David Whitmer: “In Kirtland,
Year :
1831, 1887
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Recalled David Whitmer: In Kirtland, Ohio, in 1831, Rigdon would expound the Old Testament scriptures of the Bible and Book of Mormon (in his way) to Joseph, concerning the priesthood, high priests, etc., and would persuade Brother Joseph to inquire of the Lord about this doctrine and that doctrine, and of course a revelation would always come just as they desired itthrough the influence ofRigdon, Joseph was led on and on into receiving revelations every yea
Notes :
Whitmer, D.1887. "An Address to All Believers in Christ", Richmond, Missouri. http://www.utlm.org/onlinebooks/address1.htm
Recalled David Whitmer: “In Kirtland,
Year :
1831, 1887
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Recalled David Whitmer: In Kirtland, Ohio, in 1831, Rigdon would expound the Old Testament scriptures of the Bible and Book of Mormon (in his way) to Joseph, concerning the priesthood, high priests, etc., and would persuade Brother Joseph to inquire of the Lord about this doctrine and that doctrine, and of course a revelation would always come just as they desired itthrough the influence ofRigdon, Joseph was led on and on into receiving revelations every yea
Notes :
Whitmer, D.1887. "An Address to All Believers in Christ", Richmond, Missouri. http://www.utlm.org/onlinebooks/address1.htm
Episode 7 – Slide 150
Title :
The Restored Bible Dispatches Campbell
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The Restored Bible Dispatches Campbell to Hel
Notes :
The Restored Bible Dispatches Campbell
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The Restored Bible Dispatches Campbell to Hel
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 151
Title :
D&C 45 is attributed to
Year :
1831, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45
Content :
D&C 45 is attributed to Rigdon. This implies that Rigdon addressed Smith in the 1st person as Jesus Christ, and commanded Smith to stop the translation of the Old Testament. On March 7, 1831, midway through translation of Genesis (JST Ge 24:40), Smith received D&C 45, a revelation in which the Deity informed him to immediately stop translation of Genesis: it shall not be given unto you to know any further concerning this chapter. Doctrine & Covenants (1835
Notes :
D&C 45 is attributed to
Year :
1831, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45
Content :
D&C 45 is attributed to Rigdon. This implies that Rigdon addressed Smith in the 1st person as Jesus Christ, and commanded Smith to stop the translation of the Old Testament. On March 7, 1831, midway through translation of Genesis (JST Ge 24:40), Smith received D&C 45, a revelation in which the Deity informed him to immediately stop translation of Genesis: it shall not be given unto you to know any further concerning this chapter. Doctrine & Covenants (1835
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 152
Title :
No. of words translated
Year :
1833, 1832, 1831, 1830
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 24, Matt 26, Matt 26
Content :
No. of words translated OLD TESTAMENT DOCUMENT 1 July 1833 June 1832 Mar 1831 June 1830 OT1 Copy of OT1 Matthew Copy of NT1 Smith complied with the order to stop translation. Mormon scholars refer to the Old Testament manuscript up to this point as OT1. Stops at Genesis 24:40 STEP 1. OLD TESTAMENT1st half of Genesi
Notes :
When Rigdon and Smith continued their work with Whitmers copy of NT1 in September, 1831, they began at Matt 26:1 where Whitmer ended his copying not realizing that they had already translated through verse 71 in June, 1831. There are therefore two revisions of Matt 26 with some differences in content.A comparison of the two revisions is available at this link: https://archive.org/stream/JSTDuplicateTranslations/JST%20Duplicate%20Translations_djvu.txt Some of the content additions to the KJ Bible are found in only one of the two revisions of Matt 26. Major content differences: "that they might put an end to his work" (Matt 26:4, June 1831 version) "Why trouble you the woman? And from whence is this evil in your hearts?" (Matt 26:10, June 1831 version) "and gave thanks, and blessed the cup" (Matt 26:27, June 1831 version)"Jesus took bread, and brake it, and blessed it" (Matt 26:26, Sep1831 version) "which I gave a ransom for you" (Matt 26:26, Sep1831 version) In both versions of Matt 26, Jesus heals the severed ear of a servant. "And he put forth his hand and touched the servant's ear, and it was healed" (Matt 26:54, June, 1831 and Sep, 1831, but the two records include this event at different points in the narrative. This is an effort to reconcile the Gospel of Matthew with the Gospel of Luke, which reads: "And he touched his ear, and healed him
No. of words translated
Year :
1833, 1832, 1831, 1830
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 24, Matt 26, Matt 26
Content :
No. of words translated OLD TESTAMENT DOCUMENT 1 July 1833 June 1832 Mar 1831 June 1830 OT1 Copy of OT1 Matthew Copy of NT1 Smith complied with the order to stop translation. Mormon scholars refer to the Old Testament manuscript up to this point as OT1. Stops at Genesis 24:40 STEP 1. OLD TESTAMENT1st half of Genesi
Notes :
When Rigdon and Smith continued their work with Whitmers copy of NT1 in September, 1831, they began at Matt 26:1 where Whitmer ended his copying not realizing that they had already translated through verse 71 in June, 1831. There are therefore two revisions of Matt 26 with some differences in content.A comparison of the two revisions is available at this link: https://archive.org/stream/JSTDuplicateTranslations/JST%20Duplicate%20Translations_djvu.txt Some of the content additions to the KJ Bible are found in only one of the two revisions of Matt 26. Major content differences: "that they might put an end to his work" (Matt 26:4, June 1831 version) "Why trouble you the woman? And from whence is this evil in your hearts?" (Matt 26:10, June 1831 version) "and gave thanks, and blessed the cup" (Matt 26:27, June 1831 version)"Jesus took bread, and brake it, and blessed it" (Matt 26:26, Sep1831 version) "which I gave a ransom for you" (Matt 26:26, Sep1831 version) In both versions of Matt 26, Jesus heals the severed ear of a servant. "And he put forth his hand and touched the servant's ear, and it was healed" (Matt 26:54, June, 1831 and Sep, 1831, but the two records include this event at different points in the narrative. This is an effort to reconcile the Gospel of Matthew with the Gospel of Luke, which reads: "And he touched his ear, and healed him
Episode 7 – Slide 153
Title :
“…it shall not be given
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45, D&C 45
Content :
it shall not be given unto you to know any further concerning this chapter, until the New Testament be translated, and in it all these things shall be made known D&C 45:60 D&C 45 also instructed Smith not to resume translation of the Book of Genesis until the New Testament be translated
Notes :
“…it shall not be given
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45, D&C 45
Content :
it shall not be given unto you to know any further concerning this chapter, until the New Testament be translated, and in it all these things shall be made known D&C 45:60 D&C 45 also instructed Smith not to resume translation of the Book of Genesis until the New Testament be translated
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 154
Title :
According to BYU Professor Robert
Year :
1831, 1983
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to BYU Professor Robert Matthews: "...he [Smith] began translating the New Testament on 8 March 1831, just one day after being instructed to do so.Why would Rigdon suddenly direct Smith to begin translation of the New Testament? Why would Smith immediately respond?What could have prompted this hasty decision
Notes :
Quote is from an essay written by Robert Matthews entitled: Joseph Smiths Efforts to Publish His Bible Translation, Jan 1983 https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/1983/01/joseph-smiths-efforts-to-publish-his-bible-translation?lang=eng
According to BYU Professor Robert
Year :
1831, 1983
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to BYU Professor Robert Matthews: "...he [Smith] began translating the New Testament on 8 March 1831, just one day after being instructed to do so.Why would Rigdon suddenly direct Smith to begin translation of the New Testament? Why would Smith immediately respond?What could have prompted this hasty decision
Notes :
Quote is from an essay written by Robert Matthews entitled: Joseph Smiths Efforts to Publish His Bible Translation, Jan 1983 https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/1983/01/joseph-smiths-efforts-to-publish-his-bible-translation?lang=eng
Episode 7 – Slide 155
Title :
Years later, Smith reported that
Year :
1831, 1844
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Years later, Smith reported that in March of 1831, there were many false reports, lies, and foolish storiespublished in the newspapers and circulated in every direction, to prevent people from investigating the work or embracing the faith. Times and Seasons Vol 5, No. 1, p. 385 (Jan 1, 1844) What was Smith referring to?
Notes :
Years later, Smith reported that
Year :
1831, 1844
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Years later, Smith reported that in March of 1831, there were many false reports, lies, and foolish storiespublished in the newspapers and circulated in every direction, to prevent people from investigating the work or embracing the faith. Times and Seasons Vol 5, No. 1, p. 385 (Jan 1, 1844) What was Smith referring to?
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 156
Title :
By far, the most unwelcome
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45
Content :
By far, the most unwelcome report was Alexander Campbells Delusions, a scathing critique of the Book of Mormon. Campbell published Delusions as a 12-page pamphlet on Feb 7, 1831, just one month before revelation of D&C 45 on Mar 7,1831the revelation in which Smith was commanded to stop translation of the Old Testament and to immediately begin translation of the New Testament. Delusions Millennial Harbinger No. 2 Vol II. (Feb 7, 1831): 859
Notes :
By far, the most unwelcome
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45
Content :
By far, the most unwelcome report was Alexander Campbells Delusions, a scathing critique of the Book of Mormon. Campbell published Delusions as a 12-page pamphlet on Feb 7, 1831, just one month before revelation of D&C 45 on Mar 7,1831the revelation in which Smith was commanded to stop translation of the Old Testament and to immediately begin translation of the New Testament. Delusions Millennial Harbinger No. 2 Vol II. (Feb 7, 1831): 859
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 157
Title :
In “Delusions”, Campbell mocked and
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In Delusions, Campbell mocked and ridiculed the Book of Mormon, concluding: It [the Book of Mormon] has not one good sentence in it, save the profanation of those sentences quoted from the Oracles of the living God. I would as soon compare a bat to the American eagle, a mouse to a mammoth, or the deformities of a spectre to the beauty of Him whom John saw in Patmos, as to contrast it with a single chapter in all the writings of the Jewish or Christian prophets
Notes :
In “Delusions”, Campbell mocked and
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In Delusions, Campbell mocked and ridiculed the Book of Mormon, concluding: It [the Book of Mormon] has not one good sentence in it, save the profanation of those sentences quoted from the Oracles of the living God. I would as soon compare a bat to the American eagle, a mouse to a mammoth, or the deformities of a spectre to the beauty of Him whom John saw in Patmos, as to contrast it with a single chapter in all the writings of the Jewish or Christian prophets
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 158
Title :
In response to “Delusions”, and
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45
Content :
In response to Delusions, and plan of Eber Howe (publisher of Mormonism Unvailed) to serialize it with publication of a 1st installment on March 8, Rigdon pre-emptively revealed D&C 45 on March 7. In it, he condemned the critics to hellfire. And calamity shall cover the mocker, and the scorner shall be consumed; and they that have watched for iniquity shall be hewn down and cast into the fire (D&C 45:40)
Notes :
In response to “Delusions”, and
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45
Content :
In response to Delusions, and plan of Eber Howe (publisher of Mormonism Unvailed) to serialize it with publication of a 1st installment on March 8, Rigdon pre-emptively revealed D&C 45 on March 7. In it, he condemned the critics to hellfire. And calamity shall cover the mocker, and the scorner shall be consumed; and they that have watched for iniquity shall be hewn down and cast into the fire (D&C 45:40)
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 159
Title :
Rigdon clearly wanted members of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Rigdon clearly wanted members of the Christs Church to accept the JST New Testament as divinely inspired, like the Book of Mormon. The handwritten title of the JST New Testament supports this conclusion: A Translation of the New Testament translated by the power of God.
Notes :
Rigdon clearly wanted members of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Rigdon clearly wanted members of the Christs Church to accept the JST New Testament as divinely inspired, like the Book of Mormon. The handwritten title of the JST New Testament supports this conclusion: A Translation of the New Testament translated by the power of God.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 160
Title :
By switching immediately to the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
By switching immediately to the New Testament, Rigdon would restore the true words of the New Testament Christ. Not surprisingly, this restored Christ agreed completely with Rigdon and utterly rejected Campbell and Campbellism.
Notes :
By switching immediately to the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
By switching immediately to the New Testament, Rigdon would restore the true words of the New Testament Christ. Not surprisingly, this restored Christ agreed completely with Rigdon and utterly rejected Campbell and Campbellism.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 161
Title :
Yea, blessed are they who
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 5:4 , 3 Ne 12
Content :
Yea, blessed are they who shall believe on your words, and come down into the depth of humility, and be baptized in my name; for they shall be visited with fire and the Holy Ghost and shall receive a remission of their sins. JST Matt 5:4 For example, the JST contains the conversion sequence of evangelist Walter Scott, Rigdons one-time partner in the Restoration movement. In JST Matt 5:4 (and in 3 Ne 12:2) Jesus Christ himself delivers the sequence
Notes :
Yea, blessed are they who
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 5:4 , 3 Ne 12
Content :
Yea, blessed are they who shall believe on your words, and come down into the depth of humility, and be baptized in my name; for they shall be visited with fire and the Holy Ghost and shall receive a remission of their sins. JST Matt 5:4 For example, the JST contains the conversion sequence of evangelist Walter Scott, Rigdons one-time partner in the Restoration movement. In JST Matt 5:4 (and in 3 Ne 12:2) Jesus Christ himself delivers the sequence
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 162
Title :
JST Matthew also takes direct
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 21
Content :
JST Matthew also takes direct aim at ministers such as Campbell who had failed to restore true Christianity. In JST Matt 21:55, Jesus tells a parable in which the Lord punishes the evil husbandmen (corrupt religious leaders) responsible for his vineyard (church) in the last days, and transfers control of his vineyard to others: And when the Lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, he will destroy those miserable, wicked men, and will let again his vineyard unto other husbandmen, even in the last days, who shall render him the fruits in their seasons
Notes :
Complete citation: JST Matt 21:53-55 And the kingdom of God shall be taken from them and shall be given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof (meaning the Gentiles). Wherefore, on whomsoever this stone shall fall, it shall grind him to powder. And when the Lord, therefore, of the vineyard cometh, he will destroy those miserable, wicked men, and will let again his vineyard unto other husbandmen, even in the last days, who shall render him the fruits in their seasons. And then understood they the parable which he spake unto them, that the Gentiles should be destroyed also, when the Lord should descend out of heaven to reign in his vineyard, which is the earth and the inhabitants thereof.
JST Matthew also takes direct
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 21
Content :
JST Matthew also takes direct aim at ministers such as Campbell who had failed to restore true Christianity. In JST Matt 21:55, Jesus tells a parable in which the Lord punishes the evil husbandmen (corrupt religious leaders) responsible for his vineyard (church) in the last days, and transfers control of his vineyard to others: And when the Lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, he will destroy those miserable, wicked men, and will let again his vineyard unto other husbandmen, even in the last days, who shall render him the fruits in their seasons
Notes :
Complete citation: JST Matt 21:53-55 And the kingdom of God shall be taken from them and shall be given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof (meaning the Gentiles). Wherefore, on whomsoever this stone shall fall, it shall grind him to powder. And when the Lord, therefore, of the vineyard cometh, he will destroy those miserable, wicked men, and will let again his vineyard unto other husbandmen, even in the last days, who shall render him the fruits in their seasons. And then understood they the parable which he spake unto them, that the Gentiles should be destroyed also, when the Lord should descend out of heaven to reign in his vineyard, which is the earth and the inhabitants thereof.
Episode 7 – Slide 163
Title :
Later, in JST Matt 23:2,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 23, Matt 7, Matt 21, Matt 24, Matt24
Content :
Later, in JST Matt 23:2, Jesus encourages the faithful to reject ministers of the law who make themselves judges. The word minister does not appear in the King James Bible.
Notes :
JST Matt 7Why teach ye men the law and the commandments, when ye yourselves are the children of corruption? For the world cannot receive that which ye yourselves, are not able to bear; wherefore ye shall not give your pearls unto themJST Matt 21And when the Lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, he will destroy those miserable, wicked men, and will let again his vineyard unto other husbandmen, even in the last days, who shall render him the fruits in their seasons. And then understood they the parable which he spake unto them, that the Gentiles should be destroyed also, when the Lord should descend out of heaven to reign in his vineyard, which is the earth and the inhabitants thereof. when the marriage was ready, he and my dinner is ready, the servants hat his servant s were dead, wherefore all do not have on the wedding garment. Other differences in JST Matt 24:Reference to the elect:vs 27 - so likewise shall mine elect be gathered from the four quarters of the earthReference to the desolation of abomination, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet:vs 32 - And again shall the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, be fulfilledvs . 36 - then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mournvs 37 And whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived, for the Son of Man shall come,.. and they shall gather together the remainder of his elect from the four windsSee: http://boap.org/LDS/LDS-scriptures/Pearl_of_GP/Matt24.html
Later, in JST Matt 23:2,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 23, Matt 7, Matt 21, Matt 24, Matt24
Content :
Later, in JST Matt 23:2, Jesus encourages the faithful to reject ministers of the law who make themselves judges. The word minister does not appear in the King James Bible.
Notes :
JST Matt 7Why teach ye men the law and the commandments, when ye yourselves are the children of corruption? For the world cannot receive that which ye yourselves, are not able to bear; wherefore ye shall not give your pearls unto themJST Matt 21And when the Lord therefore of the vineyard cometh, he will destroy those miserable, wicked men, and will let again his vineyard unto other husbandmen, even in the last days, who shall render him the fruits in their seasons. And then understood they the parable which he spake unto them, that the Gentiles should be destroyed also, when the Lord should descend out of heaven to reign in his vineyard, which is the earth and the inhabitants thereof. when the marriage was ready, he and my dinner is ready, the servants hat his servant s were dead, wherefore all do not have on the wedding garment. Other differences in JST Matt 24:Reference to the elect:vs 27 - so likewise shall mine elect be gathered from the four quarters of the earthReference to the desolation of abomination, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet:vs 32 - And again shall the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, be fulfilledvs . 36 - then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the earth mournvs 37 And whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived, for the Son of Man shall come,.. and they shall gather together the remainder of his elect from the four windsSee: http://boap.org/LDS/LDS-scriptures/Pearl_of_GP/Matt24.html
Episode 7 – Slide 164
Title :
Spreading the Gospel From East
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Spreading the Gospel From East to Wes
Notes :
Spreading the Gospel From East
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Spreading the Gospel From East to Wes
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 165
Title :
In the King James Bible,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 3:22
Content :
In the King James Bible, the place where Jesus began his ministry is unclear. In JST Matt 3:22, Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, takes Jesus to the eastern part of Galilee then to live in the City of Nazareth. Why did Rigon want the young Jesus to begin his career in the east? Why would anyone add such an odd piece of information to the King James Bible
Notes :
In the King James Bible,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 3:22
Content :
In the King James Bible, the place where Jesus began his ministry is unclear. In JST Matt 3:22, Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, takes Jesus to the eastern part of Galilee then to live in the City of Nazareth. Why did Rigon want the young Jesus to begin his career in the east? Why would anyone add such an odd piece of information to the King James Bible
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 166
Title :
Later, in JST Matt 24:26
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 24, Matt 1:26
Content :
Later, in JST Matt 24:26 (Joseph SmithMatt 1:26), the mortal mission of the Son of Man (Christ) is compared to the daily path taken by the Sun: For as the light of the morning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, and covereth the whole earth, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.By contrast, Matt 24:27 in the King James (KJ) Bible compares Christs mission to lightning, not the sun: For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man.
Notes :
Later, in JST Matt 24:26
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 24, Matt 1:26
Content :
Later, in JST Matt 24:26 (Joseph SmithMatt 1:26), the mortal mission of the Son of Man (Christ) is compared to the daily path taken by the Sun: For as the light of the morning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, and covereth the whole earth, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.By contrast, Matt 24:27 in the King James (KJ) Bible compares Christs mission to lightning, not the sun: For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of Man.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 167
Title :
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 5:57, Moses 6:57, Moses 6:62, Moses 7:46
Content :
Notes :
Words to open a Masonic lodge meeting: As the sun rises in the EAST, to open and govern the day, so rises the worshipful master in the EAST to open and govern the lodge, set the craft to work and give them proper instructions. George OliverThe Book of Moses refers to the Dispensation of Jesus Christ as the meridian of time. This is a Masonic reference to the midpoint in a day, high noon, when the sun is at the top of the earths circle of rotation. References in LDS scripture:"even him whom he declared should come in themeridian of time, who was prepared from before the foundation of the world." (Moses 5:57)"the Son of Man, even Jesus Christ, a righteous Judge, who shall come in themeridian of time." (Moses 6:57)"through the blood of mine Only Begotten, who shall come in themeridian of time." (Moses 6:62)"And the Lord said: It shall be in themeridian of time, in the days of wickedness and vengeance." (Moses 7:46)"after he came in themeridian of time" (D&C, 20:26) attributed to Phelps"The same which came in themeridian of timeunto mine own, and mine own received me not;" (D&C, 39:3) attributed to Smith Masonry makes reference to the meridian line in the Masonic lodge and its significance with respect to the movement of the Sun:The sun in the South is represented in Freemasonry by the Junior Warden, for this reason: when the sun has arrived at the zenith, at which time he is in the South, the splendor of his beams entitles him to the appellation which he receives in the instructions as "the beauty and glory of the day." Hence, as the Pillar of Beauty which supports the Lodge is referred to the Junior Wardens that officer is said to represent "the sun in the South at High Twelve," at which hour the Craft are called by him to refreshment, and therefore is he also placed in the South that he may the better observe the time and mark the progress of the shadow over the dialplate as it crosses the meridian line. Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 5:57, Moses 6:57, Moses 6:62, Moses 7:46
Content :
Notes :
Words to open a Masonic lodge meeting: As the sun rises in the EAST, to open and govern the day, so rises the worshipful master in the EAST to open and govern the lodge, set the craft to work and give them proper instructions. George OliverThe Book of Moses refers to the Dispensation of Jesus Christ as the meridian of time. This is a Masonic reference to the midpoint in a day, high noon, when the sun is at the top of the earths circle of rotation. References in LDS scripture:"even him whom he declared should come in themeridian of time, who was prepared from before the foundation of the world." (Moses 5:57)"the Son of Man, even Jesus Christ, a righteous Judge, who shall come in themeridian of time." (Moses 6:57)"through the blood of mine Only Begotten, who shall come in themeridian of time." (Moses 6:62)"And the Lord said: It shall be in themeridian of time, in the days of wickedness and vengeance." (Moses 7:46)"after he came in themeridian of time" (D&C, 20:26) attributed to Phelps"The same which came in themeridian of timeunto mine own, and mine own received me not;" (D&C, 39:3) attributed to Smith Masonry makes reference to the meridian line in the Masonic lodge and its significance with respect to the movement of the Sun:The sun in the South is represented in Freemasonry by the Junior Warden, for this reason: when the sun has arrived at the zenith, at which time he is in the South, the splendor of his beams entitles him to the appellation which he receives in the instructions as "the beauty and glory of the day." Hence, as the Pillar of Beauty which supports the Lodge is referred to the Junior Wardens that officer is said to represent "the sun in the South at High Twelve," at which hour the Craft are called by him to refreshment, and therefore is he also placed in the South that he may the better observe the time and mark the progress of the shadow over the dialplate as it crosses the meridian line. Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry
Episode 7 – Slide 168
Title :
Both the Book of Moses
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Both the Book of Moses and the Doctrine and Covenants refer to the Dispensation of Jesus Christ as the meridian of time. In Masonry, the term meridian refers to the midpoint in a day, high noon, when the sun is at the top of the earths circle of rotation. Meridian of Tim
Notes :
Both the Book of Moses
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Both the Book of Moses and the Doctrine and Covenants refer to the Dispensation of Jesus Christ as the meridian of time. In Masonry, the term meridian refers to the midpoint in a day, high noon, when the sun is at the top of the earths circle of rotation. Meridian of Tim
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 169
Title :
The East-West movement of the
Year :
1753, 1436, 1696
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The East-West movement of the Sun also appears in other Masonic documents as a proselyting pattern. In 1753, John Lock published the following exchange believed to have been written by King Henry VI:Q: Where did Masonry begin?A: It began with the first men of the East, who existed before the first men of the West, and, going westward, Masonry brought all comforts to the ignorant savages who were not awake to these things
Notes :
Layland Lack manuscript c. 1436 Bodleian LibraryOf interest here, as a kind of bridge between old legend and the early history of the order in England, and also as a different version of the legend itself, is another document dating far back. There was a MS discovered in the Bodleian Library at Oxford about 1696, supposed to have been written in the year 1436, which purports to be an examination of a Mason by King Henry VI, and is allowed by all to be genuine. Its title runs as follows: "Certain questions with answers to the same concerning the mystery of masonry written by King Henry the Sixth and faithfully copied by me, JohnLaylande, antiquarian, by command of his highness." Written in quaint old English, it would doubtless be unintelligible to all but antiquarians, but it reads after this fashion: What mote it be?It is the knowledge of nature, and the power of its various operations; particularly the skill of reckoning, of weights and measures, of constructing buildings and dwellings of all kinds, and the true manner of forming all things for the use of man.Where did it begin?It began with the first men of the East, who were before the first men of the West, and coming with it, it hath brought all comforts to the wild and comfortless.Who brought it to the West?The Phoenicians who, being great merchants, came first from the East into Phoenicia, for the convenience of commerce, both East and West by the Red and Mediterranean Seas.How came it into England?Pythagoras, a Grecian, traveled to acquire knowledge in Egypt and Syria, and in every other land where the Phoenicians had planted Masonry; and gaining admittance into all lodges of Masons, he learned much, and returned and dwelt in Grecia Magna, growing and becoming mighty wise and greatly renowned. Here he formed a great lodge at Crotona, and made many Masons, some of whom traveled into France, and there made many more, from whence, in process of time, the art passed into England. http://www.sacred-texts.com/mas/bui/bui08.htm
The East-West movement of the
Year :
1753, 1436, 1696
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
The East-West movement of the Sun also appears in other Masonic documents as a proselyting pattern. In 1753, John Lock published the following exchange believed to have been written by King Henry VI:Q: Where did Masonry begin?A: It began with the first men of the East, who existed before the first men of the West, and, going westward, Masonry brought all comforts to the ignorant savages who were not awake to these things
Notes :
Layland Lack manuscript c. 1436 Bodleian LibraryOf interest here, as a kind of bridge between old legend and the early history of the order in England, and also as a different version of the legend itself, is another document dating far back. There was a MS discovered in the Bodleian Library at Oxford about 1696, supposed to have been written in the year 1436, which purports to be an examination of a Mason by King Henry VI, and is allowed by all to be genuine. Its title runs as follows: "Certain questions with answers to the same concerning the mystery of masonry written by King Henry the Sixth and faithfully copied by me, JohnLaylande, antiquarian, by command of his highness." Written in quaint old English, it would doubtless be unintelligible to all but antiquarians, but it reads after this fashion: What mote it be?It is the knowledge of nature, and the power of its various operations; particularly the skill of reckoning, of weights and measures, of constructing buildings and dwellings of all kinds, and the true manner of forming all things for the use of man.Where did it begin?It began with the first men of the East, who were before the first men of the West, and coming with it, it hath brought all comforts to the wild and comfortless.Who brought it to the West?The Phoenicians who, being great merchants, came first from the East into Phoenicia, for the convenience of commerce, both East and West by the Red and Mediterranean Seas.How came it into England?Pythagoras, a Grecian, traveled to acquire knowledge in Egypt and Syria, and in every other land where the Phoenicians had planted Masonry; and gaining admittance into all lodges of Masons, he learned much, and returned and dwelt in Grecia Magna, growing and becoming mighty wise and greatly renowned. Here he formed a great lodge at Crotona, and made many Masons, some of whom traveled into France, and there made many more, from whence, in process of time, the art passed into England. http://www.sacred-texts.com/mas/bui/bui08.htm
Episode 7 – Slide 170
Title :
In D&C 45 (March 7,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45
Content :
In D&C 45 (March 7, 1831), a revelation attributed to Rigdon, missionaries (ye elders of my church) are instructed to gather ye out from the eastern lands and go ye forth into the western countries. It seems Rigdon revised Christs Biblical mission to parallel Masonic missions and plans for the Restored Church, starting in the East then moving West
Notes :
In D&C 45 (March 7,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45
Content :
In D&C 45 (March 7, 1831), a revelation attributed to Rigdon, missionaries (ye elders of my church) are instructed to gather ye out from the eastern lands and go ye forth into the western countries. It seems Rigdon revised Christs Biblical mission to parallel Masonic missions and plans for the Restored Church, starting in the East then moving West
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 171
Title :
D&C 45 promises a financial
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45
Content :
D&C 45 promises a financial reward to those moving west to Ohio, urging members to gather up their riches to purchase an inheritance that would be assigned later. The new land in the west would be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the Most High God. There, the righteous would be gathered out from among all nations, andcome to Zion singing, with songs of everlasting joy
Notes :
D&C 45 promises a financial
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 45
Content :
D&C 45 promises a financial reward to those moving west to Ohio, urging members to gather up their riches to purchase an inheritance that would be assigned later. The new land in the west would be called the New Jerusalem, a land of peace, a city of refuge, a place of safety for the saints of the Most High God. There, the righteous would be gathered out from among all nations, andcome to Zion singing, with songs of everlasting joy
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 172
Title :
Year :
City :
Mentor,Kirtland,Ashtabula,Erie,Ohio,Painesville,New York
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Mentor Kirtland Ashtabula Lake Erie October 27 Rigdons home Rigdons common stock family. These revelations had their intended effect. Hundreds of converts sold their property and moved west to Kirtland, Ohio. In May of 1831, an Ohio newspaper reported on the migration. Painesville From New York 1831 migration to Kirtland from New York
Notes :
Year :
City :
Mentor,Kirtland,Ashtabula,Erie,Ohio,Painesville,New York
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Mentor Kirtland Ashtabula Lake Erie October 27 Rigdons home Rigdons common stock family. These revelations had their intended effect. Hundreds of converts sold their property and moved west to Kirtland, Ohio. In May of 1831, an Ohio newspaper reported on the migration. Painesville From New York 1831 migration to Kirtland from New York
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 173
Title :
“About two hundred men, women
Year :
City :
New York,Painesville
Scripture Reference :
Content :
About two hundred men, women and children, of the deluded followers of Jo Smith's Bible speculation, have arrived on our coast during the last week, from the State of New York, and are about seating themselves down upon the promised land in this county. It is surely a melancholy comment upon human nature to see so many people at this enlightened age of the world, truckling along at the car of a miserable impostor, submitting themselves, both soul and body, to his spiritual and temporal mandates, without a murmur, or presuming to question that it is all a command direct from Heaven. Painesville Telegraph, May 17, 183
Notes :
Complete quote: About two hundred men, women and children, of the deluded followers of Jo Smith's Bible speculation, have arrived on our coast during the last week, from the State of New York, and are about seating themselves down upon the "promised land" in this county. It is surely a melancholy comment upon human nature to see so many people at this enlightened age of the world, truckling along at the car of a miserable impostor, submitting themselves, both soul and body, to his spiritual and temporal mandates, without a murmur, or presuming to question that it is all a command direct from Heaven. Such an abject slavery of the mind may endure for a season; but in due time, like the chains of Popery, the links which bind them will be rent asunder, and reason resume again her empire Painesville Telegraph. Vol.II, No. 48. May 17, 1831
“About two hundred men, women
Year :
City :
New York,Painesville
Scripture Reference :
Content :
About two hundred men, women and children, of the deluded followers of Jo Smith's Bible speculation, have arrived on our coast during the last week, from the State of New York, and are about seating themselves down upon the promised land in this county. It is surely a melancholy comment upon human nature to see so many people at this enlightened age of the world, truckling along at the car of a miserable impostor, submitting themselves, both soul and body, to his spiritual and temporal mandates, without a murmur, or presuming to question that it is all a command direct from Heaven. Painesville Telegraph, May 17, 183
Notes :
Complete quote: About two hundred men, women and children, of the deluded followers of Jo Smith's Bible speculation, have arrived on our coast during the last week, from the State of New York, and are about seating themselves down upon the "promised land" in this county. It is surely a melancholy comment upon human nature to see so many people at this enlightened age of the world, truckling along at the car of a miserable impostor, submitting themselves, both soul and body, to his spiritual and temporal mandates, without a murmur, or presuming to question that it is all a command direct from Heaven. Such an abject slavery of the mind may endure for a season; but in due time, like the chains of Popery, the links which bind them will be rent asunder, and reason resume again her empire Painesville Telegraph. Vol.II, No. 48. May 17, 1831
Episode 7 – Slide 174
Title :
By June of 1831, Rigdon
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 26, Matt 26
Content :
By June of 1831, Rigdon and Smith had nearly finished Matthew (through Matt 26:71), now referred to as NT1. John Whitmer made a copy of this text (through Matt 26:1). Later, Rigdon and Smith used Whitmers copy and revised the rest of the New Testament to create a complete New Testament, now referred to as NT2. June183
Notes :
When Rigdon and Smith continued their work with Whitmers copy of NT1 in September, 1831, they began at Matt 26:1 where Whitmer ended his copying not realizing that they had already translated through verse 71 in June, 1831. There are therefore two revisions of Matt 26 with some differences in content.A comparison of the two revisions is available at this link: https://archive.org/stream/JSTDuplicateTranslations/JST%20Duplicate%20Translations_djvu.txt Some of the content additions to the KJ Bible are found in only one of the two revisions of Matt 26. Major content differences: "that they might put an end to his work" (Matt 26:4, June 1831 version) "Why trouble you the woman? And from whence is this evil in your hearts?" (Matt 26:10, June 1831 version) "and gave thanks, and blessed the cup" (Matt 26:27, June 1831 version)"Jesus took bread, and brake it, and blessed it" (Matt 26:26, Sep1831 version) "which I gave a ransom for you" (Matt 26:26, Sep1831 version) In both versions of Matt 26, Jesus heals the severed ear of a servant. "And he put forth his hand and touched the servant's ear, and it was healed" (Matt 26:54, June, 1831 and Sep, 1831, but the two records include this event at different points in the narrative. This is an effort to reconcile the Gospel of Matthew with the Gospel of Luke, which reads: "And he touched his ear, and healed him
By June of 1831, Rigdon
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : Matt 26, Matt 26
Content :
By June of 1831, Rigdon and Smith had nearly finished Matthew (through Matt 26:71), now referred to as NT1. John Whitmer made a copy of this text (through Matt 26:1). Later, Rigdon and Smith used Whitmers copy and revised the rest of the New Testament to create a complete New Testament, now referred to as NT2. June183
Notes :
When Rigdon and Smith continued their work with Whitmers copy of NT1 in September, 1831, they began at Matt 26:1 where Whitmer ended his copying not realizing that they had already translated through verse 71 in June, 1831. There are therefore two revisions of Matt 26 with some differences in content.A comparison of the two revisions is available at this link: https://archive.org/stream/JSTDuplicateTranslations/JST%20Duplicate%20Translations_djvu.txt Some of the content additions to the KJ Bible are found in only one of the two revisions of Matt 26. Major content differences: "that they might put an end to his work" (Matt 26:4, June 1831 version) "Why trouble you the woman? And from whence is this evil in your hearts?" (Matt 26:10, June 1831 version) "and gave thanks, and blessed the cup" (Matt 26:27, June 1831 version)"Jesus took bread, and brake it, and blessed it" (Matt 26:26, Sep1831 version) "which I gave a ransom for you" (Matt 26:26, Sep1831 version) In both versions of Matt 26, Jesus heals the severed ear of a servant. "And he put forth his hand and touched the servant's ear, and it was healed" (Matt 26:54, June, 1831 and Sep, 1831, but the two records include this event at different points in the narrative. This is an effort to reconcile the Gospel of Matthew with the Gospel of Luke, which reads: "And he touched his ear, and healed him
Episode 7 – Slide 175
Title :
Zion, the City of Enoch…
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Zion, the City of Enoch in Missouri
Notes :
Zion, the City of Enoch…
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Zion, the City of Enoch in Missouri
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 176
Title :
In July 20, 1831, the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 57
Content :
In July 20, 1831, the location of a temple for the New Jerusalem was revealed. This revelation (D&C 57:13) is attributed to Rigdon. The land of Missouri which is the land which I have appointed and consecrated for the gathering of the saints. Wherefore this is the land of promise and the place for the city of Zion yea and thus saith the Lord your God if ye will receive wisdom. Behold the place which is called Independence is the center place and the spot for the temple is lying westward upon a lot which is not far from the courthouse
Notes :
In July 20, 1831, the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 57
Content :
In July 20, 1831, the location of a temple for the New Jerusalem was revealed. This revelation (D&C 57:13) is attributed to Rigdon. The land of Missouri which is the land which I have appointed and consecrated for the gathering of the saints. Wherefore this is the land of promise and the place for the city of Zion yea and thus saith the Lord your God if ye will receive wisdom. Behold the place which is called Independence is the center place and the spot for the temple is lying westward upon a lot which is not far from the courthouse
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 177
Title :
In D&C 57:4–5 “Wherefore it
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 57
Content :
In D&C 57:45 Wherefore it is wisdom that the Land should be purchased by the saints and also every tract lying westward even unto the line run[n]ing directly between Jew [Native Americans] and Gentile and also every tract bordering by the prairies inasmuch as my disciples are enabled to buy lands behold this is wisdom that they may obtain it for an everlasting inheritance. A one page plan by Joseph Smith in June 1833 shows a comprehensive plan for the City of Zion, with 24 temples at the citys center, and one square mile for 15,000 to 20,000 people
Notes :
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zion_(Latter_Day_Saints)#Plat_of_Zion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Lot
In D&C 57:4–5 “Wherefore it
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 57
Content :
In D&C 57:45 Wherefore it is wisdom that the Land should be purchased by the saints and also every tract lying westward even unto the line run[n]ing directly between Jew [Native Americans] and Gentile and also every tract bordering by the prairies inasmuch as my disciples are enabled to buy lands behold this is wisdom that they may obtain it for an everlasting inheritance. A one page plan by Joseph Smith in June 1833 shows a comprehensive plan for the City of Zion, with 24 temples at the citys center, and one square mile for 15,000 to 20,000 people
Notes :
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zion_(Latter_Day_Saints)#Plat_of_Zion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_Lot
Episode 7 – Slide 178
Title :
On August 3, 1831, Joseph
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
On August 3, 1831, Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Frederick G. Williams, Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, Newel Knight, W. W. Phelps, Ezra Booth, Joseph Coe, and Peter Whitmer Jr. gathered at the temple site. According to Cowdery, Sidney Rigdon consecrated the ground and Smith laid a stone at the North east corner of the contemplated Temple in the name of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth
Notes :
On August 3, 1831, Joseph
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
On August 3, 1831, Joseph Smith, Sidney Rigdon, Frederick G. Williams, Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, Newel Knight, W. W. Phelps, Ezra Booth, Joseph Coe, and Peter Whitmer Jr. gathered at the temple site. According to Cowdery, Sidney Rigdon consecrated the ground and Smith laid a stone at the North east corner of the contemplated Temple in the name of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 179
Title :
According to Eber Howe (1834),
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to Eber Howe (1834), Rigdon laid them under the most solemn obligations to constantly obey all the commandments of Smith
Notes :
Howe, E. D., 1834. Mormonism Unvailed. P. 198 https://archive.org/details/mormonismunvaile00howe/page/198/mode/2up
According to Eber Howe (1834),
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to Eber Howe (1834), Rigdon laid them under the most solemn obligations to constantly obey all the commandments of Smith
Notes :
Howe, E. D., 1834. Mormonism Unvailed. P. 198 https://archive.org/details/mormonismunvaile00howe/page/198/mode/2up
Episode 7 – Slide 180
Title :
One person immediately disobeyed the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
One person immediately disobeyed the obligation to obey Joseph Smith. Ezra Booth, a Methodist preacher who converted to Mormonism and was present for the temple site dedication, left the Church. Eber Howe published Booths nine letters in Mormonism Unvailed(1834). Booth: When I embraced Mormonism, I conscientiously believed it to be of GodOn our arrival in the western part of the State of Missouri the place of our destination, we discovered that prophecy and vision had failed, or rather had proved false. -- The fact was so notorious, and the evidence so clear, that no one could mistake it -- so much so, that Mr. Rigdon himself said that "Joseph's vision was a bad thing." This was glossed over, apparently, to the satisfaction of most persons present; but not fully to my own
Notes :
Howe, E. D., 1834. Mormonism Unvailed. https://archive.org/details/mormonismunvaile00howe/page/198/mode/2up
One person immediately disobeyed the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
One person immediately disobeyed the obligation to obey Joseph Smith. Ezra Booth, a Methodist preacher who converted to Mormonism and was present for the temple site dedication, left the Church. Eber Howe published Booths nine letters in Mormonism Unvailed(1834). Booth: When I embraced Mormonism, I conscientiously believed it to be of GodOn our arrival in the western part of the State of Missouri the place of our destination, we discovered that prophecy and vision had failed, or rather had proved false. -- The fact was so notorious, and the evidence so clear, that no one could mistake it -- so much so, that Mr. Rigdon himself said that "Joseph's vision was a bad thing." This was glossed over, apparently, to the satisfaction of most persons present; but not fully to my own
Notes :
Howe, E. D., 1834. Mormonism Unvailed. https://archive.org/details/mormonismunvaile00howe/page/198/mode/2up
Episode 7 – Slide 181
Title :
Booth concluded: “…I have had
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Booth concluded: I have had several interviews with Messrs. Smith, Rigdon, and Cowdery, and the various shifts and turns, to which they resorted in order to obviate objections and difficulties produced in my mind additional evidence, that there was nothing else than a deeply laid plan of craft and deception
Notes :
Howe, E. D., 1834. Mormonism Unvailed. https://archive.org/details/mormonismunvaile00howe/page/198/mode/2up
Booth concluded: “…I have had
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Booth concluded: I have had several interviews with Messrs. Smith, Rigdon, and Cowdery, and the various shifts and turns, to which they resorted in order to obviate objections and difficulties produced in my mind additional evidence, that there was nothing else than a deeply laid plan of craft and deception
Notes :
Howe, E. D., 1834. Mormonism Unvailed. https://archive.org/details/mormonismunvaile00howe/page/198/mode/2up
Episode 7 – Slide 182
Title :
On Sept 11, 1831, in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 64
Content :
On Sept 11, 1831, in a revelation attributed to Sidney Rigdon, the Deity responded to Booth:D&C 64:1516 Behold, I, the Lord, was angry with him who was my servant Ezra Booth, and also my servant Isaac Morley, for theykeptnot the law, neither the commandment; They soughtevilin their hearts, and I, the Lord,withheldmy Spirit. Theycondemnedfor evil that thing in which there was no evil; nevertheless I have forgiven my servant Isaac Morley
Notes :
On Sept 11, 1831, in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 64
Content :
On Sept 11, 1831, in a revelation attributed to Sidney Rigdon, the Deity responded to Booth:D&C 64:1516 Behold, I, the Lord, was angry with him who was my servant Ezra Booth, and also my servant Isaac Morley, for theykeptnot the law, neither the commandment; They soughtevilin their hearts, and I, the Lord,withheldmy Spirit. Theycondemnedfor evil that thing in which there was no evil; nevertheless I have forgiven my servant Isaac Morley
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 183
Title :
Keys to the Kingdom and
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Keys to the Kingdom and Rigdons Hous
Notes :
Keys to the Kingdom and
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Keys to the Kingdom and Rigdons Hous
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 184
Title :
According to eyewitness Philo Dibble
Year :
1882, 1831, 1806, 1895, 1843, 1968
City :
Kirtland,Ohio,Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to eyewitness Philo Dibble (1882)Sidney Rigdon met with members in Kirtland, Ohio, on or around July 5, 1831, and told them that the keys of the kingdom were taken from us. On hearing this, many of his hearers wept, and when some one undertook to dismiss the meeting by prayer he said praying would do them no good, and the meeting broke up in confusion.
Notes :
http://boap.org/LDS/Early-Saints/PDibble.html Extract from: Philo Dibble, 1806-1895. Autobiography (1806-c. 1843)"Early Scenes in Church History,"FOUR FAITH PROMOTING CLASSICS(Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1968), pp. 74-96.The Digital Public Library of America https://dp.la/item/c8a8ddfe38d42c81b5edacc85a94e6a6
According to eyewitness Philo Dibble
Year :
1882, 1831, 1806, 1895, 1843, 1968
City :
Kirtland,Ohio,Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to eyewitness Philo Dibble (1882)Sidney Rigdon met with members in Kirtland, Ohio, on or around July 5, 1831, and told them that the keys of the kingdom were taken from us. On hearing this, many of his hearers wept, and when some one undertook to dismiss the meeting by prayer he said praying would do them no good, and the meeting broke up in confusion.
Notes :
http://boap.org/LDS/Early-Saints/PDibble.html Extract from: Philo Dibble, 1806-1895. Autobiography (1806-c. 1843)"Early Scenes in Church History,"FOUR FAITH PROMOTING CLASSICS(Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1968), pp. 74-96.The Digital Public Library of America https://dp.la/item/c8a8ddfe38d42c81b5edacc85a94e6a6
Episode 7 – Slide 185
Title :
According to Lucy Mack Smith,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to Lucy Mack Smith, mother of Joseph Smith Jr., Rigdon declared: the keys of the kingdom are rent from the Church, and there shall not be prayer put up in this house this day. Oh No! Said Mr. Smith [Lucys husband, Joseph Sr.], I hope not. I tell you they are, rejoined Elder RigdonThis greatly disturbed the minds of many sisters and some brethren. The brethren stared and turned pale, and the sisters cried. I tell you again, said Sidney, with much feeling, the keys of the kingdom are taken from you and you will never have them again until you build me a new house.
Notes :
Smith, L., 1890. Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet and his Progenitors for many Generations. Plano, Illinois. Published by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. p. 205 https://archive.org/details/BiographicalSketchesOfJosephSmithTheProphet/page/n205/mode/2up
According to Lucy Mack Smith,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to Lucy Mack Smith, mother of Joseph Smith Jr., Rigdon declared: the keys of the kingdom are rent from the Church, and there shall not be prayer put up in this house this day. Oh No! Said Mr. Smith [Lucys husband, Joseph Sr.], I hope not. I tell you they are, rejoined Elder RigdonThis greatly disturbed the minds of many sisters and some brethren. The brethren stared and turned pale, and the sisters cried. I tell you again, said Sidney, with much feeling, the keys of the kingdom are taken from you and you will never have them again until you build me a new house.
Notes :
Smith, L., 1890. Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet and his Progenitors for many Generations. Plano, Illinois. Published by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. p. 205 https://archive.org/details/BiographicalSketchesOfJosephSmithTheProphet/page/n205/mode/2up
Episode 7 – Slide 186
Title :
Hyrum Smith, Joseph’s older brother,
Year :
1806, 1895, 1843, 1968
City :
Kirtland,Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Hyrum Smith, Josephs older brother, addressed Rigdons outburst by contacting Joseph, who returned to Kirtland on July 7 and publicly rebuked Rigdon: No power can pluck those keys from me, except the power that gave them to me; But for what Sidney has done, the devil shall handle him as one man handles another. Again, Smith was publicly empowered. Behind the scenes, however, Rigdon got what he wanted, as did Smith.
Notes :
http://boap.org/LDS/History/HTMLHistory/v1c20history.html Extract from: Philo Dibble, 1806-1895. Autobiography (1806-c. 1843)"Early Scenes in Church History,"FOUR FAITH PROMOTING CLASSICS(Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1968), pp. 74-96.The Digital Public Library of America https://dp.la/item/c8a8ddfe38d42c81b5edacc85a94e6a6
Hyrum Smith, Joseph’s older brother,
Year :
1806, 1895, 1843, 1968
City :
Kirtland,Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Hyrum Smith, Josephs older brother, addressed Rigdons outburst by contacting Joseph, who returned to Kirtland on July 7 and publicly rebuked Rigdon: No power can pluck those keys from me, except the power that gave them to me; But for what Sidney has done, the devil shall handle him as one man handles another. Again, Smith was publicly empowered. Behind the scenes, however, Rigdon got what he wanted, as did Smith.
Notes :
http://boap.org/LDS/History/HTMLHistory/v1c20history.html Extract from: Philo Dibble, 1806-1895. Autobiography (1806-c. 1843)"Early Scenes in Church History,"FOUR FAITH PROMOTING CLASSICS(Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1968), pp. 74-96.The Digital Public Library of America https://dp.la/item/c8a8ddfe38d42c81b5edacc85a94e6a6
Episode 7 – Slide 187
Title :
One month later (August 30,
Year :
1831, 1833, 1844, 1873, 1830, 1842
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 63
Content :
One month later (August 30, 1831), Smith received D&C 63, a revelation attributed to Rigdon. Verse 65 addresses the housing problem:Let my servants Joseph Smith, Jun., and Sidney Rigdon seek them a house as they are taught through prayer by the Spirit.Each man received a house. Joseph Smiths house in Kirtland Sidney Rigdons house in Kirtlan
Notes :
View of Sidney Rigdons home 1833-1844. View based on original photographic portrait taken in 1873 by J. Saundens. https://history.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/revelations-in-context-sidney-rigdon-home-kirtland?lang=eng#1 KIRTLAND, OHIO, 183038 https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/history-maps/map-4?lang=eng Gleanings by the Way, p. 332 by Rev. John A. Clark, 1842. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/38644/38644-h/38644-h.htm
One month later (August 30,
Year :
1831, 1833, 1844, 1873, 1830, 1842
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 63
Content :
One month later (August 30, 1831), Smith received D&C 63, a revelation attributed to Rigdon. Verse 65 addresses the housing problem:Let my servants Joseph Smith, Jun., and Sidney Rigdon seek them a house as they are taught through prayer by the Spirit.Each man received a house. Joseph Smiths house in Kirtland Sidney Rigdons house in Kirtlan
Notes :
View of Sidney Rigdons home 1833-1844. View based on original photographic portrait taken in 1873 by J. Saundens. https://history.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/revelations-in-context-sidney-rigdon-home-kirtland?lang=eng#1 KIRTLAND, OHIO, 183038 https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/scriptures/history-maps/map-4?lang=eng Gleanings by the Way, p. 332 by Rev. John A. Clark, 1842. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/38644/38644-h/38644-h.htm
Episode 7 – Slide 188
Title :
Smith Empowered: Public Dictation of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smith Empowered: Public Dictation of the Three Degrees of Glory
Notes :
Smith Empowered: Public Dictation of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smith Empowered: Public Dictation of the Three Degrees of Glory
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 189
Title :
Dictation of the inspired revision
Year :
1831, 1832
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Dictation of the inspired revision of the Bible continued though 1831 and early 1832. But on Feb 16, 1832, the dictation method suddenly changed.Prior to that date, Smith read words from the King James Bible or other texts, adding or deleting words as he went. The scribes recorded every word.
Notes :
According to Prof. Kent Jackson: The evidence tells us that he [Smith] had the Bible in front of him, likely in his lap or on a table, and that he read from it while his scribes wrote. https://rsc.byu.edu/study-faith/new-discoveries-joseph-smith-translation-bible
Dictation of the inspired revision
Year :
1831, 1832
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Dictation of the inspired revision of the Bible continued though 1831 and early 1832. But on Feb 16, 1832, the dictation method suddenly changed.Prior to that date, Smith read words from the King James Bible or other texts, adding or deleting words as he went. The scribes recorded every word.
Notes :
According to Prof. Kent Jackson: The evidence tells us that he [Smith] had the Bible in front of him, likely in his lap or on a table, and that he read from it while his scribes wrote. https://rsc.byu.edu/study-faith/new-discoveries-joseph-smith-translation-bible
Episode 7 – Slide 190
Title :
Prof. Jackson of BYU has
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Prof. Jackson of BYU has given this description of the first dictation method: The evidence tells us that he [Smith] had the Bible in front of him, likely in his lap or on a table, and that he read from it while his scribes wrote. When he came to a passage needing revision, he would dictate words not found in the King James text until he came back to that text and continued with it...The scribes may not have known when he was simply reading and when he was uttering words not found on the printed page
Notes :
Complete quote: The evidence tells us that he [Smith] had the Bible in front of him, likely in his lap or on a table, and that he read from it while his scribes wrote. When he came to a passage needing revision, he would dictate words not found in the King James text until he came back to that text and continued with it. The writing on the manuscripts shows no indication of when the text was coming out of the printed Bible and when it was coming through revelation. The scribes may not have known when he was simply reading and when he was uttering words not found on the printed page.Kent P. Jackson, New Discoveries in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, in By Study and by Faith: Selections from the Religious Educator, ed. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009). https://rsc.byu.edu/study-faith/new-discoveries-joseph-smith-translation-bible
Prof. Jackson of BYU has
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Prof. Jackson of BYU has given this description of the first dictation method: The evidence tells us that he [Smith] had the Bible in front of him, likely in his lap or on a table, and that he read from it while his scribes wrote. When he came to a passage needing revision, he would dictate words not found in the King James text until he came back to that text and continued with it...The scribes may not have known when he was simply reading and when he was uttering words not found on the printed page
Notes :
Complete quote: The evidence tells us that he [Smith] had the Bible in front of him, likely in his lap or on a table, and that he read from it while his scribes wrote. When he came to a passage needing revision, he would dictate words not found in the King James text until he came back to that text and continued with it. The writing on the manuscripts shows no indication of when the text was coming out of the printed Bible and when it was coming through revelation. The scribes may not have known when he was simply reading and when he was uttering words not found on the printed page.Kent P. Jackson, New Discoveries in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, in By Study and by Faith: Selections from the Religious Educator, ed. Richard Neitzel Holzapfel and Kent P. Jackson (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 2009). https://rsc.byu.edu/study-faith/new-discoveries-joseph-smith-translation-bible
Episode 7 – Slide 191
Title :
Note: some marks are blots
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : John 13
Content :
Note: some marks are blots that bled through the previous page. Checks and cross lines Colons for insertions. Page from Smiths annotated King James Bible. Marks are shown for John 13:8, 10,
Notes :
Note: some marks are blots
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : John 13
Content :
Note: some marks are blots that bled through the previous page. Checks and cross lines Colons for insertions. Page from Smiths annotated King James Bible. Marks are shown for John 13:8, 10,
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 192
Title :
June 1830
Year :
1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1000
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
June 1830 Mar 1831 June 1832 July 1833 The short notation system was much faster. ~1001000 words/day ~3000 words/day Feb 16, 183
Notes :
June 1830
Year :
1830, 1831, 1832, 1833, 1000
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
June 1830 Mar 1831 June 1832 July 1833 The short notation system was much faster. ~1001000 words/day ~3000 words/day Feb 16, 183
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 193
Title :
Evidently, after Feb 16, 1832,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Evidently, after Feb 16, 1832, Smith no longer felt constrained to use the slow and tedious method of dictation. What happened on that day, and why did it lead to this change?
Notes :
Evidently, after Feb 16, 1832,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Evidently, after Feb 16, 1832, Smith no longer felt constrained to use the slow and tedious method of dictation. What happened on that day, and why did it lead to this change?
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 194
Title :
On Feb 16, 1832, Smith
Year :
1832, 1806, 1895, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 76, D&C 76
Content :
On Feb 16, 1832, Smith and Rigdon engaged in a joint vision recorded in D&C 76. This vision of the degrees of glory was a live performance before an audience of about 12 men. A convert named Philo Dibble recorded the event. D&C 76 Philo Dibble (1806 1895) The Vision Doctrine & Covenants (1835) D&C 76 is attributed to Rigdo
Notes :
Image of The Vision courtesy of Dale Broadhurst.
On Feb 16, 1832, Smith
Year :
1832, 1806, 1895, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 76, D&C 76
Content :
On Feb 16, 1832, Smith and Rigdon engaged in a joint vision recorded in D&C 76. This vision of the degrees of glory was a live performance before an audience of about 12 men. A convert named Philo Dibble recorded the event. D&C 76 Philo Dibble (1806 1895) The Vision Doctrine & Covenants (1835) D&C 76 is attributed to Rigdo
Notes :
Image of The Vision courtesy of Dale Broadhurst.
Episode 7 – Slide 195
Title :
Smith and Rigdon alternated in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smith and Rigdon alternated in delivering their lines. According to Dibble: Joseph would, at intervals, say: What do I see? as one might say while looking out the window and beholding what all in the room could not see. Then he would relate what he had seen or what he was looking at. Then Sidney replied, I see the same. Presently Sidney would say what do I see? and would repeat what he had seen or was seeing, and Joseph would reply, I see the same
Notes :
Cited on page 112 in Van Wagoner
Smith and Rigdon alternated in
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smith and Rigdon alternated in delivering their lines. According to Dibble: Joseph would, at intervals, say: What do I see? as one might say while looking out the window and beholding what all in the room could not see. Then he would relate what he had seen or what he was looking at. Then Sidney replied, I see the same. Presently Sidney would say what do I see? and would repeat what he had seen or was seeing, and Joseph would reply, I see the same
Notes :
Cited on page 112 in Van Wagoner
Episode 7 – Slide 196
Title :
Dibble (cont): “This manner of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Dibble (cont): This manner of conversation was repeated at short intervals to the end of the vision, and during the whole time not a word was spoken by any other person. Not a sound nor motion made by anyone but Joseph and Sidney, and it seemed to me that they never moved a joint or limb during the time I was there, which I think was over an hour, and to the end of the vision
Notes :
Cited on page 112 in Van Wagoner
Dibble (cont): “This manner of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Dibble (cont): This manner of conversation was repeated at short intervals to the end of the vision, and during the whole time not a word was spoken by any other person. Not a sound nor motion made by anyone but Joseph and Sidney, and it seemed to me that they never moved a joint or limb during the time I was there, which I think was over an hour, and to the end of the vision
Notes :
Cited on page 112 in Van Wagoner
Episode 7 – Slide 197
Title :
As the revelation closed, Dibble
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
As the revelation closed, Dibble reported: Joseph sat firmly and calmly all the time in the midst of a magnificent glory, but Sidney sat limp and pale, apparently as limber as a rag, observing which, Joseph remarked, smilingly, Sidney is not used to it as I am
Notes :
Second account: Joseph wore black clothes, but at this time seemed to be dressed in an element of glorious white, and his face shone as if it were transparent, but I did not see the same glory attending Sidney. Joseph appeared as strong as a lion, but Sidney seemed as weak as water, and Joseph, noticing his condition smiled and said, Brother Sidney is not as used to it as I am (Philo Dibbles Narrative, 81).See also: Mormon Chronology Rev 01 Volume 03; Compiled by N. R. Tidd from Internet sources through 13 August, 1998 https://www.exmormon.org/mhistpart3.html
As the revelation closed, Dibble
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
As the revelation closed, Dibble reported: Joseph sat firmly and calmly all the time in the midst of a magnificent glory, but Sidney sat limp and pale, apparently as limber as a rag, observing which, Joseph remarked, smilingly, Sidney is not used to it as I am
Notes :
Second account: Joseph wore black clothes, but at this time seemed to be dressed in an element of glorious white, and his face shone as if it were transparent, but I did not see the same glory attending Sidney. Joseph appeared as strong as a lion, but Sidney seemed as weak as water, and Joseph, noticing his condition smiled and said, Brother Sidney is not as used to it as I am (Philo Dibbles Narrative, 81).See also: Mormon Chronology Rev 01 Volume 03; Compiled by N. R. Tidd from Internet sources through 13 August, 1998 https://www.exmormon.org/mhistpart3.html
Episode 7 – Slide 198
Title :
Smith’s superior acting skills gave
Year :
1830, 1831, 1832, 1833
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smiths superior acting skills gave him the upper hand. He could deliver Rigdons own words more effectively than Rigdon himself. No. of words processed June 1830 Mar 1831 June 1832 July 1833 Feb 16, 1832 No more slow dictatio
Notes :
Smith’s superior acting skills gave
Year :
1830, 1831, 1832, 1833
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Smiths superior acting skills gave him the upper hand. He could deliver Rigdons own words more effectively than Rigdon himself. No. of words processed June 1830 Mar 1831 June 1832 July 1833 Feb 16, 1832 No more slow dictatio
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 199
Title :
D&C 76 reveals the telestial,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 76
Content :
D&C 76 reveals the telestial, terrestrial and celestial degrees of glory, and reinforces JST Ge 14, uniting Enoch, Melchizedek, and Christ within a larger cosmic order. Male recipients of celestial glory become priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchizedek, which was after the order of Enoch, which was after the order of the Only Begotten Son.Those receiving the celestial glory join to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of Enoch, and of the Firstborn
Notes :
D&C 76 reveals the telestial,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 76
Content :
D&C 76 reveals the telestial, terrestrial and celestial degrees of glory, and reinforces JST Ge 14, uniting Enoch, Melchizedek, and Christ within a larger cosmic order. Male recipients of celestial glory become priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchizedek, which was after the order of Enoch, which was after the order of the Only Begotten Son.Those receiving the celestial glory join to an innumerable company of angels, to the general assembly and church of Enoch, and of the Firstborn
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 200
Title :
One month later, on March
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
One month later, on March 24, 1832 Rigdons ability to control Smith was further impaired when an angry mob dragged the two men from their homes and tarred and feathered them. Smith recorded: The next morning I went to see elder Rigdon, and found him crazy, and his head highly inflamedand when he saw me he called to his wife to bring him his razor. She asked him what he wanted of it? and he replied to kill me. Sister Rigdon left the room, and he asked me to bring his razor. I asked him what he wanted of it, and he replied he wanted to kill his wife, and he continued delirious some days
Notes :
Complete quote: "The next morning I went to see elder Rigdon, and found him crazy, and his head highly inflamed, for they had dragged him by his heels, and those too, so high from the earth he could not raise his head from the rough frozen surface, which lacerated it exceedingly; and when he saw me he called to his wife to bring him his razor. She asked him what he wanted of it? and he replied to kill me. Sister Rigdon left the room, and he asked me to bring his razor. I asked him what he wanted of it, and he replied he wanted to kill his wife, and he continued delirious some days.
One month later, on March
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
One month later, on March 24, 1832 Rigdons ability to control Smith was further impaired when an angry mob dragged the two men from their homes and tarred and feathered them. Smith recorded: The next morning I went to see elder Rigdon, and found him crazy, and his head highly inflamedand when he saw me he called to his wife to bring him his razor. She asked him what he wanted of it? and he replied to kill me. Sister Rigdon left the room, and he asked me to bring his razor. I asked him what he wanted of it, and he replied he wanted to kill his wife, and he continued delirious some days
Notes :
Complete quote: "The next morning I went to see elder Rigdon, and found him crazy, and his head highly inflamed, for they had dragged him by his heels, and those too, so high from the earth he could not raise his head from the rough frozen surface, which lacerated it exceedingly; and when he saw me he called to his wife to bring him his razor. She asked him what he wanted of it? and he replied to kill me. Sister Rigdon left the room, and he asked me to bring his razor. I asked him what he wanted of it, and he replied he wanted to kill his wife, and he continued delirious some days.
Episode 7 – Slide 201
Title :
Completion and Publication of the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Completion and Publication of the New Translatio
Notes :
Completion and Publication of the
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Completion and Publication of the New Translatio
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 202
Title :
No. of words translated
Year :
1832, 1833, 1831, 1830
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 24
Content :
No. of words translated NEW TESTAMENT OLD TESTAMENT DOCUMENT 2Ge 24:41 After completing the New Testament in June of 1832, Smith and Rigdon returned to Genesis 24 and revised the rest of the Old Testament to create OT2, a complete Old Testament. July 1833 June 1832 Mar 1831 June 1830 OT2 OT1 Whitmer Copy of OT1 Copy of OT1 Completion of OLD TESTAME
Notes :
No. of words translated
Year :
1832, 1833, 1831, 1830
City :
Scripture Reference : Genesis 24
Content :
No. of words translated NEW TESTAMENT OLD TESTAMENT DOCUMENT 2Ge 24:41 After completing the New Testament in June of 1832, Smith and Rigdon returned to Genesis 24 and revised the rest of the Old Testament to create OT2, a complete Old Testament. July 1833 June 1832 Mar 1831 June 1830 OT2 OT1 Whitmer Copy of OT1 Copy of OT1 Completion of OLD TESTAME
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 203
Title :
No. of words translated
Year :
1833, 1832, 1831, 1830
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
No. of words translated OLD TESTAMENT DOCUMENT 1 July 1833 June 1832 Mar 1831 June 1830 OT2 OT1 Copy of OT1 Matthew Copy of NT1 NT2 In July of 1833. Smith and Rigdon finished translation of OT2 and completion of the JST. The final JST manuscripts are OT2 and NT2. NT1 Manuscripts of the JS
Notes :
No. of words translated
Year :
1833, 1832, 1831, 1830
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
No. of words translated OLD TESTAMENT DOCUMENT 1 July 1833 June 1832 Mar 1831 June 1830 OT2 OT1 Copy of OT1 Matthew Copy of NT1 NT2 In July of 1833. Smith and Rigdon finished translation of OT2 and completion of the JST. The final JST manuscripts are OT2 and NT2. NT1 Manuscripts of the JS
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 204
Title :
A few months after Smith
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
A few months after Smith and Rigdon finished the JST, Smith commented on his relationship with Rigdon: And again blessed be brother Sidney also, notwithstanding he shall be high and lifted up, yet he shall bow down under the yoke like unto an ass that croucheth beneath his burden, that learneth his masters will by the strokes of the rod. Times and Seasons, p. 662. Nov. 19th, 1833.
Notes :
Image: http://straightrazorplace.com/attachments/razors/77289d1315004400-one-bad-ass-wacker-leloir-lazarillo-beating-donkey1.jpg
A few months after Smith
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
A few months after Smith and Rigdon finished the JST, Smith commented on his relationship with Rigdon: And again blessed be brother Sidney also, notwithstanding he shall be high and lifted up, yet he shall bow down under the yoke like unto an ass that croucheth beneath his burden, that learneth his masters will by the strokes of the rod. Times and Seasons, p. 662. Nov. 19th, 1833.
Notes :
Image: http://straightrazorplace.com/attachments/razors/77289d1315004400-one-bad-ass-wacker-leloir-lazarillo-beating-donkey1.jpg
Episode 7 – Slide 205
Title :
From 1833–1844, Smith kept the
Year :
1833, 1844
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
From 18331844, Smith kept the JST documents, only publishing bits and pieces of it. In June, 1844, he was murdered by a mob, and his wife Emma took possession of the documents. Emma Smith June 1844 Joseph Smith, Jr. OT2 + NT2 + Smiths annotated KJ Bibl
Notes :
Emma image: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/EmmaHSmith3.jpg
From 1833–1844, Smith kept the
Year :
1833, 1844
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
From 18331844, Smith kept the JST documents, only publishing bits and pieces of it. In June, 1844, he was murdered by a mob, and his wife Emma took possession of the documents. Emma Smith June 1844 Joseph Smith, Jr. OT2 + NT2 + Smiths annotated KJ Bibl
Notes :
Emma image: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a5/EmmaHSmith3.jpg
Episode 7 – Slide 206
Title :
Emma retained custody of the
Year :
1845, 1879
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Emma retained custody of the JST manuscripts for over 20 years, with a single noteworthy exception. One year after her husbands death, she allowed Dr. John Bernhisel, a physician and friend of her husband, to make a copy. John M. Bernhisel Emma Smith Spring 1845 The Bernhisel manuscript Original returned to Emma Smith Original loaned to Bernhisel To Uta
Notes :
https://rsc.byu.edu/joseph-smith-translation/joseph-smiths-translation-bible Quote from Diary of L. John Nuttall, 1:335, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, under date of 10 September 1879 as cited in Joseph Smiths Translation of the Bible: A Historical Overview by Robert L. Millet:Elder John M. Bernhisel called at the request of Pres. Taylor and explained concerning his manuscript copy of the New Translation of the Bible as taken from the Manuscript of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Bro. Bernhisel stated: "I had great desires to see the New Translation, but did not like to ask for it; but one evening, being at Bro. Joseph's house about a year after his death, Sister Emma to my surprise asked me if I would not like to see it. I answered, yes. She handed it to me the next day, and I kept it in my custody about three months. She told me it was not prepared for the press, as Joseph had designed to go through it again. I did not copy all that was translated leaving some few additions and changes that were made in some of the books. But so far as I did copy, I did so as correctly as I could do. The markings in my Bible correspond precisely with the markings in the Prophet Joseph's Bible, so that all the books corrected in his Bible so far as I now know are marked in my Bible: but as I stated, the additions are not all made in my Manuscript of those books that I did not copy."
Emma retained custody of the
Year :
1845, 1879
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Emma retained custody of the JST manuscripts for over 20 years, with a single noteworthy exception. One year after her husbands death, she allowed Dr. John Bernhisel, a physician and friend of her husband, to make a copy. John M. Bernhisel Emma Smith Spring 1845 The Bernhisel manuscript Original returned to Emma Smith Original loaned to Bernhisel To Uta
Notes :
https://rsc.byu.edu/joseph-smith-translation/joseph-smiths-translation-bible Quote from Diary of L. John Nuttall, 1:335, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, under date of 10 September 1879 as cited in Joseph Smiths Translation of the Bible: A Historical Overview by Robert L. Millet:Elder John M. Bernhisel called at the request of Pres. Taylor and explained concerning his manuscript copy of the New Translation of the Bible as taken from the Manuscript of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Bro. Bernhisel stated: "I had great desires to see the New Translation, but did not like to ask for it; but one evening, being at Bro. Joseph's house about a year after his death, Sister Emma to my surprise asked me if I would not like to see it. I answered, yes. She handed it to me the next day, and I kept it in my custody about three months. She told me it was not prepared for the press, as Joseph had designed to go through it again. I did not copy all that was translated leaving some few additions and changes that were made in some of the books. But so far as I did copy, I did so as correctly as I could do. The markings in my Bible correspond precisely with the markings in the Prophet Joseph's Bible, so that all the books corrected in his Bible so far as I now know are marked in my Bible: but as I stated, the additions are not all made in my Manuscript of those books that I did not copy."
Episode 7 – Slide 207
Title :
Bernhisel took his copy to
Year :
1845, 1848, 1879, 1844, 1868, 1849
City :
Missouri,Nauvoo,Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference : Matt 24, Moses 7 , Moses 8:1–25, Moses 6:68 , Moses 8:25, Moses 8:1-25
Content :
Bernhisel took his copy to Utah where it was retained by the LDS branch of Mormonism. Inexplicably, Bernhisels copy omits two key sections of the JSTMoses 7 and Moses 8:125 (Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch) and JSMatt (JST Matt 24). Bernhisel never explained why he excluded these key texts, but primary authorship of both is attributed to Rigdon.
Notes :
Excerpts below from: Joseph Smiths Translation of the Bible: A Historical OverviewRobert L. Millet. https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/joseph-smith-translation-restoration-plain-and-precious-things/2-joseph-smith-s-translation. https://religion.byu.edu/robert_millet Robert L. Millet: The limitations of what has come to be known as the Bernhisel Manuscript are clear from John Bernhisel's own words: the copy made by him is incomplete, and thus inadequate in representing exactly what the Prophet Joseph Smith and his scribes recorded. The following are some errors that were committed unintentionally by Dr. Bernhisel:1. In some cases, Bernhisel did not copy all of the corrections noted on the original manuscripts. Joseph altered 3,410 verses; Bernhisel noted only 1,463.2. In a sense, Bernhisel's copy is interpretive, in the sense that he seems to be thinking for himself, rather than simply copying from Joseph's manuscripts.3. Sometimes Bernhisel recorded more than he should have; that is, he anticipated corrections that were not there.It is no doubt the case that had Bernhisel known in the spring of 1845 that the original manuscripts would be unavailable to the LDS Church for such a long period (about 125 years), he would have taken greater care to record everything that Joseph had recorded. His was intended as a personal copy, and was never envisioned by him as becoming an official document. John Bernhisel arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on 24 September 1848, and it is assumed that he brought his manuscript with him. A copy of this manuscript was made by direction of the First Presidency in 1879. The original Bernhisel Manuscript is now available in the Church Historian's Library in Salt Lake City. The Bernhisel Manuscript is significant as a historical relic, and its early date of 1845 does much toward verifying the present accuracy of the original JST manuscripts.The greatest deficiency of the Bernhisel copy is that it does not contain any of the material now identified as Moses chapter 7 or Matthew chapter 24. [Moses 7; Matt. 24] https://familysearch.org/photos/stories/14759260 See also: https://byustudies.byu.edu/article/the-bernhisel-manuscript-copy-of-joseph-smiths-inspired-version-of-the-bible/ https://journals.lib.byu.edu/spc/index.php/BYUStudies/article/view/4539/4189 The image of the passage of Rev 1:1-7 is taken from the above source.MormonLeaks comment : The above source also states that the missing section of the Book of Moses is Moses 6:68 - Moses 8:25. This means that the missing fragment includes Moses 8:1-25. In other words the fraction that is missing from the Bernhisel manuscript is the entirety of Moses 7 plus Moses 8:1-25.Bernhisel as physician: Samuel Smith suddenly became violently ill and died on 30 July 1844. Bernhisel told William Smith that anti-Mormons had somehow poisoned his brother. William learned from Samuel's widow that Hosea Stout, a Missouri Danite and senior officer of Nauvoo's police, had acted as his brother's nurse. Stout had given him "white powder. Samuel's daughter also believed her father was murdered."'My father was undoubtedly poisoned,' Samuel Smiths daughter wrote. 'Uncle Arthur Millikin was poisoned at the same time--the same doctors were treating my father and Uncle Arthur at the same time. Uncle Arthur discontinued the medicine-without letting them know that he was doing so. (Aunt Lucy [Smith Millikin] threw it in the fire).der" medicine daily until his death. Samuel became ill within days of the discussion of his succession right, and by 24 July was "very sick. Father continued taking it until the last dose [which] he spit out and said he was poisoned. But it was too late--he died.'Bernhisel as Council of Fifty member and polygamist: In addition to the sealings performed by Joseph Smith, and the seven wives married in Nauvoo, Bernhisel was sealed to eighty-three deceased women in the Salt Lake Endowment House in 1868, plus an additional twenty-three wives one year later.Bernhisel involvement with counterfeiting: Jan 6, 1849 - High council at Kanesville, Iowa, excommunicates two Mormons for counterfeiting coins. Investigations into Feb., but council takes no action against two members of theocratic Council of Fifty involved: John M. Bernhisel (who transports counterfeiting equipment to Iowa) and Theodore Turley (Mechanic who works with the dies and press).
Bernhisel took his copy to
Year :
1845, 1848, 1879, 1844, 1868, 1849
City :
Missouri,Nauvoo,Salt Lake City
Scripture Reference : Matt 24, Moses 7 , Moses 8:1–25, Moses 6:68 , Moses 8:25, Moses 8:1-25
Content :
Bernhisel took his copy to Utah where it was retained by the LDS branch of Mormonism. Inexplicably, Bernhisels copy omits two key sections of the JSTMoses 7 and Moses 8:125 (Extract of the Prophesy of Enoch) and JSMatt (JST Matt 24). Bernhisel never explained why he excluded these key texts, but primary authorship of both is attributed to Rigdon.
Notes :
Excerpts below from: Joseph Smiths Translation of the Bible: A Historical OverviewRobert L. Millet. https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/joseph-smith-translation-restoration-plain-and-precious-things/2-joseph-smith-s-translation. https://religion.byu.edu/robert_millet Robert L. Millet: The limitations of what has come to be known as the Bernhisel Manuscript are clear from John Bernhisel's own words: the copy made by him is incomplete, and thus inadequate in representing exactly what the Prophet Joseph Smith and his scribes recorded. The following are some errors that were committed unintentionally by Dr. Bernhisel:1. In some cases, Bernhisel did not copy all of the corrections noted on the original manuscripts. Joseph altered 3,410 verses; Bernhisel noted only 1,463.2. In a sense, Bernhisel's copy is interpretive, in the sense that he seems to be thinking for himself, rather than simply copying from Joseph's manuscripts.3. Sometimes Bernhisel recorded more than he should have; that is, he anticipated corrections that were not there.It is no doubt the case that had Bernhisel known in the spring of 1845 that the original manuscripts would be unavailable to the LDS Church for such a long period (about 125 years), he would have taken greater care to record everything that Joseph had recorded. His was intended as a personal copy, and was never envisioned by him as becoming an official document. John Bernhisel arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on 24 September 1848, and it is assumed that he brought his manuscript with him. A copy of this manuscript was made by direction of the First Presidency in 1879. The original Bernhisel Manuscript is now available in the Church Historian's Library in Salt Lake City. The Bernhisel Manuscript is significant as a historical relic, and its early date of 1845 does much toward verifying the present accuracy of the original JST manuscripts.The greatest deficiency of the Bernhisel copy is that it does not contain any of the material now identified as Moses chapter 7 or Matthew chapter 24. [Moses 7; Matt. 24] https://familysearch.org/photos/stories/14759260 See also: https://byustudies.byu.edu/article/the-bernhisel-manuscript-copy-of-joseph-smiths-inspired-version-of-the-bible/ https://journals.lib.byu.edu/spc/index.php/BYUStudies/article/view/4539/4189 The image of the passage of Rev 1:1-7 is taken from the above source.MormonLeaks comment : The above source also states that the missing section of the Book of Moses is Moses 6:68 - Moses 8:25. This means that the missing fragment includes Moses 8:1-25. In other words the fraction that is missing from the Bernhisel manuscript is the entirety of Moses 7 plus Moses 8:1-25.Bernhisel as physician: Samuel Smith suddenly became violently ill and died on 30 July 1844. Bernhisel told William Smith that anti-Mormons had somehow poisoned his brother. William learned from Samuel's widow that Hosea Stout, a Missouri Danite and senior officer of Nauvoo's police, had acted as his brother's nurse. Stout had given him "white powder. Samuel's daughter also believed her father was murdered."'My father was undoubtedly poisoned,' Samuel Smiths daughter wrote. 'Uncle Arthur Millikin was poisoned at the same time--the same doctors were treating my father and Uncle Arthur at the same time. Uncle Arthur discontinued the medicine-without letting them know that he was doing so. (Aunt Lucy [Smith Millikin] threw it in the fire).der" medicine daily until his death. Samuel became ill within days of the discussion of his succession right, and by 24 July was "very sick. Father continued taking it until the last dose [which] he spit out and said he was poisoned. But it was too late--he died.'Bernhisel as Council of Fifty member and polygamist: In addition to the sealings performed by Joseph Smith, and the seven wives married in Nauvoo, Bernhisel was sealed to eighty-three deceased women in the Salt Lake Endowment House in 1868, plus an additional twenty-three wives one year later.Bernhisel involvement with counterfeiting: Jan 6, 1849 - High council at Kanesville, Iowa, excommunicates two Mormons for counterfeiting coins. Investigations into Feb., but council takes no action against two members of theocratic Council of Fifty involved: John M. Bernhisel (who transports counterfeiting equipment to Iowa) and Theodore Turley (Mechanic who works with the dies and press).
Episode 7 – Slide 208
Title :
Emma Smith
Year :
1866, 1867
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Emma Smith Spring 1866 OT2 + NT2 + Smiths annotated KJ Bible In the Spring of 1866, Emma gave the original JST documents to a committee of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint (RLDS, now the Community of Christ). In 1867, the RLDS published the first version of the JST under the title The Holy Scriptures Translated and Corrected by the Spirit of Revelation. 186
Notes :
Emma Smith
Year :
1866, 1867
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Emma Smith Spring 1866 OT2 + NT2 + Smiths annotated KJ Bible In the Spring of 1866, Emma gave the original JST documents to a committee of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint (RLDS, now the Community of Christ). In 1867, the RLDS published the first version of the JST under the title The Holy Scriptures Translated and Corrected by the Spirit of Revelation. 186
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 209
Title :
Assembly of the Pearl of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Assembly of the Pearl of Great Pric
Notes :
Assembly of the Pearl of
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Assembly of the Pearl of Great Pric
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 210
Title :
Before the RLDS branch of
Year :
1851, 1832, 1867, 1878
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Before the RLDS branch of Mormonism published the JST, the LDS branch published The Book of Moses (JST Ge 18:18) as part of a canonized scripture: The Pearl of Great Price (1851). Orson Pratt, brother of Parley Pratt, and Willard Richards, apostles of the LDS branch of Mormonism, compiled The Book of Moses using excerpts of the JST that were published in bits and pieces from 1832 to 1851, then borrowed from the JST (1867) to create the 1878 version of the Book of Moses
Notes :
Before the RLDS branch of
Year :
1851, 1832, 1867, 1878
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Before the RLDS branch of Mormonism published the JST, the LDS branch published The Book of Moses (JST Ge 18:18) as part of a canonized scripture: The Pearl of Great Price (1851). Orson Pratt, brother of Parley Pratt, and Willard Richards, apostles of the LDS branch of Mormonism, compiled The Book of Moses using excerpts of the JST that were published in bits and pieces from 1832 to 1851, then borrowed from the JST (1867) to create the 1878 version of the Book of Moses
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 211
Title :
The Pearl of Great Price
Year :
1878, 1851, 1843, 1821, 1899, 1811, 1881, 1832, 1835, 1867, 1830, 1833
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 2–4, Moses 1, Moses 5:1–16, Moses 5:19–23, Moses 5:16, Moses 2-8, Moses 6:31–68, Moses 6:43–7, Moses 1:1–5
Content :
The Pearl of Great Price (1878) 4. Millenial Star 1851 Moses 24:14a 3. Times & Season 1843 Moses 1 Book of Moses Book of Moses in the modern LDS Pearl of Great Price In 1851, LDS Apostle Franklin D. Richards (1821-1899) published a mission pamphlet entitled The Pearl of Great Price In 1878, LDS Apostle Orson Pratt (18111881) combined the Visions of Moses, Writings of Moses, and fragments from the RLDS JST to create the Book of Moses 1. Evening & Morning Star 1832-33. Moses 5:116a; 6:4368; 7:169; 8:1330. 2. Lectures on Faith 1835. Moses 5:1923; 3240 1878. Moses 5:16b18,2431, 4159; 6:130; 8:112. Publication of the RLDS JST The Book of Moses 2-8 is the same as JST Genesis 8:18 The Holy Scriptures (1867) 5. 1851. Moses 6:3168 The Pearl of Great Price (1851) JST Documents Dictated 18301833 Dictated June 1830Jan1831 Here is how the pieces were assembled: Orson Pratt used text from the RLDS JST (1867) to complete the 1878 Book of Moses. The Holy Scriptures (1867
Notes :
Creation of The Pearl of Great Price (1851) https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/volume-3-number-1-2002/how-we-got-book-moses According to the above link: In 1851, Elder Franklin D. Richards of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was serving as president of the British mission in Liverpool. Sensing a need to make available for the British Saints some of Joseph Smiths revelations that had been published already in America, he compiled a mission pamphlet entitled The Pearl of Great Price.[19] His intent was that his little collection of precious truths would increase [the Saints] ability to maintain and to defend the holy faith.[20] In it he included, among other important texts, excerpts from the Prophets New Translation of the Bible that had been published already in Church periodicals and elsewhere: the first five and a half chapters of Genesis and Matthew 24. Elder Richards did not have access to the original manuscripts of the JST, and the RLDS Inspired Version had not yet been published. For the Genesis chapters, he took the text primarily from excerpts that had been published in Church newspapers in the 1830s and 1840s. But those excerpts had come from OT1 and did not include Joseph Smiths final revisions that were recorded on OT2. The Genesis material was in two sections: Extracts from the Prophecy of Enoch . . . (Moses 6:437:69) and The Words of God, which He Spake unto Moses . . . (Moses 1:15:16, 1940; 8:1330).
The Pearl of Great Price
Year :
1878, 1851, 1843, 1821, 1899, 1811, 1881, 1832, 1835, 1867, 1830, 1833
City :
Scripture Reference : Moses 2–4, Moses 1, Moses 5:1–16, Moses 5:19–23, Moses 5:16, Moses 2-8, Moses 6:31–68, Moses 6:43–7, Moses 1:1–5
Content :
The Pearl of Great Price (1878) 4. Millenial Star 1851 Moses 24:14a 3. Times & Season 1843 Moses 1 Book of Moses Book of Moses in the modern LDS Pearl of Great Price In 1851, LDS Apostle Franklin D. Richards (1821-1899) published a mission pamphlet entitled The Pearl of Great Price In 1878, LDS Apostle Orson Pratt (18111881) combined the Visions of Moses, Writings of Moses, and fragments from the RLDS JST to create the Book of Moses 1. Evening & Morning Star 1832-33. Moses 5:116a; 6:4368; 7:169; 8:1330. 2. Lectures on Faith 1835. Moses 5:1923; 3240 1878. Moses 5:16b18,2431, 4159; 6:130; 8:112. Publication of the RLDS JST The Book of Moses 2-8 is the same as JST Genesis 8:18 The Holy Scriptures (1867) 5. 1851. Moses 6:3168 The Pearl of Great Price (1851) JST Documents Dictated 18301833 Dictated June 1830Jan1831 Here is how the pieces were assembled: Orson Pratt used text from the RLDS JST (1867) to complete the 1878 Book of Moses. The Holy Scriptures (1867
Notes :
Creation of The Pearl of Great Price (1851) https://rsc.byu.edu/archived/volume-3-number-1-2002/how-we-got-book-moses According to the above link: In 1851, Elder Franklin D. Richards of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was serving as president of the British mission in Liverpool. Sensing a need to make available for the British Saints some of Joseph Smiths revelations that had been published already in America, he compiled a mission pamphlet entitled The Pearl of Great Price.[19] His intent was that his little collection of precious truths would increase [the Saints] ability to maintain and to defend the holy faith.[20] In it he included, among other important texts, excerpts from the Prophets New Translation of the Bible that had been published already in Church periodicals and elsewhere: the first five and a half chapters of Genesis and Matthew 24. Elder Richards did not have access to the original manuscripts of the JST, and the RLDS Inspired Version had not yet been published. For the Genesis chapters, he took the text primarily from excerpts that had been published in Church newspapers in the 1830s and 1840s. But those excerpts had come from OT1 and did not include Joseph Smiths final revisions that were recorded on OT2. The Genesis material was in two sections: Extracts from the Prophecy of Enoch . . . (Moses 6:437:69) and The Words of God, which He Spake unto Moses . . . (Moses 1:15:16, 1940; 8:1330).
Episode 7 – Slide 212
Title :
Attributions for the Doctrine and
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Attributions for the Doctrine and Covenants (1835) and the Lectures on Fait
Notes :
Attributions for the Doctrine and
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Attributions for the Doctrine and Covenants (1835) and the Lectures on Fait
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 213
Title :
D&C 88 – “The Olive
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 88
Content :
D&C 88 The Olive Leaf is attributed to Rigdon ATTRIBUTIONS FOR THE D&C (1835
Notes :
D&C 88 – “The Olive
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 88
Content :
D&C 88 The Olive Leaf is attributed to Rigdon ATTRIBUTIONS FOR THE D&C (1835
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 214
Title :
In Winter and early Spring
Year :
1833, 1834, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In Winter and early Spring of 1833, Rigdon and Smith organized a School of the Prophets in Kirtland, OH to train the leadership of the Church. During the winter of 183435, seven lectures on theology were presented in Kirtland, Ohio. These lectures were included in the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants, but later removed. Mormon scholars at Brigham Young University have attributed authorship of the Lectures on Faith to Rigdon. MormonLeaks has confirmed that Rigdon was the likely author of most of these lectures
Notes :
In Winter and early Spring
Year :
1833, 1834, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
In Winter and early Spring of 1833, Rigdon and Smith organized a School of the Prophets in Kirtland, OH to train the leadership of the Church. During the winter of 183435, seven lectures on theology were presented in Kirtland, Ohio. These lectures were included in the 1835 Doctrine and Covenants, but later removed. Mormon scholars at Brigham Young University have attributed authorship of the Lectures on Faith to Rigdon. MormonLeaks has confirmed that Rigdon was the likely author of most of these lectures
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 215
Title :
MormonLeaks attributions for the “Lectures
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Lecture |Phipps |Larsen et al. |MormonLeaks |w/o Phelps |MormonLeaks |with Phelps | 1 |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon | 2 |Rigdon & Smith |Smith |Pratt |Pratt | 3 |Rigdon & Smith |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon | 4 |Rigdon & Smith |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon | 5 |Smith |Phelps |Rigdon |Phelps | 6 |Rigdon & Smith |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon | 7 |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon |
Notes :
MormonLeaks attributions for the “Lectures
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Lecture |Phipps |Larsen et al. |MormonLeaks |w/o Phelps |MormonLeaks |with Phelps | 1 |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon | 2 |Rigdon & Smith |Smith |Pratt |Pratt | 3 |Rigdon & Smith |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon | 4 |Rigdon & Smith |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon | 5 |Smith |Phelps |Rigdon |Phelps | 6 |Rigdon & Smith |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon | 7 |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon |Rigdon |
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 216
Title :
According to BYU professor Larry
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to BYU professor Larry E. Dahl: Both [BYU authorship] studies conclude that Sidney Rigdon was heavily involved, and that Joseph Smith was probably the author of Lecture 2. The differences [in these wordprint studies] suggest that Joseph Smith had less to do with Lectures 3, 4, and 6 . . . and that William W. Phelps and/or Parley P. Pratt could have had at least some editorial influence on Lecture 5 Prof. Larry E. DahlBYU
Notes :
https://rsc.byu.edu/how-new-testament-came-be/who-really-wrote-gospels-study-traditional-authorship [We have] some historical evidence of Joseph Smiths participation in their preparation, and acknowledge two recent authorship studies which conclude that others, particularly Sidney Rigdon, were also involved. . . . Both studies conclude that Sidney Rigdon was heavily involved, and that Joseph Smith was probably the author of Lecture 2. The differences [in wordprint studies] suggest that Joseph Smith had less to do with Lectures 3, 4, and 6 . . . and that William W. Phelps and/or Parley P. Pratt could have had at least some editorial influence on Lecture 5What then can we conclude about authorship of the Lectures on Faith? It is clear that several of the brethren participated in writing them. It is also clear that Joseph Smith and perhaps others prepared them for publication after they were written
According to BYU professor Larry
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
According to BYU professor Larry E. Dahl: Both [BYU authorship] studies conclude that Sidney Rigdon was heavily involved, and that Joseph Smith was probably the author of Lecture 2. The differences [in these wordprint studies] suggest that Joseph Smith had less to do with Lectures 3, 4, and 6 . . . and that William W. Phelps and/or Parley P. Pratt could have had at least some editorial influence on Lecture 5 Prof. Larry E. DahlBYU
Notes :
https://rsc.byu.edu/how-new-testament-came-be/who-really-wrote-gospels-study-traditional-authorship [We have] some historical evidence of Joseph Smiths participation in their preparation, and acknowledge two recent authorship studies which conclude that others, particularly Sidney Rigdon, were also involved. . . . Both studies conclude that Sidney Rigdon was heavily involved, and that Joseph Smith was probably the author of Lecture 2. The differences [in wordprint studies] suggest that Joseph Smith had less to do with Lectures 3, 4, and 6 . . . and that William W. Phelps and/or Parley P. Pratt could have had at least some editorial influence on Lecture 5What then can we conclude about authorship of the Lectures on Faith? It is clear that several of the brethren participated in writing them. It is also clear that Joseph Smith and perhaps others prepared them for publication after they were written
Episode 7 – Slide 217
Title :
Of the Lectures on Faith,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Of the Lectures on Faith, Prof. Dahl concluded: It is clear that several of the brethren participated in writing them.
Notes :
Of the Lectures on Faith,
Year :
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Of the Lectures on Faith, Prof. Dahl concluded: It is clear that several of the brethren participated in writing them.
Notes :
Episode 7 – Slide 218
Title :
D&C 89 – “Word of
Year :
1833, 1828, 1831, 1835
City :
Scripture Reference : D&C 89 , D&C 134 , D&C 84
Content :
D&C 89 Word of Wisdom Feb 1833 July 1828 Nov 1831 Aug 1835 D&C 134 Declaration of Belief regarding Governments and Laws Other key attributions for the Doctrine and Covenants (1835) are shown below. D&C 84 Revelation on the Priesthood Do these attributions make sense
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D&C 89 – “Word of
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1833, 1828, 1831, 1835
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Scripture Reference : D&C 89 , D&C 134 , D&C 84
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D&C 89 Word of Wisdom Feb 1833 July 1828 Nov 1831 Aug 1835 D&C 134 Declaration of Belief regarding Governments and Laws Other key attributions for the Doctrine and Covenants (1835) are shown below. D&C 84 Revelation on the Priesthood Do these attributions make sense
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Episode 7 – Slide 219
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Other D&C (1835) revelations attributed
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1835, 1832
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Scripture Reference : D&C 84 , D&C 88
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Other D&C (1835) revelations attributed to Rigdon D&C 84 The Revelation on Priesthood (Sept 2223, 1832). This revelation describes the Temple to be built in the Land of Zion. Rigdon consecrated the plot, and, according to David Whitmer, was the person who introduced the Melchizedek priesthood into Mormonism.D&C 88 The Olive Leaf Revelation (Dec 27, 1832) In addition to command to organize the School of the Prophets, the Oliver Leaf revelation contains theology related to the nature of the spirit, the resurrection, obedience, and the last days
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Other D&C (1835) revelations attributed
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1835, 1832
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Scripture Reference : D&C 84 , D&C 88
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Other D&C (1835) revelations attributed to Rigdon D&C 84 The Revelation on Priesthood (Sept 2223, 1832). This revelation describes the Temple to be built in the Land of Zion. Rigdon consecrated the plot, and, according to David Whitmer, was the person who introduced the Melchizedek priesthood into Mormonism.D&C 88 The Olive Leaf Revelation (Dec 27, 1832) In addition to command to organize the School of the Prophets, the Oliver Leaf revelation contains theology related to the nature of the spirit, the resurrection, obedience, and the last days
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Episode 7 – Slide 220
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Revelations in the D&C (1835)
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1835, 1832, 1838
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Scripture Reference : D&C 89 , D&C 134
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Revelations in the D&C (1835) attributed to W.W. Phelps D&C 89 The Word of Wisdom (Sept 1223, 1832). Phelps was involved with the anti-slavery movement and possibly also the temperance movement. Phelps wrote a notice for the Journal of the American Temperance Union (Vol II, No. 1, Philadelphia, January 1838, p. 31). In it, he announced that the Mormon citizens of Far West Missouri had a unanimous vote passed, that the citizens would not patronize a grocery in said town, where liquors of any kind, and cider or beer are retailed, to the ruin of virtuous society.D&C 134 Declaration of Belief regarding Governments and Laws (Aug 17, 1835). Phelps reportedly presented an article on Marriage, and Cowdery one on Government and Laws in General, both of which were ordered printed in the book of "Doctrine and Covenants
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Quote extracted here: http://www.ldshistory.us/pc/sec134.htm W. W. Phelps presented an article (not a revelation) on "Marriage," and Oliver Cowdery one on "Government and Laws in General," both of which were ordered printed in the book of "Doctrine and Covenants." There was also printed in the book a series of Seven Lectures on Faith, that had previously been delivered before a theological class in Kirtland. So that the Doctrine and Covenants then comprised the Articles of Faith, seven in number, the two Articles on Marriage and Government and a collection of Revelations, (not all that had been given, by the way,) the last forming the body and greater part of the book. (See History of the Church, Vol. II, chapter xviii.)[According to B. H. Roberts] History of the Church, Vol.2, p.246, Footnotes
Revelations in the D&C (1835)
Year :
1835, 1832, 1838
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Scripture Reference : D&C 89 , D&C 134
Content :
Revelations in the D&C (1835) attributed to W.W. Phelps D&C 89 The Word of Wisdom (Sept 1223, 1832). Phelps was involved with the anti-slavery movement and possibly also the temperance movement. Phelps wrote a notice for the Journal of the American Temperance Union (Vol II, No. 1, Philadelphia, January 1838, p. 31). In it, he announced that the Mormon citizens of Far West Missouri had a unanimous vote passed, that the citizens would not patronize a grocery in said town, where liquors of any kind, and cider or beer are retailed, to the ruin of virtuous society.D&C 134 Declaration of Belief regarding Governments and Laws (Aug 17, 1835). Phelps reportedly presented an article on Marriage, and Cowdery one on Government and Laws in General, both of which were ordered printed in the book of "Doctrine and Covenants
Notes :
Quote extracted here: http://www.ldshistory.us/pc/sec134.htm W. W. Phelps presented an article (not a revelation) on "Marriage," and Oliver Cowdery one on "Government and Laws in General," both of which were ordered printed in the book of "Doctrine and Covenants." There was also printed in the book a series of Seven Lectures on Faith, that had previously been delivered before a theological class in Kirtland. So that the Doctrine and Covenants then comprised the Articles of Faith, seven in number, the two Articles on Marriage and Government and a collection of Revelations, (not all that had been given, by the way,) the last forming the body and greater part of the book. (See History of the Church, Vol. II, chapter xviii.)[According to B. H. Roberts] History of the Church, Vol.2, p.246, Footnotes
Episode 7 – Slide 221
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As Smith consolidated power, the
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As Smith consolidated power, the Mormon canon increasingly adopted restoration concepts from Masonry and Old Testament polygamy. In Episode 8, we see how these doctrinal innovations seal the fate of the American Prophet
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As Smith consolidated power, the
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As Smith consolidated power, the Mormon canon increasingly adopted restoration concepts from Masonry and Old Testament polygamy. In Episode 8, we see how these doctrinal innovations seal the fate of the American Prophet
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Episode 7 – Slide 222
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Welcome to Episode 7
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Welcome to Episode
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Welcome to Episode 7
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Welcome to Episode
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