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According to Lucy Mack Smith,
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According to Lucy Mack Smith, mother of Joseph Smith Jr., Rigdon declared: the keys of the kingdom are rent from the Church, and there shall not be prayer put up in this house this day. Oh No! Said Mr. Smith [Lucys husband, Joseph Sr.], I hope not. I tell you they are, rejoined Elder RigdonThis greatly disturbed the minds of many sisters and some brethren. The brethren stared and turned pale, and the sisters cried. I tell you again, said Sidney, with much feeling, the keys of the kingdom are taken from you and you will never have them again until you build me a new house.
Notes :
Smith, L., 1890. Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet and his Progenitors for many Generations. Plano, Illinois. Published by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. p. 205 https://archive.org/details/BiographicalSketchesOfJosephSmithTheProphet/page/n205/mode/2up
According to Lucy Mack Smith,
Year :
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Scripture Reference :
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According to Lucy Mack Smith, mother of Joseph Smith Jr., Rigdon declared: the keys of the kingdom are rent from the Church, and there shall not be prayer put up in this house this day. Oh No! Said Mr. Smith [Lucys husband, Joseph Sr.], I hope not. I tell you they are, rejoined Elder RigdonThis greatly disturbed the minds of many sisters and some brethren. The brethren stared and turned pale, and the sisters cried. I tell you again, said Sidney, with much feeling, the keys of the kingdom are taken from you and you will never have them again until you build me a new house.
Notes :
Smith, L., 1890. Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith the Prophet and his Progenitors for many Generations. Plano, Illinois. Published by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. p. 205 https://archive.org/details/BiographicalSketchesOfJosephSmithTheProphet/page/n205/mode/2up