Title :
Richard Van Wagoner (1946-2010)
Year :
1946, 1777, 1833, 1611, 1826
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Richard Van Wagoner(1946-2010) New translations of the Bible were common in the early 19th century. Richard Van Wagoner, Sidney Rigdons biographer, noted that: Between 1777 and 1833 more than 500 separate editions of the Bible or New Testament were published in the United States. Many of these were revisions of the King James Version (1611)Rigdons classically trained mentor, Alexander Campbell, had issued his own New Testament translation in 1826.
Notes :
Richard Van Wagoner (1946-2010)
Year :
1946, 1777, 1833, 1611, 1826
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Richard Van Wagoner(1946-2010) New translations of the Bible were common in the early 19th century. Richard Van Wagoner, Sidney Rigdons biographer, noted that: Between 1777 and 1833 more than 500 separate editions of the Bible or New Testament were published in the United States. Many of these were revisions of the King James Version (1611)Rigdons classically trained mentor, Alexander Campbell, had issued his own New Testament translation in 1826.
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