Title :
Dr. John Dee (1527–1608)
Year :
1527, 1608, 1510, 1581, 1617, 1692, 1753, 1686, 1743, 1700, 1614, 1586, 1965, 1583, 1553, 1981
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Dr. John Dee(15271608) Guillaume Postel (1510-1581) In his copy of Guillaume PostelsDe Originibus,Dee made notes on the Cabala, Hebrew letters, and theBook of Enoch Royal Arch of Enoch Elias Ashmole (16171692) In the New World by 1753 Andrew Michael Chevalier Ramsay (16861743) Mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher, imperialist, spy, and personal adviser to Queen Elizabeth I Prophet of the Restitution of All Things and the Universal Gospel Scottish Freemason, ritualist The original 007 According to Sullivan (2012), Dees document collection likely came into the possession of Elias Ashmole a fellow of the Royal Societywhose interest in antiquarian esoteric lore provides further link to the Masonic/Templar Lost Word or lost yet restored history The Masonic Enoch likely came from Enoch 1, a lost book that came into Masonic hands in the mid-1700s.
Notes :
http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/ethiopian/enoch/graphics/ge%27ez.gif In his book The Royal Arch of Enoch, Masonic scholar Robert Sullivan provides the following lines of evidence that Dee had access to a copy of the Book of Enoch:Dees sance sessions with use of the Enochian language.Dees esoteric references to the Book of Enoch.Dees ties to Sir Walter Raleigh. In his History of the World (1614), Raleigh notes that the Book of Enoch includes a book on Astronomy/Astrology. This is the true of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch (1 Enoch). Additional evidence that John Dee had access to 1 Enoch:Martin Findell, 2007. The Book of Enoch, the Angelic Alphabet and the Real Cabbala in the Angelic Conferences of John Dee (1527-1608/9). https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/20496411.pdf Draft of manuscript published in Henry Sweet Society Bulletin 48 (2007):7-22.From page 3 of the above reference: evidence can be found in a diary entry from 10 April 1586 (Josten, 1965:247-255), written during Dees travels on the Continent, when he and Kelley enlisted the angels help in avoiding the unwelcome attention of the Catholic authorities. In a list of notebooks and manuscripts which they were instructed to destroy (some of which were miraculously restored at a later date), Dee mentions one that contained that wisdom and science, with which Enoch (by Gods will) was imbued (Josten, 1965:249 according to Josten, the item in question is Sloane MS. 3189). Later, Dee refers to another document (which he was instructed not to burn), as a small part of the book of Enoch which Thou [Dees unidentified divine interlocutor] hast given me (Josten, 1965:254). These references imply that Dee did believe that he had in his possession at least a part of the lost Book of Enoch, which can be identified with the angelic book revealed in 1583. Guillaume Postel, De Originibus (Basel, 1553), title page 10-11, 59. 72, 100Dees annotated copy of De Originibus: Guillaume Postel De Originibus 54, 59 [Royal College of Physicians (London) D 144/14, 21b.Marion L. Kuntz., 1981. Guillaume Postel: The Restitution of All Things His Life and Thought. Spring-Science+Business Media B.V., p. 65 August Imholtz, Jr., 2016. Scholar, Courier, Magician: the lost library of John Dee. http://www.sharpweb.org/sharpnews/2016/09/08/scholar-courtier-magician-the-lost-library-of-john-deeA modern translation of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch and an image of the original characters is available at http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/ethiopian/enoch/
Dr. John Dee (1527–1608)
Year :
1527, 1608, 1510, 1581, 1617, 1692, 1753, 1686, 1743, 1700, 1614, 1586, 1965, 1583, 1553, 1981
City :
Scripture Reference :
Content :
Dr. John Dee(15271608) Guillaume Postel (1510-1581) In his copy of Guillaume PostelsDe Originibus,Dee made notes on the Cabala, Hebrew letters, and theBook of Enoch Royal Arch of Enoch Elias Ashmole (16171692) In the New World by 1753 Andrew Michael Chevalier Ramsay (16861743) Mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occult philosopher, imperialist, spy, and personal adviser to Queen Elizabeth I Prophet of the Restitution of All Things and the Universal Gospel Scottish Freemason, ritualist The original 007 According to Sullivan (2012), Dees document collection likely came into the possession of Elias Ashmole a fellow of the Royal Societywhose interest in antiquarian esoteric lore provides further link to the Masonic/Templar Lost Word or lost yet restored history The Masonic Enoch likely came from Enoch 1, a lost book that came into Masonic hands in the mid-1700s.
Notes :
http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/ethiopian/enoch/graphics/ge%27ez.gif In his book The Royal Arch of Enoch, Masonic scholar Robert Sullivan provides the following lines of evidence that Dee had access to a copy of the Book of Enoch:Dees sance sessions with use of the Enochian language.Dees esoteric references to the Book of Enoch.Dees ties to Sir Walter Raleigh. In his History of the World (1614), Raleigh notes that the Book of Enoch includes a book on Astronomy/Astrology. This is the true of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch (1 Enoch). Additional evidence that John Dee had access to 1 Enoch:Martin Findell, 2007. The Book of Enoch, the Angelic Alphabet and the Real Cabbala in the Angelic Conferences of John Dee (1527-1608/9). https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/20496411.pdf Draft of manuscript published in Henry Sweet Society Bulletin 48 (2007):7-22.From page 3 of the above reference: evidence can be found in a diary entry from 10 April 1586 (Josten, 1965:247-255), written during Dees travels on the Continent, when he and Kelley enlisted the angels help in avoiding the unwelcome attention of the Catholic authorities. In a list of notebooks and manuscripts which they were instructed to destroy (some of which were miraculously restored at a later date), Dee mentions one that contained that wisdom and science, with which Enoch (by Gods will) was imbued (Josten, 1965:249 according to Josten, the item in question is Sloane MS. 3189). Later, Dee refers to another document (which he was instructed not to burn), as a small part of the book of Enoch which Thou [Dees unidentified divine interlocutor] hast given me (Josten, 1965:254). These references imply that Dee did believe that he had in his possession at least a part of the lost Book of Enoch, which can be identified with the angelic book revealed in 1583. Guillaume Postel, De Originibus (Basel, 1553), title page 10-11, 59. 72, 100Dees annotated copy of De Originibus: Guillaume Postel De Originibus 54, 59 [Royal College of Physicians (London) D 144/14, 21b.Marion L. Kuntz., 1981. Guillaume Postel: The Restitution of All Things His Life and Thought. Spring-Science+Business Media B.V., p. 65 August Imholtz, Jr., 2016. Scholar, Courier, Magician: the lost library of John Dee. http://www.sharpweb.org/sharpnews/2016/09/08/scholar-courtier-magician-the-lost-library-of-john-deeA modern translation of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch and an image of the original characters is available at http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/ethiopian/enoch/