A Comparison of The Book of Mormon and The Late War Between the United States and Great Britain Late War Comparison By Chris and Duane Johnson Hidden in Plain Sight Study
A Statistical Approach to Book of Mormon Origins How the Book of Mormon Dates Were Chosen Published by: TruthIsReason on Nov 11, 2014 https://www.scribd.com/TruthIsReason
Infants on Thrones interview with Craig Criddle, Monday, October 14th, 2013 “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon – Part 2” Ep 27 – Who Wrote the Book of Mormon – Part...
The MormonLeaks team is excited to announce release of Episode 06 at MormonLeaks.com. Episode 06 focuses on the origins of the defining feature of Mormonism: belief in personal and prophetic revelation. We provide evidence implicating Sidney Rigdon, a man who suffered...