Lucy Harris: ex-wife of Martin Harris: “Whether the Mormon religion be true or false, I leave the world to judge; for its effects on Martin Harris have been to make him more cross, turbulent and abusive to me. His whole object was to make money out of it. I will give a proof of this. One day at Peter Harris’ house (Abigail Harris’ husband) I told him he had better leave the company of the Smiths, as their religion was false. To this he replied, “If you would let me alone, I could make money out of it.’ It is in vain for the Mormons to deny these facts, as they are well known to most of his former neighbors.” Mrs. Abigail Harris: a sister-in-law of Martin Harris said: “… Martin Harris and Lucy Harris, his wife, were at my house [early part of winter, 1828]. In conversation with the Mormonites, she [Lucy Harris] observed that she wished her husband would quit them, as she believed it all false and a delusion. To which I heard Mr. Harris reply: ‘What if it is a lie; if you will let me alone I will make money out of it!’ I was both an eye- and ear-witness of what has been above stated, which is now fresh in my memory, and I speak the truth and lie not, God being my witness.”
According to Alexander Linn: “To make the book “go,” Smith now received a revelation which permitted his father, soon to be elevated to the title of Patriarch, to sell it on commission, and Smith, Sr., made expeditions through the country, taking in pay for any copies sold such farm produce or “store goods” as he could use in his own family. How much he “cut” the revealed price of the book in these trades is not known, but in one instance, when arrested in Palmyra for a debt of $5.63, he, under pledge of secrecy, offered seven of the Bibles in settlement, and the creditor, knowing that the old man had no better assets, accepted the offer as a joke.” The Story of the Mormons, from the Date of Their Origin to the Year 1901.
Said Orsamus Turner (1852): The only business contract– veritable instrument in writing, that was ever executed by spiritual agents, has been preserved, and should be among the archives of the new state of Utah.(**) It is signed by the Prophet Joseph himself, and witnessed by Oliver Cowdery, and secures to Martin Harris, one half of the proceeds of the sale of the Gold Bible until he was fully reimbursed in the sum of $2,500, the cost of printing. From: History of the Pioneer Settlemen of Phelps & Gorham’s Purchase, and Morris’ Reserve by Orsamus Turner. (Note: the Turner quote seems to be incorrect regarding the cost of printing. Other sources indicate the cost was $3000, not $2500).